Gu Huaimao has now noticed that he was able to bring people in, so he must have determined the whereabouts of the painting.

Wei Yunzhu went out of the mansion today, and when he returned to the mansion, he heard from the guard that Ruhua had gone out.

An ominous omen rose in her heart inexplicably, and she immediately asked, "Where did she go?"

"The subordinates don't know either."

"However, Miss Ruhua asked my subordinates to give this to you." The guard handed Wei Yunzhu a letter respectfully.

She took it and immediately took it apart, and after looking carefully, she stood up abruptly, this silly girl in the painting!
She asked her to meet her at Tongfu Restaurant when she was born, and she would give herself the antidote of 'Spreading Love and Bright Moon'.

She actually went to the Gu mansion to steal the antidote for herself!
"How long has she been away?" Wei Yunzhu asked in shock.

The guard said: "Soon, about a cup of tea."

Too dangerous!

She wanted an antidote, but she would never trade the life drawn into the painting!
Gu Huaimao is insidious and cunning, entering the painting is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, no one knows what that villain will do, let alone with his viciousness, it is impossible to get out of the painting, maybe he was prepared long ago trap!
"Cui Yue, hurry up and find Lord Sima Cao of Bingzhou, give him my jade pendant, and enter Gu's mansion with him to save and paint!"

Cui Yue didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately went out after receiving the order, turned over and rode away.

But Cui Yue had to spend some time single-handedly looking for Mr. Cao and then entering Gu's mansion.

That's too late!

She had to find a way to delay Gu Huaimao and buy time for the painting.

Thinking of this, Wei Yunzhu took a deep breath, and said to the guard in a deep voice: "Prepare the sedan chair and go to Gu's residence."

The sky was getting dark, and the carriage was speeding in the strong wind.

Wei Yunzhu understood that if something really happened to the painting, she could only use her status as princess to buy time.

No matter what, Gu Huaimao always has scruples about her as the princess.

The sound of "dong dong dong" sounded outside the carriage, and the body of the carriage bumped violently. The driver suddenly tightened the reins, and made a loud "huh" hastily.

The carriage stopped suddenly, Wei Yunzhu was forced by the huge inertia, and her body leaned forward uncontrollably. She braced herself against the inner wall of the carriage so as not to fall.

The things in the carriage rolled to the ground with a crackling sound, the teacup on the table made a loud noise because it was broken, and the candlestick rolled down to nowhere, and the whole carriage was completely dark.

"What's going on?" She asked boldly.

But in the silent night, no one responded, only the "salsa" sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

Wei Yunzhu clenched a sharp gold hairpin lying horizontally in her palm, and held it in front of her body for self-defense. She listened quietly to the movement outside, and then mustered up the courage to reach out and lift the curtain.

But seeing the scene in front of her, she was stunned.

In the dark night, the coachman had already rolled aside, not knowing what to do, but under the dim and floating light from the swaying lamp on the top of the carriage, a shadow like a ghost was pulled out.

The horse was still restless, when it roared suddenly, Wei Yunzhu was so shaken that he nearly fell down. The man standing in the position of the coachman had a piercing look in his eyes. The horse immediately withered down.

"Pei Ji?"

Wei Yunzhu stabilized his body, frowned and looked at the tall and handsome man in snow in the dark night, and an inexplicable emotion suddenly surged in his heart: "You are crazy!"

The speed of the galloping carriage can be imagined, and if you are not careful, you will become a dead soul under the horse's hooves and be trampled into mud.

How dare he take such a risk!
"The princess is really crazy!" Pei Ji coldly took off the reins from his wrist, turned around and faced the girl face to face.

He bent down, clamped Wei Yunzhu's face with one hand, and forced her to look at him, with a piercing chill on his face: "Where is the princess going? The Gu family?"

Pei Ji's face was flickering bright and dark under the swaying lamp, and his pale skin coupled with a gloomy and indifferent tone really looked like a ghost descending into the world.

"Do you know what will happen if you go there?"

Wei Yunzhu met that wolf-like gaze, and felt that there was a knife on her neck, and she couldn't allow her to tell half a lie.

Eyes are unconsciously sour: "I know."

But she couldn't think of a better way...

"You don't know!" His cold voice suddenly rose, he gritted his teeth, and the coldness in his eyes could freeze into ice in a second: "As long as you go, Gu Huaimao will immediately dedicate you to his master, the new head of the Gu family, Gu Yanyi."

Wei Yunzhu's heart sank suddenly, she clenched her sleeves tightly, closed her eyes, and said softly, "Pei Ji, I'm not afraid."

But he is afraid...

Pei Ji tightened his hands slightly, his eyes were still fixed on the girl, and his voice could not be refused: "Now, go back to me immediately."

"Pei Ji..." Wei Yunzhu muttered silently, then suddenly leaned forward and grabbed one side of his shirt, a little urgently: "No, I'm going to rescue Hua!"

There was a mocking smile on Pei Ji's mouth: "The princess has no soldiers and no power, do you want to fight against the Gu family by yourself?"

Wei Yunzhu looked up at him: "I have ordered Cui Yue to invite Mr. Bingzhou Sima Cao. If everything goes well, I will definitely arrive in time."

Pei Ji didn't speak, but his eyes never left Wei Yunzhu for a moment.

After a long time, I asked, "What if it doesn't go well? What if they can't arrive in time?"

The girl narrowed her eyes, not knowing how to answer.

She is just a weak woman, without the ability to lead a group of heroes, the worst thing is to lose her life and splatter Bai Ling with blood.

Pei Ji saw through her thoughts almost immediately, chuckled, stood up again, folded his arms, and looked down at the thin girl: "It turns out that what the princess said about saving the empress dowager and the little prince is a lie." Yes, for the sake of an irrelevant person, he would rather give up his life in the tiger's den."

Wei Yunzhu couldn't deny it, she lowered her head again in a panic, and murmured seemingly unable to make a choice: "K-Ke Huahua is innocent..."

She thought that she should force herself to be more cruel, but she couldn't do it, she really couldn't do it!

Thinking of this, she immediately leaned forward and tried her best to reach the hanging rein, but it was too late, and she couldn't delay any longer!
But as soon as she grabbed the rein, Pei Ji raised her foot slowly and stepped on the rope.

Wei Yunzhu twitched helplessly, but it didn't help at all. She was forced to raise her head, her cheeks flushed with anxiety: "Relax!"

The next moment, the man approached fiercely and stuffed the girl into the carriage like a cat.


The girl exclaimed, not knowing what he wanted to do, she kept beating her hands, but was grabbed by a pair of iron arms, and was firmly suppressed behind her back.

Her tiny toes also chased after her, kicking unceasingly, and her knees were caught by the man's legs in an instant, and her whole body was imprisoned inextricably, unable to move no matter what.

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