Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 235 Drinking Medicine and Eating Meat

Chapter 235 Drinking Medicine and Eating Meat

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he was just about to answer that he had met someone sent by that bastard Sangzi before he found the honey, but it seemed that he was too restless and lacking in ability.

He was thinking about how to answer this question.

Two brothers who were stung and swollen by bees appeared behind Chu Feng. They held bamboo tubes in their hands, and one of them said through his mouth, "Master, honey honey..."

The other person also nodded hastily, and handed the bamboo tube to Jingjian.

Everyone was startled, Jing Jian noticed that these two had just arrived, and asked in surprise, "Are you Wang Huai and Zhang Shun?"

"Yeah, it's us, it's us..."

Wang Huai and Zhang Shun nodded hastily, their bodies were swollen from the bites, with bright blisters.

Jing Jian took the bamboo tube from the two of them with trembling hands, and said emotionally, "Thanks for your hard work, brother, you two should go to the ghost hunt first and ask for some medicine to put it away! You can easily lose your life if you are bitten so badly." .”

The two were taken aback when they heard the words, then hurriedly saluted Jing Jian and ran towards the pharmacy.

Jing Jian took a bamboo tube with a complicated expression and opened it, golden transparent honey appeared in front of his eyes, with white sand on the surface, it smelled very sweet, mellow and delicate, with a little floral fragrance, very fragrant authentic.

He thought for a while, stretched out his fingers to taste a little, nodded in satisfaction, handed the bamboo tube he had tasted to Chu Feng, and said: "Roasted rabbit meat and chicken will taste better if they are brushed with honey. Anyway, there are two tubes, let's use this tube to brush the meat!"

Chu Feng took it twitching from the corner of his eyes, and reminded in a low voice: "Master, I see that it is not easy for Wang Huai and Zhang Shun to obtain this bit of honey. General Zhen Guo likes to eat it and often drinks it. Leave it to him!"

"In this mountain forest, there are many good things. Even the honey is not necessarily small. If you ask you to use it to brush meat, you can take it. What are you doing with so much nonsense?" Jing Jian gave Chu Feng a sideways look, and hugged another The barrel of honey turned around and left.

After half an hour.

Jing Jian appeared beside Su Huaishan's bed.

He smiled and fed warm honey water to Su Huaishan, and said with a low laugh: "Father, I didn't lie to you, did I? I told you to drink sweet honey water and I cooked it for you. After the chicken is grilled, the best part is served to you."

Su Huaishan's mouth was sweet, and his mood was very good. Hearing that there will be rabbit meat and chicken for a while, his mood was even better, and he said happily: "Okay, good, rabbit meat and chicken for a while." .”

He subconsciously knew that rabbit meat and chicken were delicious, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember what rabbit meat and chicken looked like.

After he was happy for a while, he asked Jing Jian wonderingly: "What do rabbit meat and chicken look like? I don't think I have eaten it. Are they delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious."

Jing Jian looked at Su Huaishan's resolute appearance, even after years of baptism, the raging winds in Dongjiang, and the ignorant and curious expression on his handsome face that has not faded away after serving Lord Dongjiang for many years, he felt a little headache. He said in a low voice, "You promised me that you will drink your medicine well, eat more meat, and get well soon. Rabbit meat and chicken are both delicious, and you will eat more later."

Su Huaishan nodded, and said firmly: "I know, drink medicine and eat meat and you will be able to see Xi'er when you recover."

In an instant, Jing Jian's mood became more complicated.

He always knew that Su Huaishan loved Su Chengxi's daughter dearly, but he didn't expect it to be so deep that even though he hadn't seen him for many years, he was injured and lost his memory, but he still remembered Xixi as his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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