Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 241 You will always put your family first!

Chapter 241 You will always put your family first!

Jing Jian quickly entered Dong'an City, which was heavily guarded at this time.

There is a guard at the top of the city tower. If it is not for the superb martial arts, there is no way to enter the city smoothly from under the noses of so many people.

Fortunately, in the early years, Jing Jian had someone set up a stronghold in Dong'an City and dug a secret tunnel, which can be entered from a very hidden cave in the deep mountains three miles outside the city, and then enter the city along the tunnel.

Jing Jian's speed is very fast.

After entering Dong'an City, he crawled out of a dry well covered with stone slabs in an inconspicuous small courtyard.

The tunnel is very secretive, inconspicuous, and difficult to be discovered.

Su Wangjing just entered Dong'an City early this morning, and now he has lived in the General's Mansion.

Jing Jian quietly walked towards the General's Mansion.

He sneaks in subtly.

I just found the courtyard where Su Wangjing settled down, when I heard a cry of pain from the courtyard: "Father! Don't hit me, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have followed you without telling you. But I'm married, brother now Missing, my mother has wiped away tears in the mansion countless times. As a brother, as a son of man, what's wrong with me coming to look for elder brother?"

"How dare you hide!"

Su Wangjing said furiously: "I asked you to get married to let you settle down in the mansion, be filial to your mother, and guard my Su family's family business, not to let you secretly follow me to this dangerous place! Your eldest brother is stationed in Dongjiang You will be plotted against for many years, and you dare to follow! Why, do you think you have lived too long and want to court death?"

"Father, you can't let go of the person who hurt my elder brother?"

Su Huaibei said angrily: "You always put your family first, and shrink back in everything you do. These years, you have even ignored the affairs of the court. I don't believe you can't see how difficult Xi'er is in the court, but you When did you take care of her life? You gave her dozens of people and let her go. Now my elder brother has been framed and his life is uncertain. You clearly know that the matter of your elder brother is inseparable from Sangzi, but you still treat him as a guest. You're being polite, I feel aggrieved looking at it!"

"What do you know?"

Su Wangjing was so angry that he slammed his stick on his son again, widened his eyes and said angrily: "The situation in Eastern Xinjiang is complicated now, do you really think that if I come back to take charge of the Su family army, I can send everyone at ease? You It's really too young. Your elder brother has an accident. Not only is Sangzi suspicious, but the people around your elder brother may not be clean. We haven't figured out anything yet, and you want to point the finger at others indiscriminately. You are really stupid !"

Su Huaibei was very unconvinced: "You are so indecisive now, you don't have a little fortitude, and you are still at the mercy of others! Others say how you used your soldiers like a god, how you fought so many victories in the battlefield, I think you are bragging You blow so much! Do you see where you still have the vigor of your youth? It’s just that your bones have been softened by the warm wind of the capital city. You can’t even find the trace of your eldest brother after saying these useless words! You can’t even take revenge. I can't do it! How many people have died in our Su family in these years? How many brothers and sons have you died yourself, but when did you avenge them? It would be useless to let them die!"

"You bastard!"

Su Wangjing was so angry that he was trembling all over, his eyes were almost out of frame, he slammed a stick on Su Huaibei's shoulder, trembling with anger, he said angrily: "How do you want me to take revenge? How to take revenge? The enemy country has reconciled with the Yunsheng Dynasty, how can I have another incident? How can I drag the entire Yunsheng Dynasty into danger by my own power! How can I, Su Wangjing, be this eternal sinner! Pull my Su family into eternal doom situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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