shock!Crazy batch of first assistants cry every night the delicate beauty

Chapter 149 After so many years, you are still so hateful

Chapter 149 After so many years, you are still so hateful

Pei Ji didn't care at all, and raised his eyebrows: "That's really too bad."

Then, he deliberately looked into the distance, his pale skin looked more gloomy under the brilliance of the glazed tiles, but the deep eyebrows and eyes brought out a gorgeous side, which could not conceal the evil essence.

He opened his mouth slowly and sarcastically, his voice was cold and cold, and it was obviously in a tone of flamboyance, but it implied domineering self-indulgence.

The hall was unusually quiet, and Wei Yunzhu heard his words clearly.

"When will we occupy the palace?" Pei Ji finally turned around, casually glanced at the always solemn King Yue, and called him——


Brother? ...Yi brother!
Like a boulder hitting Wei Yunzhu's heart, everything stopped instantly, except her heart, which was beating violently, catering to the frenzied wind outside the window.

She trembled uncontrollably all over her body, but she couldn't move anywhere. The knuckles of the palms of her hands that were propped on the wall were red, and she supported them hard, like fragile and fragile white flowers.

It was such an extremely awkward posture, but she forgot to move it, until her hands and feet showed signs of numbness and cramps, she didn't realize it, she was almost stunned in shock.

It was clearly midsummer, but the girl only felt that her whole body was surrounded by an inexplicable cold, and the cold came from no one knew where it came from, anyway, it was continuously attacking from the bottom of her feet all the way to the top of her head.

The fine fluff on the body stood up instantly, it was so hairy!
This sudden truth was a blow to the helpless girl. The whale waves in the East China Sea roared past, the sea boiled and the mountains cracked, leaving only anxiety.

How did that happen?

In fact, she has always understood that the evil python's position is chaotic, cruel, evil, gentle, and stubborn. Which one is the real one?

Which is right and which is evil, which is clear and which is turbid, is unknown.

He is said to be clean, but he has repeatedly suppressed the loyal officials of the court. He is greedy and addicted to money and power.

The emperor's brother-in-law once said that Pei Ji is definitely a rare talent in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Because of him, those greedy wolves hiding in the dark will have some scruples, and the court will not be in turmoil.

Some people say that he has made great achievements, but they don't know that he has also become the most feared wolf, tiger and leopard in the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty!
Something completely collapsed, no wonder that day when she went to Yong'an Lane to ask for his protection, the soldiers of Yue Wang would be there, it turned out to be like this...,
He has never been arrogant and unreasonable, but on that day in Baihualou, after the song "Ling Ding Ballad", he looked at him so firmly, so tenderly and sincerely, and said something... If a minister has a princess, he has a home.

Therefore, Wei Yunzhu would always involuntarily shirk for him, leaving some inexplicable leeway.

Maybe Pei Ji would stand by Yan'er because of her.

But today, all self-deceptions have been severely torn apart. It turns out that King Yue is Pei Ji's sworn brother!

Her hands were completely numb, and even began to throb and hurt. The pain brought her back to her senses, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but the tears in her eyes were already wanton, like an overflowing embankment.

Why are you crying?

He was originally a villainous villain, since he knew it a long time ago, there is no need to be surprised now. The girl just hated her own stupidity, and she always had a glimmer of hope in him.

His speech has always been ambiguous, and his acting skills have always been superb. Whenever he is completely desperate, he will be deceived by his deliberate expectations and self-doubt.

I am not deeply involved in the world, and I have never been on guard against people and things, so I was teased so wantonly by him.

Time to wake up.

The young girl's delicate and beautiful eyes seemed to be burnt ashes, with the last bit of brilliance gone.

At this time, King Yue, who had been silent for a long time, said, "My minister has given the Queen Mother enough time to think about it."

His sharp eyes imply impeccable confidence and arrogance, like a falcon staring at the prey that is about to get, unscrupulously admiring the face of the young queen mother: "Promising King Qin's army to enter the palace is the only choice for the queen mother right now."

Wei Yunqing's eyes were full of sternness, facing the man's provocation: "His Royal Highness, are you too confident?"

She knew that unless it was absolutely necessary, she would never let go. Once King Qin's army settled in, she and Yan'er would be completely reduced to dinner, not just puppets, that lunatic, he would kill Yan'er!
It is impossible for him to accommodate the late emperor's son.

It's not a pity that she died, but Yan'er must not have any accidents!
King Yue smiled, "The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty is in dire straits. It's long gone. Why do you stick around for him?"

After a pause, there was a sigh in his voice: "Baoyou, you don't owe him anything."

Baoyou is Wei Yunqing's baby name. No one has called him Baoyou for many years, but except him, he has been stubbornly calling himself Baoyou.

"In order to respect the spirit of her deceased husband in heaven, Yun Qing will swear to the death to guard every inch of Da Zhou's land."

The woman's voice, with a strong determination, is desperate, and in the storm that is sweeping, it leaves a loud echo, resolute and resolute.

King Yue sighed imperceptibly, but his eyes were not parted from Wei Yunqing. He was always decisive in doing things, but when he met her, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

The two sides were deadlocked.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the King of Yue did not make a move for a long time.

Suddenly, a guard ran in, King Yue's eyes froze, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The guard whispered a few words in his ear, and sure enough, the man's face suddenly became like a black cloud over the city, and the sporadic hostility in his eyes instantly gathered into a violent storm.

He stared at Wei Yunqing suddenly.

Wei Yunqing smiled calmly: "His Royal Highness, the gift carefully prepared for you by Aijia, do you like it?"

Now it's her turn to provoke him.


King Yue bit out these two words word by word, his eyes were ruthless.

Wei Yunqing seemed to have seen something funny. Regarding his reaction, as expected, she sat down slowly, her voice faintly showing the gesture of a winner.

"Let people go?"

"After so many years, you are still so hateful."

How funny, this man swears that he loves him, but he turns around for another woman, so he can't kill himself.

It's ridiculous.

He just asked someone to arrest his wife who was far away in southern Xinjiang.

King Yue had endured to the extreme, he suddenly pulled out the sharp sword from his waist, and walked slowly towards Wei Yunqing.

When Wei Yunqing saw it, he smiled even more intensely. Would he kill himself?

I'm a little curious.

When the sharp sword that was shining with cold light was slowly lifted up, and the sharp tip faced the graceful and luxurious woman, everything in the world seemed to be at a standstill...

With a "bang", there was a sound of falling, which attracted everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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