wicked immortal

Chapter 817

Prince Philip is the most brilliant general in the history of Heaven, and most importantly, he is still alive!

In the battles that opened up the borders and cracked the land everywhere in the kingdom of heaven, Prince Philip was the most prominent general. He fought on the battlefield for more than [-] years. As long as he heard that he was the one who led the troops to fight in the countries he conquered, he would be terrified.

"Historical Records? Kingdom of Heaven" records: All countries dare not fight in the Kingdom of Heaven, and a note is added at the end, because there is General Philip in the Kingdom of Heaven!

It is rare in the history of war for a general to reach such a point.He has made great contributions to the great cause of the Heavenly Kingdom's Southern and Northern Wars, and his achievements have created the highest practical example of the Heavenly Kingdom's art of war—the God of War—Prince Philip!

Prince Philip led numerous battles throughout his life, annihilating more than [-] million imperial troops and capturing more than [-] cities.

The most amazing thing is that in those war-torn years, Prince Philip has never lost a battle in his life. Various historical data show that he has never lost a single battle, and he often wins more with less. He is both a superb tactician and a A brilliant strategist.The scale of the war he commanded, and the cruelty of the battle are few in the future!

If General Chang Kong is the pillar of the Great Qin Empire, then there is no doubt that Prince Philip is the pillar of the Kingdom of Heaven.

General Chang Kong is a legend in the Great Qin Empire, but compared with Prince Philip, he is not on the same plane at all, because General Chang Kong has achieved countless proud achievements in his military life, but he has suffered countless times. The defeat of the battle, but Prince Philip is victorious and invincible...

Just like the status of General Changkong in the Great Qin Empire, Prince Philip also has the supreme status in the kingdom of heaven, including General Gore, who are all his disciples.

Prince Philip also has a nickname - King of Ghosts.

The title of ghost king, in addition to his hundreds of years of life span, is also related to his ability to kill the enemy's vitality.

Prince Philip has three combat features:

One is the idea of ​​annihilation war that does not take the siege of cities and lands as the only goal, but takes the annihilation of the enemy's vital forces as the main purpose, and is good at field attack, and the war must seek annihilation. This is the most prominent feature of Prince Philip.He is an unparalleled commander in the history of the war of the kingdom of heaven who used the tactics of encirclement and annihilation, and he is also one of the military commanders who are very good at fighting wars of annihilation in the history of the war of the kingdom of heaven.

The second is to emphasize pursuit warfare in order to achieve the goal of annihilation warfare, and pursue the enemy fiercely.

The third is to focus on fortifications in field of view warfare. First, lure the enemy to leave the fortification position, and then build fortifications in the area where the enemy is expected to be wiped out to block the enemy and prevent them from breaking through.This kind of combat guiding ideology that uses fortifications as an auxiliary means of attack is unprecedented in the history of war in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the countries where Prince Philip fought, the ratio of men to women would be seriously unbalanced, because Prince Philip's victories were all based on the massacre of the city.

It is said that in many villages with hundreds of people, there are only a handful of young adults...


Zhao Yuan didn't know that there was a real undefeated God of War who was rushing to the Great Qin Empire to take over the command of the Crusaders.

According to the research of historians of the Great Qin Empire, Zhao Yuan and Prince Philip have a lot in common. For example, the several battles in Tongzhou City were all aimed at annihilating the enemy's vital forces. , bringing field fortifications to the extreme...

Zhao Yuan was not worried about the war in the Great Qin Empire, because it was still winter, and although spring was about to bloom, it was very difficult for the Crusaders to conquer Heishui City and Zhenshui Pass in a short time.

Zhao Yuan believed that by the time the Crusaders launched their counterattack, he had already rescued Fairy Caixia and the others.

The sheepskin map was poorly made, and apart from pointing out a general direction, there were almost no details at all. If Zhao Yuan hadn't learned some knowledge from the earth, he might not even be able to find Kuaiji Mountain.

Now, Zhao Yuan and Long Zifei, a group of cultivators, got lost in the buildings.

Half a month has passed, and everyone has searched the huge building several times, but there is still no progress.

"We can't find it, what should we do?" Leng Qing sat down on the steps with a frustrated expression.In the past half a month, Leng Qing, who was originally glamorous and dazzling, became disheveled and embarrassed after rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the building.

"There is no way to find it like this."

The eyes of Long Zifei and his group all fell on Zhao Yuan. Now, everyone is looking forward to Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan also sat on the steps, glanced at the sky, frowned, spread the sheepskin map in his arms on the ground,

The only clue is the sheepskin map. However, apart from the winding mountain lines, this sheepskin map is a red dot to the place where the treasure is hidden.

A red dot on the map can reach hundreds of miles, even if it is limited to Kuaiji Mountain, it is impossible to find out the exact location of the red dot...


Could it be that this Taoist temple is a treasure trove?

In fact, everyone has long thought of this possibility, but the problem is that there are countless halls in this Taoist temple, and there are many side rooms, which spread for several miles. If there is any treasure hidden in it, finding it will undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Brother Zhao, what are you thinking?" Seeing that Zhao Yuan was silent, Leng Qing asked curiously.

"I was thinking, what is the intention of the person who drew this map?" Zhao Yuan took a long breath, picked up the sheepskin map with both hands, and faced the sun, but still did not find it. Through the strong sunlight, he could still only see the map. To those winding mountain lines.

"Could it be that someone got bored with such a sheepskin map?" Leng Qing rubbed her nose and asked.

"This possibility is very small. First of all, the person who made this sheepskin map must know Kuaiji Mountain and the Taoist temple that stretches for several miles. Otherwise, it would be impossible to draw such a map." Zhao Yuan shook his head and said: " Cultivators who can reach Kuaiji Mountain will never be so bored as to make a fake sheepskin map."

"Then why can't we find it?" Hua Tian asked.

"The problem lies in this sheepskin map. Generally speaking, when making this kind of map, there will be various scruples. For example, you are worried that practitioners like you will find this map and follow it to find treasure. Therefore, the people who made the map , I will find ways to increase the difficulty, or do some tricks, so that people can't understand and go astray... By the way, how did you get this sheepskin map?"

"When I was very young... At that time, I was only nine years old. I went to a stream to play and found a sheepskin map floating in the water. I picked it up and put it on a rock to dry. It was fun at first, but then I forgot , kept it in the study room for several years, and recently got bored, so I dug it out..."

"Wait, you said that the sheepskin map was found in the stream?" Zhao Yuan's spirit was lifted.


"Isn't the sheepskin map afraid of water? Even if the sheepskin map is specially treated to be waterproof, why haven't the lines on the map been washed off or become blurred?"

"Ah... yes, why didn't I think of it at the time? But... what does this have to do with the map?" Leng Qing asked with a puzzled expression.

"This is very important. It shows that this sheepskin map is not just a simple map. At least, it is not afraid of flooding, or even fire..."

"Don't be afraid of fire!"

Long Zifei and a group of cultivators looked at each other.

"This map is actually useless to us now, each of us can draw this map, so we can start from this map, for example, flooding with water, or burning with fire, or using other methods Some way to try it."

Immediately after Zhao Yuan put forward his idea, everyone ran to an ancient well and submerged the sheepskin map in the water. Unfortunately, the sheepskin map did not show any abnormalities in the water, except that the lines became much clearer.


Everyone set up a bonfire again.

In order to avoid damaging the sheepskin map at the beginning, everyone found an iron frame and baked the sheepskin map slowly to see how the sheepskin map changed.

When the sheepskin map was close to the flame, a shocking scene appeared. The burning flame seemed to be suppressed by a strange force, and it separated like a tide, and it was impossible to get close to the sheepskin map.

"This is not a sheepskin map."

"What is it?"

"This is the skin of a ichthyosaur, which is invulnerable to water and fire."

There was a hint of palpitation on Zhao Yuan's face. Back then, when he was training in the Black Forest, he had seen the power of the "Immortal Demon Fire" sprayed out by fish dragons and beasts.


Everyone looked bewildered. Obviously, they didn't know the monster called Ichthyosaurus.

"It is a very powerful demonic beast. The flame it spouts is called the inextinguishable magic fire, commonly known as the fixed wind fire. As long as it is touched, it will not be extinguished or spread. It can burn for several months. As long as it is stained with it, It will burn the blood in the body and slowly turn into a skinny skeleton..."

"So powerful?" Everyone's eyes fell on the map, and they took a step back subconsciously.

"Yes, it's very powerful. If you encounter this kind of monster in the future, you must be careful. As long as you touch it with the inextinguishable magic fire, you will be immortal..."

"Brother Zhao, look at the sky..."

Suddenly, Leng Qing let out an exclamation, and everyone followed Leng Qing's eyes to look up to the sky, only to see that the sky was full of flames billowing like huge waves, and in the flames, there was a landscape painting that was swaying endlessly. In the painting, there was a magnificent Taoist temple……

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