Chapter 210 Can I Choose Myself?
Su Chengxi has been dealing with the memorial, more seriously than when she was a social animal. When encountering difficult things, she held her forehead and meditated. Suddenly, she heard the door being pushed open. When she looked up, she saw her son running over excitedly.

"What's wrong? Run slowly, don't fall."

Just as Su Chengxi was about to stand up, Xiao Yuhuan quickly ran to her side, stretched out his hand to grab Su Chengxi's sleeve, and asked with shining eyes: "Mother and stepmother, can I choose my own master to teach me martial arts?"

Su Chengxi raised her brows, she didn't expect her son to take the initiative to make such a request, she immediately smiled and asked curiously: "Of course, I just don't know who Huan'er wants to teach you how to practice martial arts?"

"Zhao Yi!"

Xiao Yuhuan said without hesitation: "Although his martial arts is not as good as the master's, I think it's not bad, so let him teach me!"

"You and your master thought of going together, and the person your master found for you is also him."

Su Chengxi touched his son's little head, and said with a light smile, "Your master still knows you and knows who you want. There is not much time now, so hurry up and sleep for a while, or you will be very tired after practicing martial arts in the afternoon."

Every day at noon, Su Chengxi would urge her son to have a good night's sleep so that he could recharge his energy before going to practice martial arts, so as not to overwhelm his body.

As soon as Xiao Yuhuan heard that his mother mentioned Jingjian, he hummed twice and muttered: "Okay, I know."

"If you know, go quickly!"

After Su Chengxi sent her son away, she continued to review the memorials. During this time, she learned a lot from Jing Jian, and she became more and more comfortable handling the memorials.

But there will still be tricky things.

Just like... the snow disaster in the north.

Although it is not yet winter, it is already late autumn, but the north is already extremely cold. The snow has been flying for half a month, and it still does not stop. The snow covered the mountain roads and flooded the villages, making the people miserable.

It's really that misfortunes never come singly. One thing has not been completely resolved, and another thing has appeared.

Now the treasury is almost empty.

Internal and external troubles have not been resolved.

Prime Minister Lu privately sent back news that there were already clues to the missing relief money, but the involvement was extensive, and there were many officials involved in the city of Kyoto.

Su Chengxi frowned, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

In the afternoon, when he was practicing martial arts, Xiao Yuhuan saw Zhao Yi, his eyes lit up, and he pretended to walk over with his chest upright. Before he could speak, Zhao Yi took a step forward, bowed his hands respectfully, and said, "I pay homage to the emperor. Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Free gift!"

Xiao Yuhuan smiled and waved his hands, pretending to be deep and said: "Zhao Yi, from today until Master comes back, you will teach me how to practice martial arts."

"Your Majesty, the subordinates must do their best." Zhao Yi said with a serious expression on his resolute face, "Your Majesty will order you at any time."

Xiao Yuhuan was somewhat satisfied with Zhao Yi, nodded and said: "Okay, then you can teach me lightness kung fu first!"

Didn't Jing Jian run away after agreeing to teach him lightness kung fu?Then he will let someone else teach it, and when he comes back, fly it to him and show him, it will piss him off!
"Your Majesty...shouldn't you practice swords?"

Zhao Yi raised a question: "Guard Jing said that you have been doing well in your sword practice recently, so don't slack off and let your subordinates watch you practice hard."

"When did he talk to you?"

When Xiao Yuhuan heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he was instantly unhappy.

Jing Jian didn't have time to tell him, but went to find Zhao Yi when he had time, it was really maddening.

Who is the emperor?
Who is his apprentice?
(End of this chapter)

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