shock!Crazy batch of first assistants cry every night the delicate beauty

Chapter 113 Did something happen to the little princess?

In the majestic and magnificent hall, there is an aura of extravagance and lust.

Young peaches and plums, and Bingdi Furong, in front of the girl's delicate and weak shoulders, a plump face full of flesh appeared, and the scars on the cheeks became more ferocious because of teasing.

Here, he is more prosperous than the emperor, he can compete with the King of Hades, and everyone has to bow their heads to him. How many beauties I have seen pity, all obediently hope for his pity. So, what is so good about Chang'an?Without him, he is half happy in this place where the emperor is far away.

"Hiss..." The beauty suddenly cried out in pain from between her teeth. The inhuman torture was about to drive her crazy, but she swallowed the scream.

Everyone in Lanling knew how many women Gu Huaimao had tortured to death, how dare she yell out if she wanted to survive.

In front of the main hall, there was a row of red lanterns embroidered with phoenixes with gold thread, glowing with a faint luster, and the wind swept the dust, and one of them fell to the ground suddenly.

Dressed in a white robe full of snow, Pei Ji's sword was out of its sheath, shining coldly in the dark night, standing upright like the god of death.

Obviously it is Zhilan Yushu, but the stern look in the eyes is so intense that it cannot be melted away. The sword is ice-cold, and the one who dances and dances is full of murderous intent. A sword that seals the throat is just a joke between fingers.

Slowly pushing open the door of the palace, with black brocade boots embroidered with gold, slowly stepping on the steps, step by step, to the place where laughter is extreme.

Only two quarters of an hour passed, and the lush forest of wine pools was dripping with blood. The woman's screams broke the silence, and everyone crawled around as if they were fleeing.

"Come on... Come on!" Gu Huaimao was completely paralyzed on the ground, facing the fierce sword with fear like a sieve.

In his pupils, a snow-robed Hades was reflected.

Ever since Pei Ji stepped into the hall, a steady stream of dead soldiers rushed out trying to stop his killing intent, but all was in vain.

The evil god from hell swung his knife to kill a person with every step, calmly and contemptuously, as if trampling an ant to death.

The entire outer hall was full of corpses, blood was pouring profusely, and the smell of blood made people want to vomit. Under the unshakable anger, the snow-robed boy's eyes were full of excitement, which contained the perverted excitement of a bloody fight.

Pei Ji enjoys the heart-piercing pain, and also enjoys killing others with bruised flesh and blood. This feeling is weirdly the same as when he fell in love with the little princess.

Gu Huaimao looked at the crazy smile on the corner of the mouth of the person in front of him, his snow robe was already stained red with blood, he was so crazy, he was completely crazy!
With his arms in front of him, he was trembling, his feet kicked backwards, and he kept struggling.

"Pei Ji, you're crazy!"

"If you dare to kill me today, the whole Northland will be in chaos immediately, do you dare to bet!"

Pei Ji snorted softly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was forced out: "Do you think I care?"

"You, you, don't come here! Don't come here... What do you want, money, jewelry, or women, I have them all, and you want me to send them to you immediately!"

He was really scared, and suddenly got up and knelt at Pei Ji's feet, begging: "Master Shoufu, everyone is an official in the court, and we have something to discuss. The 45 business lines in the Northland, you and I are half of each other, how about it?"

Seeing that Pei Ji was unmoved, he immediately said again: "I, I three, you seven, if you have money, make money together, do you think it's okay?"

Pei Ji completely turned a deaf ear to his words, the blood dripping from the sharp sword has merged into a river, like a heartbeat and a bell.

He frowned impatiently: "Too many words, too noisy."

Then the sword immediately hung on Gu Huaimao's head, and the moment it was cut, there was a "bang", a stubborn and strange blasting sound, which came from the dark night.

Gu Huaimao came back to his senses abruptly, but he vomited out "Wow", his face was pale, he was sweating frequently, and his whole body was already half dead and exhausted.

He moved his neck, but he was still alive?He touched his head mechanically... still...

Unbelievable, he suddenly turned his head and looked forward, only to see the corpses piled up like a mountain, and the crying girls all around, the blood dripping from the sharp sword was still there, but the king of hell in the snow robe had disappeared.

In the dark night, Pei Ji looked at the gorgeous arc that pierced the sky, and there was something faintly shaking in his black eyes.

This is the signal from Cui Yue, the most urgent signal, could it be... something happened to the little princess?
Half an hour ago.

Wei Yunzhu, who had taken a nap for a while, just woke up, and when he opened the door, he saw rows of hidden guards, and the atmosphere was inexplicably serious.

When Cui Yue came, he found that there was no one in the room. He was startled, and immediately ran along the corridor. When he reached the end, he saw a purple robe.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his foot to step forward: "Jun..."

But before he could say anything, a gust of wind swept in, bringing loess flying all over the sky, forcing him to take two steps back. Suddenly, the columns in the corridor broke, and a fight came.

A young man in military uniform raised the knife in his hand, licked the blood on the edge of the knife, and laughed wildly: "The military generals in the Central Plains are nothing more than that."

Turning around, the bell on his body made a crisp sound, just like his voice, inexplicably evil and bloody: "Man, I took it away for His Royal Highness."

In a small courtyard, Wei Yunzhu was resting with her back against the wall, her heart was beating "chug-chug", as if it was about to jump out of her chest, she was panting, and she had to keep an eye on the movements around her.

Someone is chasing her!
The strong wind swept through, squinted the girl's eyes, and rubbed vigorously, she suddenly realized, where did Pei Ji... go?

Although she didn't want to admit it, even though she was always trying to get rid of him, but at this moment, the only thing she thought of was that vicious python, only him.

So she lifted the hem of her skirt, turned around and wanted to go back the same way, she should go to him, or ask Cui Yue.

What about people?all gone?

Before taking a few steps, the scene in front of her caused great panic to burst out in her eyes, here... There is a tiger here!

The black-striped hair on its body is smooth and bright, and its eyes are shining in the dark night, staring at the prey in front of it, and the roar that belongs to the beast is continuously seeping from its sharp teeth.

It slowly approached the girl, extremely ferocious, the corners of its mouth were drooling continuously, its teeth were just exposed, and it took another step forward fiercely, its back was tense, it was already in a state of being about to hunt.

Seeing the man-eating beast that was about to make a move, Wei Yunzhu's whole body was already stiff and unable to move, facing this ferocious thing at such a close range, she didn't even dare to run!

In the past, she saw a tiger many times in the hunting ground, but it was only in the cage. Even though its roar was earth-shattering, the girl didn't feel afraid, she just needed to calm down.

But it's different now, the beast in front of him is not bound!

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