wicked immortal

Chapter 884 The Birthplace of the Gods

Side by side, the two searched for traces of human activities on this uninhabited planet.

What made Zhao Yuan depressed was that after three days and three nights of searching, he still hadn't found any clues of human activities. If Xueyi hadn't heard the earth-shattering shouts that night, Zhao Yuan would have thought he was an illusion produced by his brain.

The battlefield at that time was very fierce, with flying sand and rocks, and thousands of horses galloping. It is conceivable that it was a large-scale battle. It is impossible for a battle of that level not to leave clues.

Zhao Yuan had a feeling that he was at the end of his rope.

In order to speed up the search efficiency, Zhao Yuan took Xueyi with him and flew with his flying sword Yujian.

The speed of Yujian's flight is really fast. In just a few hours, Zhao Yuan has searched thousands of kilometers around, but still found nothing. The battlefield with thousands of troops miraculously disappeared out of thin air.

What made Zhao Yuan even more depressed was that Xueyi never took the initiative to say a word after he told Xueyi not to deliberately flatter her. .

Zhao Yuan finished Yujian's flight and returned to the ground.

Although Yu Jianfei's search speed is fast, the search on the ground is not detailed, and the kind of sweeping search is meaningless.

Zhao Yuan, who returned to the ground, felt that the road ahead seemed endless. Of course, there is no road at all on this planet, and there is no need for a road, because there are flat gravel ground everywhere, occasionally appearing on the last battlefield. Appeared boulder.

Don't need a road?

"God, I'm so stupid, I own a car!"

Impressively, Zhao Yuan slapped his head violently, and summoned a Wrangler from the Sumeru Ring.

In Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world, there are at least thirty luxury cars of all kinds. However, Zhao Yuan has a special liking for the Wrangler, and he likes the rough and square shape of the Wrangler.

As for the off-road capability, Zhao Yuan never considered it. In fact, Zhao Yuan's research on cars was extremely limited, so he just chose the Wrangler based on an instinct.

When the Wrangler appeared in the desert out of thin air, Xueyi's eyes showed a hint of surprise. Obviously, she was puzzled that Zhao Yuan could have such a modern vehicle.

However, Xueyi soon remembered that Zhao Yuan once mentioned to her that there is a planet called "Earth" where the technological development has reached a certain level, among which there are also some powerful weapons that can destroy the planet...


With the Iron Beast Wrangler, Zhao Yuan's exploration journey became a kind of enjoyment.

Behind the Wrangler's engine, which makes a terrifying roar on the silent planet, are two deep ruts.

Xueyi remained silent, but she still observed Zhao Yuan manipulating the Wrangler. At first, she was a little amazed, but later, she was more disappointed. In her eyes, the Wrangler, a means of transportation, was already serious. outdated.

When Xueyi saw that Zhao Yuan summoned a huge oil tank from the Sumeru Ring to refuel, she even sneered at this vehicle that swept the world.

With the level of science and technology of awakened human beings, this small vehicle has already reached the point of relying on cosmic energy. Even if some vehicles cannot use various cosmic energy, they will never replenish energy every now and then. Usually, awakened human beings The designed means of transportation can last at least decades, and some can even last hundreds of years without supplementary energy. As for the pollution to the external environment, it is almost negligible.

Zhao Yuan discovered that after Xueyi got to know the Wrangler, she began to spy on information about the earth intentionally or unintentionally, and was particularly interested in the politics of the earth.

Regarding Xueyi's spies, Zhao Yuan was indifferent, so he naturally told them all without reservation.

"One planet can accommodate hundreds of beliefs?" Xueyi looked at Zhao Yuan with a puzzled expression.


"Cultivators won't compete for the power of faith?"

"In fact, due to the development of industrial civilization, the earth is no longer suitable for cultivators to live in. Moreover, except for some extreme religious beliefs on the earth, most of the religious beliefs on the earth have become mere formalities. There are very few differences between individuals because of beliefs. There's a fight."

"Why is there a war?"


"Since people don't fight because of their beliefs, why do human beings have wars?" Xueyi felt as if she had fallen into a fog.

"This... this...religious belief does not cause personal battles, but it still plagues the people of the earth, because the battle of religious beliefs has never ceased on the earth. Of course, sometimes, religious beliefs wars It's just an excuse, it's more of a war caused by competition for energy..."

"Competing for energy?" Xueyi had an unbelievable expression on her face.

"Hehe, this may be incomprehensible to you awakened humans, because you have already solved the energy problem, and humans on the earth, because they have not been able to break through the limitation of space distance, the need for energy will naturally cause conflicts... In fact...in fact...energy and religious belief are the driving force behind the earth war..." Zhao Yuan had a feeling that he couldn't convince himself.

"Through your description, I think that it is an extremely dangerous planet, but it is also the most dynamic planet."


"Did you know? We awakened human beings. As early as a thousand years ago, the development of science and technology had stagnated, because our enemies are practitioners. We awakened human beings, and we did not have a strong sense of competition. The technology we have mastered , is already enough to compete with cultivators, so we have almost stagnated for thousands of years, and according to what you said, the development of science and technology on the earth has only been more than 200 years old, which is a very remarkable thing for ordinary human beings. "

"Perhaps, we can find a solution to the gods from the earth. Oh... I almost forgot to tell you. I always think that the earth is probably the birthplace of human beings."

"No." Xueyi shook her head with certainty.

"Why?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback, he didn't expect Xueyi to immediately reject this idea.

"Humans on earth are just a branch of human civilization. As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, human beings already had civilization, and human civilization spread in the universe. However, because they encountered many alien civilizations, they suffered a series of After the cosmic war, many human civilizations fell to the primitive period. I think the earth should be the branch of human beings who wandered at that time. In fact, according to the information we have obtained from the awakened human beings, the original habitat of human beings has long been swallowed by black holes. It has become a void. Also, judging from the environment of the earth, it is not suitable for human habitation, so the earth is not the birthplace of human civilization..."


Inexplicably, Zhao Yuan was a little disappointed.

"However, according to your description, the earth is likely to be one of the earliest human civilizations. Perhaps, the first migrating human army landed on the earth, and then, because humans used their beliefs, gods and comprehensions were born. Or, as a result, human beings use the power of gods to regain the ability to migrate between stars. Theoretically speaking, the earth can be called the birthplace of human gods and practitioners."

"So that's how it is." Zhao Yuan immediately looked relieved.

"You want the earth to be the birthplace of human civilization?" Xueyi asked suddenly.

"Yes, I have been to many places and seen various human civilizations, but I have never seen that human civilization in that place has the diversity and tolerance of the earth, at least, on the earth, I have seen that many religious beliefs do not violate the river, but in our Zhanyun Continent, among religions, there is a trend of either you die or I live, obviously, this is not in line with the development of human civilization."

"Is diversity better than singleness?" Xueyi was taken aback.

"Everyone should have the freedom to choose their religion."

"But...but...don't the gods enslave humans?"

"The gods are born of human beliefs, and the two complement each other. Once the gods lose the awe of humans, then the gods themselves will disappear. Strictly speaking, there is no gods to enslave human beings, because the gods also have sacrifices, and humans , and constantly asking for it, the so-called belief is actually a cyclical process of giving and taking.”

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