Chapter 153 Living for the princess
Wei Yunzhu let out a sigh, her complexion was extremely pale, her black hair was wet from the steam he brought, she was indescribably pitiful.

Slowly raised his head, his voice was weak: "I'm sorry..."

"Princess, the marriage contract between you and me was ordered by the late emperor. No matter what, Gu Yanyi will only have one wife in his life."

"Even if the princess abandons me, I will never let go again."

His tone was gentle, but his words were full of strength and firmness, and his eyes looked at the girl so hotly, as if he wanted to see through her heart.

Wei Yunzhu looked into his eyes, suddenly full of hurt, but changed the subject, as if talking about something irrelevant: "Brother Gu, how long have we been engaged?"

Gu Yanyi seemed to be in a daze. After a long time, his monotonous and gentle voice sounded: "Six years, three months."

It's been too long, so long that he often thinks in a trance that this is a beautiful dream that is about to wake up.

"Another 21 days."

His voice melted into the lonely night, but unexpectedly brought out bursts of warmth, as if he was telling something beautiful, but permeated with indescribable sensibility.

"I have always felt that the princess is still young, so I should wait a little longer, but now that the army is in turmoil, and various forces are fighting desperately. When the day when the rebellion is really put down, I really can't be sure, with my current body, whether I can Hold on until that day."

"My greatest wish in this life is to see the princess Feng Guanxia wearing a veil and revealing a smile for me. I have dreamed countless times. If I really don't see it, I'm afraid I will only die with regret."

"I have a heavy burden on my shoulders. One has always been licking blood with a knife. It is a common occurrence that one's life hangs by a thread. I have never been unwilling to marry the princess, but I am too scared. My widow lives alone in this sinister world, so if I really go to hell, I really can't rest in peace."

"But in the past six months, I have thought a lot, and I almost dream of marrying the princess."

"The world is full of vicissitudes, Huainan is a dream, the world is always changing, no one can see the road ahead, instead of pushing away the one you love in fear, it is better to catch her desperately and live a good life together."

Gu Yanyi's eyes seemed to be wet. In the dark night, his eyes were shining brightly, and the light flowing was the expectation for a better life in the future, burning a raging fire called hope.

"Princess, I have a clear conscience about people and things in this life. I dare not say that I am open-minded, but I am also frank. There are only two things in my life. One is to live for the princess, and the other is to live for the family. But now, I I also want to be selfish once and live for myself once."

"Only by marrying the princess can I be me, no longer a puppet, but the real Gu Yanyi."

Wei Yunzhu could see the sincerity in his eyes, but did he really understand what it meant?

"Brother Gu, I hope you understand, Pei Ji...he is a terrifying person, besides, me and him..."

The girl's voice stopped abruptly, and she couldn't utter the following words. She hoped that Gu Yanyi could understand that letting go of obsessions was the only destination for herself and him.

How could Gu Yanyi not understand?

He couldn't sleep every night, regret invaded his bone marrow, penetrated into his flesh and blood, and tortured him so badly that he didn't hate anyone but himself.

If he could return to Chang'an City earlier, he would definitely find the princess before Pei Ji, so how could the princess fall into the clutches of the devil and be swayed by others.

He has always been considerate, he is meticulous and meticulous in all his plans, he can use all his strategies, and he thinks he has all the plans, but in the end, he hurt the girl he loves the most.

As long as he thought of how helpless the delicate little princess must be when he was humiliated, he wished he could kill himself!
Therefore, those illusory things are insignificant, so why would he care, as long as he is a little princess, that's all.

The corner of Gu Yanyi's mouth raised a gentle smile, which was more beautiful than the orchid beside him. He looked at the girl as if he was looking at the most precious pearl in the world.

"The princess in my heart has always been pure and clear, just like the dewdrops on the lotus in June, spotless, clear and clear enough to penetrate all the mud, whenever I look at the princess, the fame and fortune in the court, the officialdom The name-by-name trend, and all the nastiness evaporates."

However, Wei Yunzhu just frowned slightly, as if thousands of melancholy lingered in his heart, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Gu Yanyi understood that the princess was in trouble. For the first time, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The former princess was the purest clear spring in the world, but now, this clear spring is surrounded by thick mist, which is hazy and difficult to fathom.

She clearly said that Pei Ji is a terrifying person, but why, when she heard him, the princess always showed such hurt and hesitant expression, she never learned how to whitewash her emotions in the world, so, in her heart His hesitation and struggle are always seen through at a glance.

What's more, Gu Yanyi, who knows her well, loves her deeply.

He really wanted to know, why the princess is always soft-hearted towards him?What is it about that scheming evil python that made the princess so sad?
His princess, his most beloved girl, should be an innocent, noble and beautiful girl who has no worries about food and clothing all her life and only needs to enjoy herself.

Instead of being like this now...

But he would never learn to be aggressive towards the princess, so he would never ask those questions just now.

Then, just like when he was a child, Gu Yanyi put his palm on the top of the girl's hair and stroked it gently: "Princess, you and I are married, you don't have to do anything, you don't have to worry about anything, I will assist your majesty to take power smoothly... everything Everything is with me."

The girl finally raised her eyes again. Her eyes were full of confusion, uneasiness, and stunned, but there was no expectation, no joy, like a pool of still spring water, which obviously didn't flow in the slightest, but was still breathtakingly beautiful. .

That was Gu Yanyi's deepest sinking in his life, and he willingly became her slave.

The man's voice trembled slightly: "Princess, are you... willing?"

His eyes, even in the endless darkness, are shining brightly, giving birth to starlight, and the dark moon hidden in the mud is about to hang high in the sky, how can he hold on to himself.

Wei Yunzhu faced his scorching eyes directly, and there was a different look between his brows. His eyes were clear and chaotic. There was a subtle contradiction between the two.

After a long time, the girl finally opened her lips lightly, her voice was as soft as the sound of water drops, which was instantly drowned by the wind and rain outside the window.


(End of this chapter)

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