Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 200 You take me up to the Zhaixing Tower, and I will learn Qinggong from you!

Chapter 200 You take me up to the Zhaixing Tower, and I will learn Qinggong from you!
"Yes, that's right."

Su Chengxi said: "The test is a very direct way to test your learning level. You might as well mention it to Mr. Mo. If Mr. Mo has the heart, he will not reject you."

The more Xiao Yuhuan thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, he nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, Queen Mother, I understand."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xiao Yuhuan stood up and saluted respectfully, and said with a smile: "Mother, I will bring Master to Cheng Qian Palace first. Erchen sorts it out. It's almost time, we should go, and Erchen will come back tomorrow morning to have dinner with the queen."

Su Chengxi raised her eyebrows, then waved her hands and said, "In that case, let's go! Finish the lecture earlier and rest earlier, children need to sleep more to grow taller."

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

Xiao Yuhuan hurriedly straightened up, cupped his hands with a smile, called Shang Jingjian and ran towards Chengqian Hall.

Seeing his son's eagerness to fly to the Chengqian Palace, Jing Jian couldn't help curling the corners of his lips, and said with a low smile: "Your Majesty, you are too slow to run like this. Why don't I teach you light kung fu! Fly over the roof and walk over the wall?" , come and go freely."

Xiao Yuhuan paused when he trot forward, turned his head to look at Jingjian, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, straightened his back, and asked with a serious face: "How is your lightness skill? If it's not good, I won't learn it."

His father's qinggong is very good, holding him with one hand, and holding his mother with the other, he can freely shuttle back and forth on the roof of the palace, which makes him very happy.Occasionally, when the father was in a good mood, he would hold him and jump to the highest point of the palace to overlook the entire capital city.

It's just a pity that in the past two years, because of the mother's illness, the father has been in a bad mood.

She never carried him up to the eaves to enjoy the moon and the scenery.

Even in the past two years, he seldom saw his father. Even if they lived together in Chengqian Palace, his father was always too busy to be seen. This made him very depressed, but he didn't dare to disturb his father...

"Is the subordinate's lightness kung fu good, why don't the emperor try it himself?"

Looking at his son's longing face, Jing Jian's eyes became softer. He took a step forward, hugged his son into his arms, and with a little tiptoe, quickly jumped up to the roof.

Xiao Yuhuan's eyes instantly brightened like stars, and he pointed to the tallest building in the palace, and shouted excitedly: "Master, the top of the building is the place where my father once took me up, and it is also the place where the entire capital city is located." The tallest building, as long as you can take me up, I will learn lightness kung fu from you!"

Jing Jian looked at the towering Star Picking Tower, a bright smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, he nodded and said, "That's very good."

His speed is extremely fast, his chest is very broad, and the arms holding his son's small body are strong and powerful.

Xiao Yuhuan was not afraid at all, but very excited.

His feelings for Jing Jian are very complicated, but after all, he is just a child. He was hugged in his arms and quickly shuttled through the night sky, and his excitement was getting higher and higher. He screamed and cheered with shining eyes: "Okay!" Gao, Master, you fly so high! You are about to reach the Tower of Zhaixing, if your speed is faster, you can fly higher, I really like it!"

A warm smile flashed across Jing Jian's eyes, he nodded lovingly and said, "Okay, I'll get up soon."

Afterwards, he lifted his toes into the air a little bit, held his son in his arms and took a breath before leaping up to the top of Zhaixing Building at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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