wicked immortal

Chapter 846 The 2-year-old child

"Then... well then, you give me a spar, and I can answer any of your questions." The little boy failed to sell clothes, with a look of regret.

"This... well, I don't have many spars, just one!" Zhao Yuan pretended to grit his teeth, summoned a spar from the Sumeru ring and handed it to the little boy.

There are tens of thousands of spars in Zhao Yuan's Sumeru Ring, but this place is a bit weird, he dare not show off his wealth, and cause unnecessary disasters.

"Yeah, you can ask!" The little boy took the spar, with a look of joy on his face, carefully put away the spar, put away the small and exquisite Xueliang flying sword, and landed on the ground.

"Is the castle safe?" Zhao Yuan went straight to the point.

"It's safe. As long as you don't reveal that you are newcomers, usually no one will trouble you." The little boy nodded affirmatively.

"But how do you pretend you're not a newcomer?"

"This... this... as long as you are a little bit more arrogant... the people here are bullying the good and fearing the evil... But, I am not bullying the good and fearing the evil!" The little boy argued after talking.

"I know, little friend, what's your name?" Zhao Yuan didn't intend to ask too much information about this child. Faced with preconceived ideas, as long as the castle is safe, Zhao Yuan had a way to figure out the rules of the game in this world.

For the current Zhao Yuan, as long as he comes into contact with humans, he will be able to get in touch with information immediately, and the castle in the plain is extremely prosperous, and there are many practitioners, so it is king to inquire about news in such a place.

"Everyone calls me Little Keke."

"Little Keke...doesn't have an official name?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"No." Xiao Keke shook his head, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, Zhao Yuan's words seemed to pierce his heart.

"How old are you?" Zhao Yuan quickly changed the topic.

"Over 200 years old..."

"Ah..." Zhao Yuan's body seemed to be pricked by needles, and he retreated a few feet suddenly, looking at Xiao Keke with a dull expression. He really couldn't believe that this seemingly harmless child was over 200 years old.

"I have been here since I was eight years old, and I have lived here for more than 200 years." Xiao Keke rolled his eyes, and said with a rare and strange expression: "In this vast sand formation, no matter who comes in, the body will stop growing. "

"Never grow old?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback. He didn't expect that there would be such a mystery in this situation, wouldn't it mean immortality.

"You have a good idea! It's just that the body can't develop, and when it comes to damnation, you still have to die." Xiao Keke pursed her mouth, and her innocent face showed a hint of maturity.

"You pretended?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback by Xiao Keke's old-fashioned expression, and stepped back again. He felt that these 200-odd children were actually full of danger.

"Hee hee, don't worry, Xiao Keke is not interested in killing people. He just occasionally uses his appearance to deceive newcomers and get some benefits. Besides, looking at this stupid zombie, he should have a few tricks. It's not easy to kill him, so I won't take risks." .”

"Little baby, if you say stupid zombie again, I will try my best to kill you after hundreds of years of cultivation!" The king of corpses was stimulated when he heard "zombie", his eyes were sunken, and he was dead. Staring at Xiao Keke, he was full of the aura of looking down on the world.

"Damn, it really is a ruthless character, Xiao Keke has lost his eye..."

Little Keke was so frightened by the boiling murderous intent of the King of Corpses that he backed up again and again, and almost fell to the ground, clutching his chest, with a panicked look on his face.

"Hmph, I am the king of corpses, do you understand? I am the master of all corpses!" The king of corpses was very satisfied with Xiao Keke's performance, holding his bald head high and exalted.

"Understood. Well, from the looks of you, you are poor, too lazy to waste time with you, and Xiao Keke has to go out to bang bang luck... Hey, yes, for the sake of a spar, Xiao Keke I also give away a free message, all practitioners' senses will degenerate in this vast array of sand, that is to say, when anyone sneaks up on you, you may not be able to detect it."

"I see……"

Zhao Yuan was stunned, and then suddenly realized. He remembered that when he first fell into this vast formation from the prehistoric area, he hadn't noticed the two green-robed Taoist priests playing chess. Just now, the 200 The young Keke was several feet behind him, but he didn't realize it. It turned out that it wasn't because of how high their cultivation was, but because the formation restricted the abilities of the practitioners.

At the same time, Zhao Yuan thought that when he and the King of Ten Thousand Corpses were hiding in the grass, the two cultivators didn't notice either. They must have been affected by the formation, and their eyes and ears were not as sharp as before.

"Hehe, you better pay attention to yourself. Many newcomers come in. Although they are powerful, they are stupid and lose their lives. In addition, in this world, there are very few children. People need to find a place to vent their love, so, except People like me who look like a child are a little out of the market, and a big man like you depends on being ruthless if you want to survive, please remember! In Sandy City, only by being a villain can you have a future!"

"Evil..." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

"Looking at you, it's difficult to be a villain, but you're stupid... this friend has a bit of murderous spirit. With him covering you, it shouldn't be a big problem." Xiao Keke glanced at the corpse. Wang glanced, and there was a trace of awe in his eyes.

Zhao Yuan couldn't understand that Keke was afraid of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses, because the King of Ten Thousand Corpses never revealed his powerful power from the beginning to the end.

In fact, Zhao Yuan didn't know that Xiao Keke had been following them all the time, and he also witnessed the king of corpses awakening hundreds of walking dead and skeleton zombies...


Xiao Keke didn't seem to want to get entangled with Zhao Yuan, so she babbled a few words and then excused herself.

Zhao Yuan himself didn't want to be with an old and cunning "child", he always felt weird, seeing Xiao Keke leaving, he was naturally happy, and dragged the Dynasty of Ten Thousand Corpses to Nasha Miao City.

Seeing Sha Miao City from the mountains, it seems that Sha Miao City is right in front of you, but after reaching the plain, Zhao Yuan discovered that the place where they chatted with Xiao Ke Ke was at least dozens of miles away from Sha Miao City.

In order to avoid revealing the newcomer's identity, Zhao Yuan did not fly with the sword, and also re-dressed the King of Ten Thousand Corpses.

According to the earth's measurement method, the height of the king of corpses is at least 1.9 meters. Zhao Yuan's clothes are not suitable for the king of corpses. Although the bathrobe is wide, it only covers the knees of the king of corpses. The thin, hairless black legs were exposed, forming a strong visual impact with the snow-white bathrobe.

Zhao Yuan put a pair of leather shoes bought on the earth on the king of corpses. However, the feet of the king of corpses were too big. The king's toes were exposed. Fortunately, although the King of Ten Thousand Corpse's feet were long, they were just skeletons wrapped in a little skin, so it was not a big problem to get in and out. Otherwise, Zhao Yuan could only let him walk barefoot. up.

After putting on the leather shoes, Zhao Yuan found a peaked cap for the King of Corpses to wear to cover his bald head. The skinny head was really eye-catching.

After some dressing up, the King of Ten Thousand Corpses looked extremely weird, but instead of being eerie, it was a little more comical.

"Okay, they shouldn't dislike you anymore!" Zhao Yuan looked at the funny look of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses, restrained his urge to laugh, and clapped his hands.

"Why do they dislike me?" The King of Corpses looked suspicious.

"Do you think a normal human will have a good impression of a corpse?" Zhao Yuan asked back.

"No... But, I am the king of corpses!" A trace of pride appeared on the face of the king of corpses.

"Is there a difference?!"


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