Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 225 Is Jingjian your master, or is I your master?

Chapter 225 Is Jingjian your master, or is I your master?

"Okay, then let him see how powerful my son is."

Su Chengxi said with a smile: "My son is extremely intelligent and hard-working. Although he is an emperor, he is not coquettish at all. He respects his teachers and is diligent and studious. He will definitely achieve great things!"

Su Chengxi's words made Xiao Yuhuan proud.

He raised his head and said with a smile: "What the queen mother said is very true, and my son will definitely work hard to achieve something."

Just like what Mo Lao said, since you are a king, you must benefit the people of the world, you must protect the people of the world, you must seek the well-being of the world's silver, and let the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, without worrying about food and drink.

The most important thing is to let the surrounding countries not dare to invade!
These words are easy to say, but it is difficult to do them.

There are so many emperors in history, but very few people can achieve it, and it takes many generations of hard work to achieve a little bit.

But Mo Lao hopes that he can do it, because he has high hopes for him.

Although Xiao Yuhuan is young, he also vaguely knows that there are many responsibilities on his shoulders, so he dare not relax for a moment.

But fortunately, the queen mother understood him, supported him, and encouraged him.

The smile and praise from the queen mother are enough for him to resist the exhaustion of the whole day.

After eating, Xiao Yuhuan rushed to the training ground after resting for a while.

Zhao Yi had been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw Xiao Yuhuan approaching, he stopped practicing his sword, stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "I will see the emperor."


Xiao Yuhuan said with a smile: "Zhao Yi, I found it very interesting that you taught me lightness kung fu yesterday. You will continue to teach me today. After I learn it, I will be rewarded a lot!"

Father's lightness kung fu is excellent.

Jing Jian's lightness kung fu is also excellent.

So, he has to do it very well.

I don't want to surpass my father, but I must surpass Jingjian.

This is his ultimate goal.

Zhao Yi frowned, and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, the most urgent thing is that you need to practice the swordsmanship taught to you by Jing's guards, and the lightness skill is second."

"I know everything master taught me. Didn't you read it all yesterday? Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Xiao Yuhuan frowned unhappily and said, "Are I the emperor or are you the emperor?"

Zhao Yi hastily cupped his hands and said: "Of course you are the emperor, please practice more, learn from the past and learn the new, you have to practice repeatedly every day. Swordsmanship is not achieved overnight, you need to practice hard every day to get better and better .As for qinggong, I will teach you later."

"You really are Rory."

Xiao Yuhuan pursed his lips, and said reluctantly: "Okay, I know, when I finish my sword practice, you can teach me light kung fu! You can only dance swords, not light kung fu. If there is really an assassin to kill, you can only do it hard." Don't you think it's extremely sad that you don't even have a chance to escape?"

Zhao Yi said that he couldn't beat Xiao Yuhuan, feeling quite helpless in his heart, and explained: "Before Guard Jing left, he had already instructed his subordinates how to go to the Pope. This subordinate has no experience in teaching people, but Guard Jing's arrangement must not be wrong."

"It's Guard Jing again. Is he your master or I am your master? Why do you listen to him everything?"

Xiao Yuhuan said angrily: "Just wait for him to come back, and you can join him under his command, so as not to follow me and be wronged!"

"Your Majesty, you are the only master of my subordinates!"

Zhao Yi hastily expressed his loyalty and said: "This subordinate obeys the emperor's words, and only admires the arrangement of guard Jing. If the emperor doesn't like it, the subordinate can make adjustments."

(End of this chapter)

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