wicked immortal

Chapter 877

Caixia Fairy and a group of women rushed to NO.17 Sha Miao Castle immediately after meeting up.

Fairy Caixia and the others are no strangers to the NO.17 Sha Miao Castle. A year ago, they were magnificent and domineering in the Sha Miao formation. However, because they were too arrogant and some followers Unable to kiss Fangze, they betrayed one after another. As a result, a fierce battle broke out in the No. 17 castle. Wan Linger's Hummer was destroyed by the cultivators in the No. 17 castle...


After Fairy Caixia and the others lowered their noble heads and put on makeup to become ordinary cultivators, they soon integrated into the world of cultivators in the Sha Miao formation.

Of course, at this time, the four of them were still divided into two groups, keeping a distance and approaching No. 17 Sand Miao Castle. After all, the four of them were already notorious street rats, and the goal was too eye-catching when they got together.

It took the four of them three days to go from No. 17 Sand Miao Castle to NO. .

On the fourth day, the four of them finally arrived at NO.17 Sand Miao Castle.

"How do we find Zhao Yuan?" Wan Ling'er looked at Fairy Caixia and asked.

"According to the information we have obtained, Zhao Lang is doing well in the Sha Miao Great Formation... We are going to look for her rashly, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of implicating him?" Tomorrow pursed his lips.

"Yes, we are notorious in Sha Miao's great formation, especially Wan Ling'er, who destroyed many Sha Miao castles with Danfu. If we blatantly seek refuge with Zhao Lang, we are likely to make enemies for Zhao Lang and cause trouble. unnecessary trouble."

"Then what should I do?" Mingyue looked sad, at this moment, she could not wait to see Zhao Yuan for the first time.

"Why do you care so much? With Zhao Yuan's wisdom and our strength, it is enough to flatten the sandy formation. If we can't leave here, it would be good to work together with Zhao Yuan to conquer the sandy formation." Wan Wan Ling'er had an indifferent expression on her face. Obviously, she was full of boundless confidence in Zhao Yuan.

"...Although I said that, the materials in this sand formation are poor. Although our collection is rich, it can't last hundreds of years. Staying here is not a long-term solution. After all, we still have to think about it. There is no way to get out of here, so it's better not to cause trouble for Zhao Lang."

"Okay then, the four of us will definitely not be able to enter the city at the same time. Who should we send to take the lead?" Ming Ri said.



Mingyue and Wan Linger said in unison.

"Hmph!" Mingri snorted coldly, her expression was very clear, she would never back down.

The four of them have been trapped in this sandy formation for more than a year. Now that they know the news about Zhao Yuan, they all want to see it at the first time. Even Fairy Caixia, who is usually gentle and tolerant, is unwilling to give up.

After some discussion, it was finally unanimously decided that everyone will enter NO.17 Sand Miao Castle together.

Everyone's reasons are very good. Now more and more cultivators are flocking to NO.17 Sand Miao Castle from all directions. The cultivators only have crystals in their eyes, and they don't pay attention to the four of them at all. In addition, the four of them After some makeup, there is indeed a big difference from the previous image. If you are not familiar with them, it is really not easy to recognize them.

After making the decision, the four of them found a hidden place and tidied up for a while.

This clean-up was incredible, and they, who were originally the images of four female cultivators, have become competitive again, smiling sweetly and charmingly, making people ecstatic.

Everyone glanced at each other, knowing that they wanted to show Zhao Yuan, and they didn't bother to attack each other. They hurriedly raised their flying swords and flew into the sandy castle No. 17.

The biggest advantage of Yujian flying is that it is fast and will not attract the attention of others. Although the four of them have recovered their original appearance at this time, because they are flying Yujian, they have not attracted the attention of some practitioners.

In fact, above No. 17 Sand Miao Castle, there are practitioners flying with swords flying everywhere, and no one really pays attention to Fairy Caixia and the four of them. After all, women are nothing compared to crystal stones.

In the Sha Miao formation, there is nothing more important than crystals. Those despicable cultivators who specialize in hunting newcomers, risking the world's displeasure, are not just for the crystals.

In Sha Miao Castle, there are far more cultivators gathered than Fairy Caixia and the others imagined. It seems that the cultivators in the entire Sha Miao formation are rushing over from all directions, and they can be seen everywhere inside and outside the city. A large number of practitioners gathered together was extremely rare in the past.

The four of them found a place with a little less people and landed. After walking dozens of steps, they fell into the crowd.

"My God, there are so many people." Wan Ling'er hated some cultivators crowding around her, so she drew out her flying sword and kept waving threats around, abruptly opening up a little space for everyone to move around.

Wan Ling'er's arrogance attracted many practitioners, some of them recognized their identities.Fortunately, many cultivators came here for the spar, and they didn't want to get entangled with Fairy Caixia and a group of crazy women, lest the fisherman get a profit and run away one after another.

"Sister Fairy, tell me, where will Zhao Yuan hide?" Mingyue has now abandoned her sister Tomorrow, and only Fairy Caixia follows her lead.

"Zhao Lang made such a big noise because he originally wanted us to find him, so he probably wouldn't hide it. As long as we inquire a little bit, it should be easy to find out."


After some discussions among the people, Mingyue, who looked harmless to humans and animals, was sent to inquire about Zhao Yuan's news.

Mingyue's face looked extremely innocent, and some lecherous people were unsuspecting. Sure enough, after just walking around, Mingyue found out the inn where Zhao Yuan lived.

After finding the place, everyone didn't delay, and immediately rushed to the inn where Zhao Yuan lived.

When everyone rushed to the inn, they were all dumbfounded, because the outside of the entire inn was already crowded, let alone entering the inn, even if they wanted to get closer, it was impossible.

In addition to the crowded crowd, there is also a row of murderous cultivators standing at the entrance of the inn. Their swords are out of their sheaths and their eyes are sharp. Most importantly, beside them, there is a flag flying. Huge "sand" character.

Sand Gang!

In just a few days, members of the Sand Gang gathered from more than 300 sand castles to NO.17 sand castle. This mysterious organization with more than a thousand years of existence appeared in front of the public for the first time.

In addition to the mysterious Sand Gang, there are also countless Shamiao castle masters. The characters who can be called castle masters are basically people in the early stage of ascension. The best spar.

The news that Zhao Yuan used 27 top-quality crystals for the sake of the five elders was widely spread in the Sha Miao formation. This news caused some castle owners who lived in seclusion to move after hearing the news, hoping to get a share of the pie.

In the Sha Miao formation, the vast majority of cultivators no longer had any hope of attaining Dao Ascension, but the appearance of Zhao Yuan rekindled their hope.

For some cultivators in the early stage of ascension, attaining Taoism and ascension is not only as simple as being able to become a fairy, but the most important thing is to get rid of this damned sandy formation...

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