Chapter 238 Who is Mrs. General?

"It's Xi'er."

Jing Jian doesn't lie, when Su Huaishan frowned and wanted to refute, Jing Jian said again: "This is what she looks like when she grows up, she looks very much like her mother, Mrs. You must have mistook her for the general's wife!"

"Madam General? Who is it?"

Su Huaishan desperately wants to know who the person he cares about is.

But he couldn't think of it, this feeling burned his heart, and it was full of fine and dense pain.

It was much more serious than the physical pain, which made him almost out of breath.

He didn't know why he was like this.

But he understands that he doesn't want to forget the person who doesn't exist in his mind.

He wanted to find out everything about that person, but he couldn't.

"The general's wife is your wife, Xi'er's mother."

Jing Jian explained: "The mother-in-law in my memory is much gentler than Xi'er. Although the appearance is similar, there are also many differences. You should take good care of your body. When you can calm down, I will draw her again." Like to show you."

After thinking for a while, Jing Jian said again: "However, I haven't seen my mother-in-law for many years, so the picture drawn may be a bit different, so don't mind."

Su Huaishan frowned and remained silent for a long time. Just when Jing Jian thought he would not speak again, he suddenly said hoarsely: "It's Yan'er, it's Yan'er."

Jing Jian's body trembled, and he asked in surprise, "Father, do you remember?"

The wife of General Zhen Guo is named Cui Yanran.

Yan'er, probably Su Huaishan's pet name for her!


Su Huaishan said in a low voice: "I just thought that I should remember the existence of such a person, her name is Yan'er."

After he finished speaking, he asked Jing Jian full of hope: "Son-in-law, do you know Yan'er? You know Xi'er, so you should also know Yan'er, right? Where is she?"

When Jing Jian heard this, her heart choked.

He knew exactly what it was like to lose someone he loved.

The general's wife has been dead for more than ten years.

He looked at Su Huaishan's eyes full of hope, and could not tell him cruelly - the person you miss is long gone, and you will never see her again.

This fact is undoubtedly the most cruel.

Seeing that Jingjian didn't answer, Su Huaishan felt a little anxious. He just wanted to ask something, but he didn't know where to start, as if he was afraid of hearing an answer that would make him uncomfortable.

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Son-in-law, Dad is hungry. When will the roast rabbit and chicken you mentioned be ready? I want to eat them."

Jing Jian was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Zeng Ming, Zeng Ming replied: "It's all baked, it's just that I was busy checking the general's injury just now, so it was delayed."

"Since it's ready, bring it up!"

Jing Jian ordered quietly.

Zeng Ming stepped back, and soon came over with hares and pheasants that were sizzling, attractive in color, and fragrant.

As soon as Su Huaishan smelled it, the pain in his aching heart stopped instantly. He opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "I want to eat the best part."

After speaking, he said to Jing Jian: "You said this, you can't go back on your word."

Jing Jian nodded with a smile and said: "I don't regret it, if I tell you to eat the best, I will definitely give it to you."

Jing Jian turned around, went out to wash his hands and came back, tore off a rabbit leg from Zeng Ming's hand, went to the bed, tore off a piece of fresh and steaming rabbit meat, handed it to Su Huaishan's mouth, and said in a low voice: " That's the best part, just try it."

(End of this chapter)

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