wicked immortal

Chapter 875 Advertising Effect


The door of Zhao Yuan's room was closed, and at the same time, the formation on the door was activated, and the noise outside immediately disappeared, as if he had suddenly entered another world.

No. [-] entered the room of a practitioner for the first time, and she was full of curiosity. However, what made her feel weird was that there were many things in this room that did not seem to be possessed by this Yunci space, because Yunci The productivity of space simply cannot produce these industrial products.

No. [-] naturally did not expect that most of the daily necessities in Zhao Yuan's room came from the earth.

In addition to some daily necessities that puzzled No. [-], the cleanliness of the room also surprised No. [-].

"I'll ask you an answer!" Zhao Yuandang walked to a huge mattress and sat down, full of unquestionable authority.

Seeing Zhao Yuan sitting on the mattress on the [-]st, he also sat cross-legged opposite Zhao Yuan, while the King of Ten Thousand Corpses sat on the ground, with electric lights flickering in his deep-set eye sockets, he seemed to be thinking about something question.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuan's gaze was as sharp as a blade.

"Awakening Humanity." Feeling the gaze of the other party's blade, No. [-] had the illusion of being seen through the soul by the other party, as if he was completely naked and was seen through by the other party, and subconsciously tightened the collar of his uniform.

"What is an awakened human being?" Zhao Yuan asked calmly.

"It is a human group that is not enslaved by the gods, and a human group that takes liberating all human beings in the universe as its mission!"

"What does it mean to be enslaved by a god?"

"All human beings who enshrine the power of faith to the gods are human beings enslaved by the gods." No. [-] paused every word, and a hint of hatred appeared on that flawless face.


After some questioning, Zhao Yuan finally understood what awakened human beings are and their goals.

Awakened human beings regard killing all gods as a sacred mission. At the same time, cultivators are also targets of monitoring by awakened human beings, because a large number of cultivators are the reserve army of gods.

"How did you enter this sandy space?" Zhao Yuan continued to ask.

"What kind of space barriers can our spaceship break through? This mere cloud space is naturally not a problem." On the face of No. [-], there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

"You mean that you can leave this sand formation at any time?" Zhao Yuan was overjoyed.

"Of course." No. [-]'s cold and arrogant face showed strong confidence.

"If you can send me and a few friends out, I'll let you and No. [-] go." Zhao Yuan said excitedly.

"If you don't destroy my spaceship, I can send you out at any time. The problem is, I don't have any spaceship anymore." No. [-] snorted coldly.

"This... don't you have a follow-up rescue spacecraft?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback, then asked immediately.

"……do not know."

No. [-] hesitated to speak, shook his head, with a look of endless loneliness on his face.

Afterwards, no matter what Zhao Yuan asked, No. [-] would shake his head and never answer Zhao Yuan's questions again.

Indistinctly, Zhao Yuan had an ominous feeling, because No. [-] was fine at first, but when asked about the rescue spacecraft, No. [-] suddenly became silent. Obviously, this is not a good phenomenon.

"Corpse King, keep an eye on her." Zhao Yuan didn't threaten No. [-] to answer some questions, but stood up long, because he had to solve the problems he was facing now.

"Hmm." The King of Ten Thousand Corpses seemed to be traveling thousands of miles, and after being awakened by Zhao Yuan, he answered absent-mindedly.

"Don't let her run away!" Zhao Yuan reminded.

"Don't worry!" The King of Ten Thousand Corpses let out a strange laugh, and the ten long nails stirred. The originally warm and clean room immediately became gloomy, and the sound of nails rubbing against each other was even more creepy.

"You can't keep me!" Although No. [-] is not afraid of Zhao Yuan, she has a little fear of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses. After all, she is a woman, no matter how strong a woman is, facing the terrible zombie King of Ten Thousand Corpses , will also feel hairy.

"Captives have no human rights!" Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"human rights……"

No. [-] opened his mouth wide open, looking in surprise at Zhao Yuan's tall back disappearing at the door.

The word "human rights" is a word that can only be possessed by the awakened human world. Why did it appear in the mouth of a cultivator?

Impressively, No. [-]'s heart was shocked.

Could it be that this long-haired young man is an awakened defector?

Among the awakened humans, there are very few people who admire the power of the gods. They believe that the awakened humans should obtain the power of the gods. Only in this way can they fight against the gods.

Because the philosophy runs counter to the vast majority of awakened people, the awakened humans who admire the power of gods are rejected by the awakened humans. In the process of rejection, many awakened humans who cultivated themselves were expelled after revealing their identities, which is called awakening defection By……

Zhao Yuan didn't expect that a word would make No. [-]'s imagination run wild. At this moment, he was facing hundreds of cultivators gathered outside the inn. Most of these cultivators had been to Bingjie Valley to watch the battle.

"Zhao Yuan." Xiao Ruan suddenly squeezed out from the crowd.

"Hey, Xiao Ruan, how is the five elders?" Zhao Yuan was overjoyed. At this time, he was short of an acquaintance.

"The fifth elder is fine, he is recovering from his injuries. In addition, the fifth elder knew that you had spent 27 top-quality crystals to save him, so he decided to live a good life, and let me thank you in his place." Xiao Ruan said to Zhao Yuan's attitude was extremely respectful.

"It's fine, it's fine." Zhao Yuan sighed.

"Zhao Yuan, these people are all members of our Sha Gang." Xiao Ruan nodded behind his back, and immediately, dozens of cultivators emerged from the crowd. , Among them, there are several practitioners in the early stage of ascension.

"A member of the Sand Gang?"

"Yes, they heard that you used 27 top-quality crystals to heal the five elders' righteousness, and they rushed to No. 17 Sand Miao Castle to support you."

"Okay, great!"

Seeing dozens of Sha Gang cultivators, Zhao Yuandun felt a sense of pride.

Zhao Yuan himself didn't realize that he was slowly transforming, becoming used to having a group of subordinates for him to drive, but in fact, with his semi-immortal ability, he was already invincible in this vast sand formation However, he still hopes to have a group of subordinates to serve him.

With the help of Xiaoruan and a group of Sand Gang members, Zhao Yuan quickly fulfilled his promise and presented a common spar to the cultivators who had been to Bingjie Valley, and there was no looting and chaos at the scene.

At the beginning, Zhao Yuan was not in a hurry to give away the spar, but was worried about the chaos of the crowd, but after dozens of sand gang masters took over, some unruly cultivators were afraid, and honestly lined up to get the spar .

Seeing the crystal stones being taken away one by one, the eyes of the members of the Sand Gang were bleeding.

In this vast array of sand, crystals cannot regenerate resources and are extremely suffocating. It is unthinkable to think of such a large-scale gift as Zhao Yuan, which is like cabbage and radish.

Everyone naturally didn't know what Zhao Yuan was thinking.

Zhao Yuan just wanted to create an advertising effect, so that Caixia Fairy and the others in the Sha Miao Great Formation noticed that he had entered the Sha Miao Great Formation.

As long as Fairy Caixia knows of his existence, she will definitely rush to the rendezvous as soon as possible.

There is nothing more sensational than a large-scale gift of crystals.

When it was just a stick of incense, the story of Zhao Yuan spread throughout the No. 17 Sand Miao Castle. Almost everyone knew that Zhao Yuan was a rich man with a lot of money, and he had countless spars... …

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