wicked immortal

Chapter 91 Crazy counterattack

[ps: Click on the red ticket collection to be more violent! 】

Now, Liu Jiemin is enjoying his prey.

It's like fishing, it doesn't matter how many fish you catch, what matters is the process of fishing.Now, Liu Jiemin is enjoying the process.

At this time, Liu Jiemin could be said to be extremely excited. His excitement was not only caused by Wan Linger's delicate jade body, but also Mingyue and Mingri who were waiting outside. Thinking of the two pretty nuns who were guarding him outside, he Just inexplicably excited.

Liu Jiemin even hoped that two nuns would bump in and see him sleeping in Wushan.

Wan Ling'er's clothes were taken off one by one.

As a man, undressing a woman is an extremely exciting thing, let alone undressing a beautiful woman.

Every time she took off a piece of clothing, Liu Jiemin would put it to her nose and sniff it, feeling the sweet fragrance of the girl.

As he said tomorrow, he has plenty of time, even if Zhao Yuan came back, he would be blocked by two pretty nuns.Of course, even if he didn't have two nuns to guard him, he was not afraid at all. The Zhao Yuan who had never met was just an ordinary person, and he could instantly kill him at any time.

In fact, Liu Jiemin seemed to be expecting the two nuns to break in at this time, and he was also full of expectations for Zhao Yuan's breaking in.

He enjoys slowly torturing his opponents, as if enjoying the slow death of his prey.

What a wonderful moment it would be if Zhao Yuan barged in while he was galloping across Wan Linger's body and smashing into Huanglong...

Gradually, Wan Ling'er revealed a skin like suet jade.



Mountain village.

And the mysterious Taoyuan area...


"Ah... what are you doing?" Just as Liu Jiemin was admiring the delicate body in front of him, which looked like a work of art, Wan Linger suddenly opened his eyes.


At this moment, time seemed to freeze suddenly, and it seemed extraordinarily long.

Liu Jiemin never thought that Wan Ling'er would wake up suddenly, it happened too suddenly, and he looked at Wan Ling'er below him with a dazed expression.


Wan Ling'er let out a scream, touched with her right hand, and touched Zhao Yuan's small black sword on the bed.

Liu Jiemin deserved to die here.

In order to go into battle lightly, Zhao Yuan put the small bag and the little black sword in the bed, and the little black sword was pressed under the bag. When Wan Linger touched it, he immediately felt the little black sword.

Wan Ling'er was very familiar with this small black sword, she felt it in her hand, without thinking about it, she held the scabbard with one hand, and the hilt with the other, the jet-black blade slid out with lightning, and then sank directly into Liu Jiemin's chest.

Caught off guard, Liu Jiemin was stabbed in the chest, screamed, got out of bed and ran away, but Wan Ling'er didn't give up, naked, and chased after like crazy, the small black sword in his hand A sword stabbed wildly at Liu Jiemin's back. When the two ran out of the cave, Liu Jiemin had already been stabbed with more than a dozen bloody holes in his back. He fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Before Wan Ling'er woke up from the madness, she strode onto Liu Jiemin's back with a single stride, and there was another burst of chopping on him...


Liu Jiemin's screams and Wan Ling'er's screams alarmed Mingri and Mingyue, who were monitoring Zhao Yuan nearby. The two rushed to rush forward with their swords, but they saw Wan Linger riding naked on Liu Jiemin's body. He kept slashing and killing, his whole body was covered in blood, while Liu Jiemin was motionless, his whole body was full of holes, and he had long lost his vitality.

Seeing Wan Linger's crazy appearance, Mingri and Mingri were terrified, they didn't dare to approach, and hurriedly Yujian looked for Zhao Yuan.

The night in Xiaoyang Mountain was extremely quiet. Zhao Yuan had heard about the commotion between the two of them a long time ago, and immediately rushed towards the alchemy world in a frenzy. Under the speed of running, the snow foam behind him seemed like a long A giant dragon reaching several tens of feet, mighty and mighty, frightening...

Soon, Zhao Yuan arrived at the entrance of the cave, Ming Ri and Ming Yue followed behind Zhao Yuan, still not daring to approach.

"Linger, Linger, it's me, it's me, Zhao Yuan!" Zhao Yuan shouted.

"Zhao Yuan..." Wan Ling'er's eyes froze, and her hands stopped moving.

"Give me the sword." Zhao Yuan said softly.

"Wow..." Wan Ling'er threw down the small ink-colored sword, plunged into Zhao Yuan's arms, and burst into tears.

"Let's go in first."

Zhao Yuan saw Wan Ling'er was covered in blood and naked, and quickly hugged Wan Ling'er to comfort him. Wan Ling'er hugged Zhao Yuan tightly, crying desperately, his body was trembling, as if he had been greatly frightened. .

Entering the cave, tomorrow who followed hurriedly took out a long robe from the Sumeru Ring and put it on Wan Ling'er.

Zhao Yuan helped Wan Ling'er to the side of the alchemy furnace, making the shivering Wan Ling'er warmer.

"Ling'er, what happened?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"Wuuu...I...I don't know...I was watching by the alchemy stove. When I fell asleep, I fell asleep. As soon as I woke up, I saw...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Wan Ling'er was trembling all over, weeping uncontrollably.

"What happened?" Although Zhao Yuan was inexplicably angry, he still controlled his fury. He had to figure out what the problem was.

"Woo... I saw... I saw... brother Min... riding on me... he... he didn't wear clothes... woo... I didn't wear clothes either... Zhao Yuan... I don't I'm alive... I'm not going to live... I've been defiled by that beast... Woohoo..."

Wan Ling'er has a strong temper, so he bumped headfirst into the alchemy furnace. Fortunately, Zhao Yuan had quick eyes, quick hands, and great strength, so he hugged him. , frightened Zhao Yuan into a cold sweat, and hugged Wan Ling'er tightly, not daring to let go.

"Zhao Yuan, let me die... I've been defiled by that beast... I'm ashamed to face people... Woohoo..." Wan Linger struggled desperately, but couldn't move.

"Are you really a fool?" Tomorrow suddenly rushed to Wan Linger's side, poked his finger on Wan Linger's forehead, and cursed.

"Tomorrow!" Zhao Yuanyuan was afraid that Wan Ling'er would get sick, so he scolded Tomorrow with an extremely stern expression.

"I...I...just talking...she doesn't have a penis, she needs to die or live! She touches her a few times at most, she's already dead, do you need to be so excited?" Zhao Yuan was angry tomorrow Immediately, his voice became smaller, and he retorted weakly.

"I don't have a dick?" Wan Ling'er stared at tomorrow with wide eyes.

"Of course, there is no red on your bed sheet at all... Eh... Unless, you used to have a wild man, hahaha... I caught you, you must have had a man before, a wild man, tell me, who is it?" Tomorrow As if he had discovered a shocking secret, he shouted excitedly, pointing at Wan Ling'er to ask questions.

"I...I...I didn't..." Wan Ling'er actually forgot her sadness, she was too angry to speak, trembling all over, glaring at tomorrow, her hands fumbled on her body, as if she wanted to touch her talisman.

"That's strange... Why didn't you fall into the red? Well, it seems that you really don't have sex." Looking at Wan Ling'er tomorrow, she didn't look like she was pretending, with a disappointed expression on her face. Ling'er was very dissatisfied that she didn't have sex.

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