Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 202 Let's get along peacefully after that, okay?

Chapter 202 Let's get along peacefully after that, okay?
Hearing this, Xiao Yuhuan turned his eyes to look at the night sky shining brightly under the moonlight, and said in a low voice: "Jing Jian, you have been very kind and loyal to me and my mother, and I apologize to you for my previous rudeness." .”

His father taught him that as a man, he must be brave enough to take responsibility, no matter whether it is a mistake or responsibility, he cannot shirk it.

You must recognize yourself in order to change yourself, you must get better and better, become stronger and stronger, and become indestructible.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and those who gain the right get more help than those who lose the right. This is the truth.

Therefore, as the emperor, he was not stingy in admitting his mistakes.

Jing Jian shook his head lightly, and tightened his fingertips holding his son's little hand slightly. The hot temperature spread to his son's little hand. He whispered, "My subordinate accepts the emperor's apology, and we will get along peacefully in the future, okay?"


It was originally late autumn, and it was cold standing on a high place and being blown by the wind.

Jing Jian's palm was very hot, he obviously didn't wear much, but his whole body was like a furnace, it was extremely warm when he held his hand.

Feeling the temperature from Jing Jian's hands, Xiao Yuhuan said in a low voice, "Father's palms are always hot too. Jing Jian, I really found that you have many similarities with Father. It's no wonder that Queen Mother gets close you."

When Jing Jian heard the words, he smiled and said nothing.

He has many similarities with Xiao Jianjin, but he is Xiao Jianjin himself.

The high place was bitterly cold and windy, and it blew for a while, Jing Jian was worried that his son would be frozen, so he suggested: "Your Majesty, it's getting late, it's time to go back and give you a lecture, let's go down!"

Xiao Yuhuan actually wanted to stay a little longer, but when he thought that there were a lot of things he didn't understand these days, and the empress mother told him to rest early so that he could grow taller, he could only nod helplessly and said: "Okay." , then go back!"

Jing Jian reached out to lift his son into his arms, tapped his toes, and jumped down towards the Chengqian Hall.

Back at Chengqian Hall, Jing Jian found that his son still didn't understand a lot, he patiently explained them one by one, and Xiao Yuhuan suddenly understood.It took almost an hour to solve all the problems.

But after finishing the study, instead of asking his son to put down the book, he asked him, "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Xiao Yuhuan shook his head, smiled and said: "No more, what I don't understand, the master has already said almost."

"Okay then, let's test the emperor!"

Jing Jian said in a low voice: "Practice what you have learned, and never forget what you have learned, then you have truly learned it. If you just understand it, you will forget it later. Learning is useless."

"You take the test!"

Xiao Yuhuan puffed up his chest very confidently, and said triumphantly: "If I have learned it, I have learned it. You can pass any exam you want!"

"Very well, the emperor accepts the move!"

Jing Jian didn't turn the pages of the book, and relied on his memory to test his son several questions one after another, and his son was able to answer them one by one, with a complacent expression on his upturned little face, he hummed softly and said, "Master, how are you? You are right!"

"Well, that's a good answer indeed."

Jing Jian showed appreciation, and asked several questions one after another, Xiao Yuhuan was able to answer them accurately.

Jing Jian raised his hand and patted his son's head, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty has learned really well, and I will continue to work hard in the future. You are still young, although you have learned everything, but what you need to learn in the future will only be better." More and more complicated, we must not be complacent and complacent."

(End of this chapter)

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