wicked immortal

Chapter 868 Transformers


On the sandy ground, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the ground swayed for a while, as if the mountains were avalanche and the ground cracked.

Zhao Yuan didn't dare to give the drop-shaped metal spaceship the slightest chance to counterattack, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue it, put away the illusion realm, and activated the "speed" realm. Wearing a fiery red ichthyosaur leather armor, he rushed to catch up with the falling dragon like a fire dragon. On the drop-shaped metal spaceship on the ground, the raging flames on the ice fire magic knife are boiling.

When Zhao Yuan chased to the place where the metal spaceship crashed, there was no fierce battle as he had imagined, because the severely deformed drop-shaped metal spaceship lay quietly on the ground, covered with scars and cracks, it was horrible.

Seeing the terrifying drop-shaped metal spaceship lying quietly on the ground, the cultivators who were shot by the beam and fled in all directions gathered around the drop-shaped metal spaceship curiously.

The cultivators in the Sha Miao Great Formation, except for some very small number of newcomers, casually find a cultivator who has lived in the Sha Miao Great Formation for hundreds of years, and they are all living antiques. In the long years, they have never seen this drop-shaped metal spaceship.

Every cultivator is full of endless curiosity about the drop-shaped metal spaceship. After all, the space of the sand formation is limited, and it is very difficult to hide such a large metal object.

The practitioners were very puzzled.

Where is this drop-shaped metal spaceship usually hidden?You know, it is not an easy task to hide the truth from thousands of cultivators, not to mention that there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in this vast sand formation, and there are countless cultivators in the early stage of ascension.

Usually, if a cultivator mobilizes mana, the range of monitoring is extremely wide. Although the sandy formation is vast and boundless, powerful cultivators are everywhere, no matter on the ground or in the sky. If you want to hide Such a huge metal object is simply impossible.


A loud bang.

Holding a huge Ice and Fire Demon Sword in his hand, Zhao Yuan, wearing fiery red leather armor, landed next to the drop-shaped metal spaceship like a god.

Although Zhao Yuan did not appear in the form of a phantom at this time, his body wearing fish, dragon and animal leather armor was full of layers and filled with a strong fighting spirit. In the meantime, it is even more contemptuous of the world, which makes people dare not face it squarely.





Zhao Yuan ignored the heroes and strode to the side of the drop-shaped metal spaceship. With every step, the ground shook, dust flew up, and the Ice and Fire Demon Knife was boiling with flames. color.

Just now Zhao Yuan and the drop-shaped metal spaceship fought in space. Everyone witnessed it with their own eyes. They saw Zhao Yuan's destructive power, so naturally they didn't dare to offend.

Some cultivators who originally planned to rob Zhao Yuan's spar also gave up on this idea, and instead worried about Zhao Yuan's troubles for them, they hid in the crowd nervously.

Cultivators are all speculating on Zhao Yuan's strength, and people cannot accurately guess Zhao Yuan's strength, because Zhao Yuan's strength has surpassed that of the cultivators in the early days of Ascension, and his strength has surpassed the thinking of many cultivators category.

In the eyes of cultivators, Zhao Yuan's ability to defeat the terrifying drop-shaped metal spaceship is already a very remarkable thing. You must know that tens of hundreds of cultivators were killed in front of the drop-shaped metal object. Corpses are everywhere...

Zhao Yuan didn't have time to observe the expressions and reactions of all the cultivators, because he was concentrating on monitoring the drop-shaped metal spaceship, for fear that it would suddenly explode and hurt people.



Amid the sound of metal cracking, the drop-shaped metal spaceship suddenly shattered, the original cracks were broken, and the huge metal armor fell like an avalanche in large pieces, making a huge impact sound.

The cultivators were afraid of being injured by the metal fragments flying around, so they retreated one after another, forming an encirclement circle with a diameter of one hundred feet.

Only, Zhao Yuan did not retreat an inch, like a rock, motionless.

Zhao Yuan's sharp eyes stared at the drop-shaped spaceship with only the dragon skeleton left.

At this time, the armor outside the cockpit of the drop-shaped spaceship had completely collapsed, and the internal situation was clear at a glance. Zhao Yuan saw a young man in armor with a bleeding face struggling among the metal fragments.

Zhao Yuan looked at the struggling young man, and the young man also looked at Zhao Yuan.

Two pairs of eyes collided in the air.

The raging fighting spirit burned inexplicably.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuan stared at the young man coldly, murderous.

"Human Awakened!" The young man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said viciously.

"Human Awakened?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"Yes, awakened ones, human awakened ones who specialize in killing gods." The young man's body seemed to have heaved a sigh of relief, and the originally hunched body stood upright, full of unyielding masculinity.

"I'm not a god, why did you kill me?" Zhao Yuan asked with a frown.

"Because the source power has triggered the alert system."

"...Well, do you want to die or live?" Zhao Yuan glanced at the bewildered practitioners around him.

For young people, Zhao Yuan, who has been in contact with earth technology, can guess a general idea, but for those cultivators who have never been in contact with high technology, the dialogue between Zhao Yuan and young people is like a book from heaven. His face was blank.

"You threatened me?" The young man laughed loudly.

"So what if I threaten you?!" Zhao Yuan snorted coldly.

"Although I am an ordinary human being, it is not so easy for you to kill me." The young man looked at the surrounding practitioners with contempt.

"Hehe, I don't know what else you can rely on, but, presumably, what you rely on can never be more powerful than this thing." Zhao Yuan glanced at the wreckage of the drop-shaped metal spaceship, faintly road.


The young man's complexion changed, and he snorted coldly. Zhao Yuan seemed to have blown his strong confidence between his brows, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes.

"As long as we reach an agreement, I can protect you..."

"No!" The young man flatly refused.

"Then, let's fight!"

Zhao Yuan yelled suddenly, his long hair flew up, and the fiery red leather armor emitted a dazzling light. The whole sky seemed to be burning with raging flames. The cultivators around were forced by the red light, and they all retreated tens of feet. There was a look of horror on his face.

The wild fighting spirit exuded from this long-haired young man in fiery red armor sent chills down his spine inexplicably.


That year's man seemed to know that it was unavoidable, and his slender body suddenly stood upright.

Practitioners felt a strange force fluctuating in the space, like ripples on the surface of a lake.

While everyone was amazed, suddenly, a huge steel monster appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and at the same time, the young man miraculously disappeared.

Iron monster!

The steel monster is several feet tall, as if standing upright, at least tens of thousands of kilograms. Its body full of metal texture exudes a frightening cold light, standing on the ground, giving people a strong visual impact.


The moment Zhao Yuan saw this human-shaped steel monster, he thought of the word "Transformers", which came from the earth.

There is no doubt that the young man is currently hiding in the steel monster.

While Zhao Yuan was thinking, suddenly, an extremely dangerous aura filled the air...

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