The little emperor has already asked about this.

Mo Rufeng didn't give a shit either.

After pondering for a moment, he said in a low voice: "This matter is entirely up to the emperor."

He came from afar, and his original purpose was to become an emperor teacher.

He had been putting on airs all the time, but he just wanted to see how sincere the Queen Mother and the Emperor were.

Now that the time has passed, the more he gets in touch with the queen mother and the little emperor, the more pleasantly surprised he is. The enthusiasm in his heart is high. Although he is over eighty-five years old, the ambition burning in his body reminds him of his youth.

At that time, he was full of enthusiasm and wanted to start a career, hoping to make a great contribution to the Yunsheng Dynasty, but the reality gave him an extremely loud slap in the face, which made him extremely disappointed. He stayed away from the capital city and became a coward.

Fortunately, he did not live in vain in his life. After decades of waiting, he finally got such an excellent opportunity to show his ambition and ideal.

He is willing to devote all his life's knowledge to teaching the emperor to be a resourceful, strategizing, wise and courteous ruler who does not rest on his laurels. This will be the biggest challenge in his life, but he is full of confidence.

Just thinking about it, his eyes became hot, and his heart was full of passion.

Xiao Yuhuan's eyes lit up with joy, and he said with a smile, "Thank you, Taifu."

Mo Lao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly, and looked at Xiao Yuhuan with gentle eyes: "Your Majesty, I have been delayed for some time today, and I will delay school for a quarter of an hour later, let's start!"

"Yes, Taifu."

Xiao Yuhuan's Tai Tuo screamed resoundingly.

Mo Lao couldn't help showing a slight smile in his eyes.

A child is a child after all, no matter how smart he is, he always looks childish. Xiao Yuhuan was in a good mood all morning, he was very active in class and concentrated on it. No matter what questions Mo Rufeng asked, he could answer them with high spirits. Much louder than usual.

Mo Rufeng was very pleased to see it.

After school was delayed for a quarter of an hour, Xiao Yuhuan smiled and said: "Teacher, you are old and it is inconvenient to go in and out of the palace. After I go back, I will propose to the queen mother to vacate the palace behind for you to stay temporarily. If I meet you in the future If you have a problem, I can also ask you to answer it as soon as possible, what do you think?"

Mo Rufeng subconsciously wanted to refuse, Xiao Yuhuan smiled and said: "My lord, I know you must think this is against the rules, but this is not the harem, but my study place, you may have concerns, but I think the rules It is all determined by people. I am still young and know little about the affairs of this world, so I really need you to answer my questions. It takes a long time for you to go in and out of the palace every day, and I often can’t find you. inconvenient."

Mo Rufeng pondered for a while, then sighed softly and said: "What the emperor said is very true, since this is the case, the old minister will follow the emperor's arrangement in everything."

Xiao Yuhuan laughed instantly: "Master Taifu, I have already sent someone to repair the palace behind, and it will be renamed Chengwen Palace from today onwards. You don't have to leave the palace today. I will take you to have a look."

Mo Rufeng did not expect Xiao Yuhuan to be so active.

I was a little dazed for a while, and then I was moved by Xiao Yuhuan's firm and positive behavior, and I was very moved, so I followed Xiao Yuhuan to the closest palace to the school—Chengwen Hall.

The three big characters of Chengwen Hall are hung in the center of the palace in gold.

Xiao Yuhuan said with a smile: "I have been taught by the Taifu to learn literary and hyphenated characters, so I use it as a name. I hope the Taifu will not dislike it."

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