Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 181 Love not only makes people blind, but also makes people less intelligent!

Chapter 181 Love not only makes people blind, but also makes people less intelligent!

Speaking of this, Jing Jian was angry and funny, and said dumbfoundingly: "You are the empress and my first wife, so you are naturally qualified to be a concubine. I was very angry at the time that you made your own decisions, but you said that you have always asked those women about it." , They are only for the benefit of the family and will not expect to be favored by me, so you keep them."

Sure enough, love not only makes people blind, but also makes people smart!
The stupid things that Su Chengxi has done in the past sound unbelievable now.

She disagreed, the corners of her mouth twitched, she looked at Jing Jian suspiciously, and said in a low voice, "You're not lying to me, are you? I don't think I would be so mentally retarded as to take a concubine for my husband. I, Su Chengxi It can only belong to me, Su Chengxi, let alone a man, how can I share it with others?"

"You didn't share it either..."

Jing Jian said slowly: "Those women were only allowed to enter the palace after you established the rules. They are not allowed to compete with you, they are not allowed to seduce me, and they are not allowed to have a long look at Shu..."

Speaking of Jing Jian, he thought it was funny, he sneered and said: "You are also naive. Before you became a concubine, you were a queen, and you can do whatever you say. After you become a concubine, they are my concubines, and they are responsible for the rise and fall of the family. Honor and disgrace, how can you really keep yourself safe? But in just a few days, wherever I go, I can see piles of women, and you will be unhappy again."

He supported his forehead and said: "If I hadn't sent some people out of the palace with some names, the palace would probably be overcrowded by now."

The corners of Su Chengxi's mouth twitched violently, blinked, and said with a serious expression: "I suddenly felt that I might not be the original Su Chengxi. My memory must be wrong. I am the lonely soul who occupied Su Chengxi's body!"

Jing Jian suddenly frowned, pinched Su Chengxi's small face, and said firmly: "You are Su Chengxi, don't try to deny it, you are Su Chengxi who loved me and gave birth to children. It wasn't that you were out of your mind back then, you just didn't want to see When I was persecuted, I didn’t want to embarrass me, and I didn’t want the soldiers on the frontier to be implicated and lose their lives because of these things. Although your actions at the time made me very angry, I can understand your painstaking efforts.”

Jing Jian said with pity on his face, "It was at that time that I really understood how much you love me."

After all, Su Chengxi, who is so tough, so free and easy, and possessive, is willing to wrong herself and canonize so many concubines on her own initiative, just to give him a chance to breathe.

Although he was angry, how could he not be moved by it?

Su Chengxi blinked, blinked again, still unable to understand what she had done.

She felt that since she was the one she loved so much, no matter how many winds and rains he could endure together, why would he need to rely on others?

Let alone Na Fei.

Jing Jian looked at Su Chengxi's still skeptical expression, and couldn't explain why he was really justified, so he couldn't help reminding: "All the old people in the palace know about these things, even the Marquis of Zhongyi. If you don't believe me, just ask. I don't need to bring it to you to tell a lie that can be broken at once."

Although Su Chengxi was greatly shocked, she had to accept the fact. She couldn't help but shook her head and said, "Even if I did something like that back then, I still can't understand it. If it was changed to today, I would definitely not let other women get close Your chance, even if it’s only based on your status!”

When it comes to names...

The woman who is still in the harem now, shouldn't she also find a chance to get rid of it?

 Good night, sweet dreams

  see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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