Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 253 Huan'er, You Really Surprised the Queen Mother

Xiao Yuhuan seemed to feel the gaze from his mother, turned his head to look at his mother, and then met her shining eyes full of surprise, he smiled shyly, and his little face blushed instantly.

The officials above the court have their own exquisiteness.

But no objection was raised on the matter.

The matter was settled smoothly.

After going to court, Su Chengxi hugged her son appreciatively, and asked curiously: "Huan'er, can you tell the queen mother why you had such an idea just now?"

"Empress Mother, I just think that if the ministers in the court question that this year's students are not knowledgeable enough to enter the top three, then those who are not educated can improve their knowledge through learning. The ministers in the court are capable people and can contribute There are plenty of students who answer questions and solve doubts, why can't they make use of them?"

Xiao Yuhuan smiled and said: "Besides, Erchen intends to hand over this matter to Mr. Mo. He belongs to us and will definitely attract more available people for us."

"Huan'er, you are so smart, you really surprised the queen mother!"

Su Chengxi looked at her son with shining eyes, and couldn't wait to tell Jing Jian about this, and share with him the sense of accomplishment and pride she gained from her son.

Her heart was pounding, and the more she looked at her son, the more she liked him.

Xiao Yuhuan's face was as red as a ripe persimmon when his mother looked at him. After lowering his head and smiling shyly, he said in a low voice: "My mother, my son and minister also express their feelings. If you think it is feasible, that would be great." '

"Of course it is feasible. If you have any ideas in the future, you must boldly raise them. If there is something inappropriate, you can discuss it with the queen mother. If it is appropriate, you can issue an imperial edict. You are the emperor, so you must have the ability to make decisions."

Su Chengxi stretched out her hand and wanted to rub her son's little head like before, but just as she put her hand on it, her eyes moved slightly, and she took her hand back again.

Xiao Yuhuan looked sideways at the mother's hand that was released and retracted, blinked suspiciously, then heard Su Chengxi chuckle, and explained: "Rubbing the head is a way to express love and comfort to children, but the mother Today I feel that you have grown up and this method is no longer applicable.”

This sentence made Xiao Yuhuan both proud and a little disappointed. He asked curiously and expectantly: "Mother, what is the applicable method when the minister grows up?"

Su Chengxi thought about it seriously, and replied: "The mother thinks that when Huan'er grows up, an appropriate way to express liking should be a reward to a certain extent. I think the point you put forward this time is very feasible and very insightful. So I decided to promise you a condition. You can ask your mother to do something for you, or you can ask your mother for something, and you should think about what you want."

Xiao Yuhuan's eyes lit up in an instant, and he said with joy: "Really? Can I really let my mother do something or ask for something for my son?"

"That's right, not only this time, as long as you do something worth rewarding in the future, the queen mother will reward you as appropriate."

Su Chengxi adopted an encouraging method for her son's education. She said with a smile: "Of course, these things are not unconditional. First of all, what you ask your mother to do must be within her ability, and what you want must also be what your mother wants. I can give you."

Xiao Yuhuan smiled happily and nodded, "Well, I thank you, Queen Mother."

Su Chengxi shook her head with a smile, and said softly with her eyes softly: "You're welcome, you have to work hard to get what you want. The queen mother just rewards you, not unconditionally."

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