Seal the government.

Feng Yi tiptoed out of the room, and a group of people suddenly appeared in the dark night, surrounding him.

Feng Wenxian came at a leisurely pace, his expression was gloomy and his voice was as oppressive as ice: "Second brother, it's so late, where are you going?"

Feng Yi glanced at him calmly, without any panic, and hid all his expressions just right: "I can't sleep tonight, come out for a walk."

Feng Wenxian was impatient, he immediately signaled the people behind him to come forward, took Feng Yi down, and said sharply: "Do you think I don't know what you've been doing these days?"

"It's just stupid, do you know that if you are not careful, the entire Feng family may suffer because of you, an idiot!"

Feng Yi knew he couldn't hide it, so he knelt down immediately: "Brother, once this matter starts, it can't be stopped!"

Feng Wenxian kicked out suddenly and violently, Feng Yi fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and gasped for breath while holding his chest.

When Feng Wei heard the sound and rushed over, she saw this scene, and immediately rushed forward to protect Feng Yi.

"Brother, think twice!"

Feng Wenxian's eyes were scarlet, and he glared furiously: "Get out of the way, today I have to teach this bastard a lesson!"

While speaking, he had already drawn out his sword, making a gesture to kill Feng Yi.

Feng Wei understood that the eldest brother was really angry this time, so she also knelt on the ground: "Brother, please let the second brother go!"

"I'll say it again, get out of the way!" Feng Wenxian's anger didn't decrease at all, but intensified instead.

Feng Wei knelt and walked in front of him: "Brother, if you want to punish me, you can punish me. Second brother did this for me!"

As soon as these words came out, Feng Wenxian put down his sword, looked at Feng Wei, and raised his eyebrows: "What did you say?"

Feng Wei took another step closer: "Brother, the current situation of the Feng family seems to be beautiful, but it is actually just a tool for the chief assistant to fight for power. How he views the Feng family in his heart, the elder brother should understand best."

These words are not bad, Feng Wenxian has always understood that the Feng family is probably not even a dog to Pei Ji, after all these years, he can get a share of the pie under Pei Ji without incident , It all depends on his compromise.

Pei Ji was uncertain, he never showed mercy to those who disobeyed him, and he always managed the people under him forcefully. Feng Wenxian had long been dissatisfied with this, and the backlog of emotions was getting worse every day.

Besides, he was originally a very ambitious person.

"Brother wants to no longer be controlled by him, or even to be on an equal footing, my Feng family must become stronger, so we must hold his handle, so that we can remain invincible forever."

Feng Wenxian said, "Do you think that with your tricks alone, you can really deal with Pei Ji?"

Feng Wei looked resolute, and her round cheeks showed an unusual calmness: "No one can do anything to Shoufu, but except you, big brother, as long as big brother is willing, everything is within reach."

Feng Wenxian's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he shook his head: "No!"

Feng Wei said: "Brother, our Feng family must become strong, so that he will be willing to marry me."

Feng Wenxian pondered for a long time before helping Feng Wei up: "Get up first, this matter will be discussed later."

Even though he said so, there was quite a stir in Feng Wenxian's heart. Although he was restrained by Pei Ji in many places, he had been practicing private soldiers for a long time. Perhaps, taking this opportunity, he could really take a gamble .

At this time, his confidant took a step forward: "My lord, will this subordinate still go to Lord Shoufu?"

Feng Wenxian's eyes were deep: "Suppress this matter for the time being, and there is no need to report to Lord Shoufu."

He has his own considerations, he will not participate in this matter, but he can stand by and pretend to be ignorant, if it is really because of this that he dedicates his sister to the capital, then for him, it will be beneficial and harmless.


Noon on the second day.

Wei Yunqing, who was supposed to go to Baoxia, stayed in the upper study room. She dismissed all the servants in the palace, leaving only Feng Yi.

When Gu Yanyi came over, he was alone.

He handed over a letter from his father to Wei Yunqing: "Please take a look at it, Queen Mother."

Wei Yunqing slowly spread out, in fact, she didn't want to bet the treasure on the Gu family, but now she is besieged on all sides, unable to support herself, so she has to rely on one party.

At least clear a path of blood first.

Gu Yanyi understood that the queen mother had concerns about this matter, and his voice was cold and strong: "My father has made complete preparations for this matter. The queen mother does not have to worry about it, and I can leave it to my minister."

Wei Yunqing nodded: "Of course the Ai family understands."

Paused: "Please Gu Shilang later."

Wei Yunqing walked inward and came to the bedroom at the back. The little emperor was fast asleep, and she was gently stroking that immature face.

If there is no Yan'er, I will not be able to persist no matter what. This position is too bitter, too tiring, and too lonely.

Then, she gently lifted the bright yellow quilt, untied the little emperor's belt, and actually took down an imperial edict!
Without delay, she immediately got up and walked out, and solemnly handed over the edict written in blood to Gu Yanyi.

At the same time, in Baoxia, the palace servants had already prepared a meal.

Wei Yunzhu had arrived a long time ago, but she didn't see Elder Sister for a long time. She called the palace servants beside her: "Have you gone to invite the Queen Mother?"

The palace man replied: "Go back to Princess, please pass."

Wei Yunzhu looked at the empty opposite, feeling a little uneasy, she didn't sleep well last night, and was struggling with what Aunt Sister said last night when she thought about it.

The wind and rain gradually picked up outside the window, the weather was very gloomy, and the window "hula" sounded by the fierce wind, as if to herald the coming of a storm.

Her right eyelid twitched violently, and she wanted to find out about it, but she didn't dare to act rashly.

Suddenly, a group of Jinwu guards rushed into Baoxia, and Pei Ji rushed in full of hostility. Unexpectedly, he saw the little princess.

Looking at his posture, Wei Yunzhu was startled, something really happened to Sister, otherwise why did this vicious python rush in aggressively.

She straightened her waist slightly, looking a little annoyed: "This princess is having dinner, why did Mr. Chief Assistant barge in for no reason?"

You know, since returning to Chang'an, Pei Ji hadn't seen the little princess for five days since he left outside the palace gate. When he saw her now, he was very happy.

There was an extremely friendly smile on his face, and he saluted respectfully and said hello: "I have seen His Royal Highness, the Princess, just now I was reckless."

The vicious python who was just showing its teeth and claws, when it saw the little girl, immediately became docile like a puppy, almost wagging its tail.

He waved his hands, and said impatiently to the surrounding Jinwu guards: "Everyone go out first."

He can't let these people know something, for example, how flattering he is to the little princess.

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