wicked immortal

Chapter 854

For group battles, the concepts of the world of comprehension and martial arts are not far apart.

In the martial arts arena of the ancient earth, to test a person of the arena, it is often shown by breaking the formation, because in the process of fighting against the heroes, whether the character is wise and brave will be reflected.As we all know, Shaolin disciples have to live in the "Bronze Man Formation" before leaving the mountain. From this we can see the special significance of the formation method to the martial arts arena.

Formation created by Zhang Sanfeng, the founding master of Wudang School.If seven people work together, it is equivalent to 64 first-class masters in the world shooting at the same time. It is one of the most famous formations of the Wudang School.Each of the seven disciples has a set of martial arts, each with its own subtleties and mysteries. If the two of them work together, their offensive and defensive equipment will be overwhelmingly powerful.If three people use it together, it will be twice as powerful as two people working together.Four people are equivalent to eight masters, five people are equivalent to sixteen people, six people are equivalent to 32 people, and seven people are equivalent to 64 world-class masters.

The Beggar Clan's peerless formation and the dog formation, where everyone sits on one side and another group on the west, seems to be chaotic, but in fact there are infinite murderous intentions hidden.A large group of allies are attacking and defending each other, one person is injured, and everyone shares the share. If they form a human wall and overwhelm them like mountains and seas, even the best martial arts masters will not be able to escape...


From the above, it can be seen that in the world of martial arts, those who can pass the test of the formation are the real masters.

In the world of comprehension, the same principle is actually true. However, many people will mistakenly think that as long as the mana is so strong that a god like the Tathagata Buddha can turn his hand into clouds and his hands into rain, he will naturally not be afraid of crowds. However, it is worth explaining Yes, in the realm of comprehension, cultivators like the Tathagata Buddha are rare.

In the ancient battle between gods and demons, some gods with boundless mana will die, and the war between gods will move mountains and seas at every turn, but there are still ordinary human cultivators involved. It can be seen that the advantage in numbers cannot be compensated by mana of.

In the heavenly court, there is an expert Taishang Laojun who has even raised one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, which shows that the power of a group can easily surpass the power of an individual, unless it is a god who can be as powerful as the ancestor Hongjun.

Obviously, Luo Mu is not the Tathagata Buddha, nor the ancestor Hongjun, he is just a human cultivator who is close to the gods, and he will be devastated when facing hundreds of corpses who are not afraid of death.

In fact, Rom can't be resurrected infinitely like a god. The reason why he can be resurrected is because of Prince Philip's continuation jade paste, and the continuation jade paste is the No. 1 yin and yang ghost on the list of villains killed by Caixia Fairy What the mother husband Wu Yang asked for.

And Wu Yang seeks to continue the marrow jade ointment, that is, to revive the ghost mother of yin and yang, he did not hesitate to go deep into the Crusader barracks alone to meet Prince Philip...

Press the marrow paste without mentioning it.

It is said that Rom was trapped by a large formation of walking dead.

Strictly speaking, the army of corpses summoned by the King of Ten Thousand Corpses naturally cannot be compared with some well-known large formations. However, these walking corpses contain some mysteries of formations. Some skeletons that absorbed the corpse spirit of the king of corpses became very smart and powerful. They were like needles in the cotton, always making surprises, making it difficult for a generation of murder kings to deal with.

The corpse formation of the king of corpses has another advantage that other formations cannot match, and that is that they are not afraid of death.

Now, Roma is caught in the quagmire of bitter fighting.


Relying on his tyrannical body, Luo Muyi was injured by a skeleton, and suddenly crashed into the corpse formation, the black death sickle in his hand was flying in the air.

It seemed that countless eggs had been smashed, black water flowed across, and a naked corpse was swept by a pitch-black sickle, chopped into two pieces, and was shaken into a bloody pulp by the huge impact.

Not to mention the sharpness of the death sickle, the speed of the impact alone can flatten steel and explode.No matter how hard the body of the corpse is, it is useless.

Rom's whole mind was immersed in the fight against the "corpse formation", and the skeletons flying all over the sky roared towards him.And he controlled the pitch-black death scythe in his mind, forming a black screen, guarding it, as long as he hit the corpse and skeleton, he would immediately kill it and turn it into a fleshy paste.

The walking corpses were directly beheaded, and the bloodthirsty sound of the death scythe kept ringing. The walking corpses fell one by one like cutting wheat. In less than half a stick of incense, corpses and skeletons had piled up like a mountain around Roma. ...


Seeing the skinny man in the naked body go on a killing spree, the two black-hearted Taoist priests were terrified, but secretly cried out, because they are now also trapped in the tide of corpses, although those rotting corpses and skeletons did not attack them , However, they did not dare to move, for fear of attracting their attention.

At this moment, there are more and more corpses, reaching thousands.

Originally, so many corpses would not be buried in one place, but this place is a place where newcomers enter. Every year, a large number of newcomers enter and are intercepted and killed by cultivators such as black-hearted Taoist priests. Over time, hundreds of thousands of years, this There are more and more corpses in the place.

Not only the twin black-hearted Taoist priests were terrified, but even Zhao Yuan, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was also extremely shocked.

Of course, what Zhao Yuan was shocked by was not Romu's strength, but the power of the King of Corpses.

Zhao Yuan felt that the king of corpses seemed to be transformed. The fighting power of those corpses and skeletons was getting stronger and stronger, and there were more and more high-level corpses.

Zhao Yuan discovered that some of the corpses carried some weapons with them, including hammers, flying swords, long swords, and long knives. Except for a few of those weapons, they were still shining brightly, and most of them were rusty. Obviously, those weapons were all dead. funeral objects.

As time went by, those corpses actually started to attack Rom with the weapons in their hands, and their techniques became more and more skillful, and even a rotting corpse actually attacked Rom with a sword.

This king of corpses is really a natural born corpse king!

As a bystander, Zhao Yuan was shocked by the power of the King of Corpses, while Rom, in the midst of the corpse formation, could imagine the pressure he was under.

At this time, Roma seemed to be getting more and more courageous as he fought, but in fact he was already at the end of his battle and had nowhere to go.

Originally, Rom wanted to attack the King of Corpses, but he found that as long as he leaned towards the King of Corpses, the attack power of those corpses and skeletons would become more fierce and fierce, which was completely desperate. Roma is unable to move an inch.

Rom felt that his arm was a little numb, he was just killing mechanically, inexplicably, he remembered that Zhenshuiguan was betrayed and killed by his subordinates, and today, history seemed to repeat itself again.


Rom let out a mournful roar, and the pitch-black scythe in his hand drew suffocating black lines in the air. He jumped tens of feet suddenly, got rid of the dense crowd of walking corpses, and rushed towards the corpses at a speed that was almost annihilated. King of.

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses is very familiar with the breath of death emanating from Rom, which may be the reason for same-sex repulsion. At this moment, Rom's hatred for the King of Ten Thousand Corpses far exceeds that of Zhao Yuan. And then a quick impulse.

Now, Rom no longer expects to survive, he only hopes to die with the King of Corpses, this kind of thought is too strong to be restrained, and he himself does not know the reason.

Somewhere, Roma seems to have a sense of mission.

Rom's feeling is correct, he and the king of corpses are natural enemies, he and the king of corpses, only one can live.

The scythe in Rom's hand made a whistling sound, and the waves it aroused were surging, indeed majestic.

The top-down attack is extremely ferocious.

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses looked up at the sky, with a pair of long black arms, and his snow-white bathrobe flying. Immediately, the surrounding corpses and skeletons jumped up one after another, densely packed, layer upon layer, and rushed towards Rom from all directions. Mixed with dozens of rusty flying swords.

An all-consuming blow.

A desperate blow!

Rom used all his strength in this attack, which can be described as earth-shattering. The death scythe actually exuded a mighty aura.

Excitement also appeared on the face of the king of corpses, he seemed to enjoy the breath of death emanating from the death scythe...

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