wicked immortal

Chapter 93 Liu Xiaotian 【Seeking Red Ticket】

This incident happened because of them, if we really want to find out the truth, it will definitely be traced to them, not to mention, it was the drug they provided Liu Jiemin.Thinking of this, the two twin nuns became more and more afraid.

"Now, this matter involves a lot. If Liu Xiaotian's only son is killed, he will definitely retaliate frantically. If it is leaked, none of us will live, and it will bring disaster to the family. Everyone must keep their mouths shut. If someone asks From the beginning, they just said they didn’t know, they didn’t know him well, in short, they didn’t know anything, they didn’t have definite evidence, and they couldn’t do anything about us.”


Tomorrow, Mingyue and Wan Ling'er nodded their heads in agreement.

After cleaning up, the four of them dug a hole near the cave, pushed the body in and buried it, and covered it with dry grass and snow to disguise it. The idea of ​​alchemy.

Just when the four of them returned to the Wanjia compound in a panic like frightened birds, in a secret room in Huping Mountain, a majestic cultivator suddenly opened his eyes, touched his chest, frowned, and thought for a while .

This person, Liu Jiemin's father, Liu Xiaotian, is the seventh-ranked cultivator of the Great Qin Empire's younger generation of cultivators, and also the youngest cultivator on the list, with a prosperous career.

Liu Xiaotian, who pondered for a moment, strode out of the secret room with a long body.

"Ma'am, where did Min'er go?" Liu Xiaotian walked to the main hall, saw Mrs. Li, and immediately asked.

"...He went to Wanjia." Mrs. Li was doing her needlework, when she saw Liu Xiaotian, who had been in retreat for several months, suddenly come out, she couldn't help being taken aback.

"Wan Ziyu?"

"Yes, last time Tianxing said that the Wan family intended to stay and marry us. After Min'er found out, he clamored to go and have a look, so I let him go."

"Min'er seems to have had an accident."

"What can happen to him?" Li said disapprovingly.

"Min'er is connected with my blood. Only after I reached the intermediate fifth-level aura, I can vaguely sense Min'er's existence. Just now, the induction was cut off. I was afraid that Min'er would be in danger, so I went out. find him."

"Min'er is a junior third-level aura, and he is a leader among the younger generation of the Great Qin Empire. Who would have trouble with him? Besides, who doesn't know that he has a powerful father?" Li Shi still didn't care, full of confidence .

"It's strange at this time, I always feel something is wrong, no, I have to go to Wanjia to see." Liu Xiaotian always felt uncomfortable and stood up.

"I'm afraid you didn't go to see Min'er, did you?" Shi Li cast a sidelong glance at Liu Xiaotian.

"You go with me." Liu Xiaotian frowned and looked at Mrs. Li.


Liu Xiaotian had something on his mind, he was too lazy to argue with a woman, so with a big wave of his hand, a cloud of fine sand was scattered, and a huge transparent sphere appeared out of thin air. Looking closely at the sphere, it was composed of countless transparent sand grains, and it looked extremely delicate.

The sphere enveloped Liu Xiaotian and Li Shi, turned into a boat shape, flew into the air, and flew towards Wanjia at lightning speed.

If someone sees this transparent and clean sphere, they must be shocked, because this is an existence that surpasses Yujian's flight, and it shapes the space completely out of thin air. Knowing how many times stronger it is, people who don't have great mana and supernatural powers can't control it.

Liu Xiaotian's aura had already reached the third advanced level. The speed of this flight was so fast. In just 10 minutes, the two of them passed Xiaoyang Mountain, only seventy miles away from Xujiaqiao.

When the two passed Xiaoyang Mountain, Liu Xiaotian felt a dull pain in his chest, almost subconsciously, driving Tianjingsha to patrol Xiaoyang Mountain back and forth.

"Xiaotian, what's the matter with you, why are you always running around in this mountain?" Mrs. Li asked in confusion.

"I can feel Min'er's breath."

"Will he be in this deserted mountain?"

"I don't know either. It's hard to explain the feeling between me and Min'er. You don't understand. I can feel Min'er's presence, but I can't sense life...Why is it like this... ...We have to stay close to the ground and search slowly..."

"This place is not far from Wanjia, let's go to Wanjia to have a look."


Liu Xiaotian's brows became more and more gloomy, and he drove Tianjingsha to slowly land, close to the ground, and began to search bit by bit based on the feeling of blood connection between father and son.

The feeling of familiarity is getting stronger and stronger.

Liu Xiaotian's body began to tremble. He felt that there were no large animals in a radius of tens of feet, but in this place, he found Min'er's aura, which meant...

Li Shi also felt Liu Xiaotian's body trembling slightly, and realized something was wrong, and the expression on his face became tense.

at last.

The two stood beside a snowdrift, and there were no footprints around the snowdrift. Under the moonlight, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, no different from other places.However, after careful observation, one will find that the snowdrift has traces of artificial accumulation, and it is by no means a natural formation.

What a clever disguise!

Liu Xiaotian controlled his excitement, and instead of digging immediately, he carefully searched the surroundings. He found countless footprints all over the mountains and plains. From the size of those footprints, it can be seen that it was a footprint of a person.

Soon, following the footprints, Liu Xiaotian found the alchemy world.

Burning furnace.

Faint medicinal fragrance.

The shelves are full of books.


This is a Dan room.

On the side of the hole wall of the small bed without bedding, Liu Xiaotian found bloodstains that hadn't fully dried.

The blood made Liu Xiaotian's hands tremble, and he could feel the aura of the blood.He used to watch this aura grow up day by day, this aura gave him countless laughs and joy.

After careful searching, there are more and more clues. From the side of the small bed, the bloodstains extend to the outside of the cave. In the open space outside the cave, there is a piece of snow that has been cleared. Soon, not far away, a large Piles of snow dyed red were buried in deep trenches.

This is a murder!

With a blank expression on his face, Liu Xiaotian returned to the edge of the snowdrift, and used his spiritual energy to lift the snowdrift away bit by bit, and gradually, a corpse was revealed.

When the body was exposed a little bit, Li passed out.

Liu Xiaotian didn't care about Mrs. Li who was fainting on the ground, and carefully dug up the corpse with a blank expression, and began to examine the wounds of the corpse carefully.

47 swords!

Liu Xiaotian's heart was bleeding.

The person who attacked was too ruthless and insane, almost killed with a sword. Most of the wounds were concentrated on the chest and the vest. He was stabbed more than 20 times, and his neck and face were also slashed more than ten times. Liu Jiemin The body is already out of shape, like a pile of rotten meat.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Xiaotian maintained an almost cold calmness.

Of course, he is not calm, his grief is beyond words, his killing intent is already monstrous, he is just looking for clues, he wants to tear the murderer into pieces.

This was wounded by a small sword.

Small sword!

Liu Xiaotian controlled his emotions and began to dissect Liu Jiemin's body. He needed to find out the exact size of the murder weapon. Only in this way could he find the murderer's whereabouts.

Soon, the size of the small sword came out.

Very familiar size.

Liu Xiaotian clenched his fists tightly, looking at the simulated size of the small sword drawn with aura on the snow.Except for the hilt, this small sword cannot be imitated, and the entire body of the sword has been fully displayed.

The shape of this little sword is too familiar.

Liu Xiaotian racked his brains thinking.

Ink colored sword!

Finally, Liu Xiaotian remembered that this sword was called the Little Black Sword, and Wan Ziyu asked him to buy it for 2000 million imperial coins.

"Wan Ziyu, I'm going to kill you!"

Liu Xiaotian roared up to the sky, the roar went straight into the sky, the snow on Xiaoyang Mountain was shaken down, causing a series of avalanches, the sky and the earth changed color...


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