Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 262 I also ask the emperor to enlighten me

Lu Ran has been very quiet.

Most of the time, he is taciturn, and it is rare to say a word occasionally.

Hua Yuerong and Xiong Lie have long been accustomed to it.

But when it came to rankings, Hua Yuerong suddenly wondered if Lu Ran was really as indifferent to fame and wealth as he showed. He raised his eyebrows and joked, "Brother Lu, why are you so indifferent? Seeing that you are the champion of the new department, shouldn't you be happy?"

Lu Ran turned his head to look at Hua Yuerong, and said calmly: "The result has not yet come out, it is unpredictable, I am very happy to be in the top three."

These words were impeccable.

It was exactly what he expected to win the first place.

He knew that the person in charge of the scientific examination this time was Mr. Mo, and that the review of the test papers would definitely go through Mr. Mo. He had done some research on Mr. Mo, and with his literary talent, he firmly believed that he could come out on top.

He is also aware of Xiong Lie and Hua Yuerong's ability.

He didn't feel that the articles of these two people could write better than his.

Hua Yuerong didn't expect Lu Ran to have such an attitude, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he laughed lowly: "Brother Lu is indeed an extraordinary person, but I'm too shallow."

Lu Ran frowned, and said in a low voice: "No, I just think that no matter whether it is the number one scholar or the third flower, it is excellent. As long as you can have a place in the court, what you have learned in the past ten years can be used. It's excellent."

Ever since Hua Yuerong met Lu Ran, he knew that he was a person with a cold personality.

It is said that the three major happy events in life are: meeting an old friend in a foreign country, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and the time of being named on the gold list.

Now that Lu Ran has been named on the gold list, he is still so indifferent, as if he has never taken these trivial matters to heart, it really makes people have to sigh that it is unfathomable.

In this world, the most difficult thing to impress is a person who has no desires or desires.

Lu Ran is obviously not.

But he can prevent anyone from guessing his truest thoughts and emotions.

This is terrible.

Hua Yuerong knows very well that Lu Ran is a tough guy. If he wants to be loyal to him wholeheartedly, he must be respected very much. Wholehearted allegiance.

However, don't worry.

There will be plenty of time to explore slowly in the future.

He is the person who is most interested in such uncertain things.

The three of them entered the palace and were taken all the way to Chengqian Palace.

Su Chengxi and Xiao Yuhuan were dressed in fine clothes and sat at the head, with six ministers and cabinet ministers sitting on both sides, while Mo Rufeng sat not far from Xiao Yuhuan's head, his status was obvious.

The three entered the hall.

They opened their robes together and knelt down to salute: "The grass people see the emperor, see the queen mother, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, my queen mother."

With a smile in Su Chengxi's eyes, he gently raised his hand and patted his son's little hand, and Xiao Yuhuan's crisp and soft voice rang out: "Let's get down! Come forward and let me have a look, just now the Grand Tutor treated the three of you I praise you very much, I have read your article, it is really good, and I appreciate you three very much. Today I announce that you are here, I have some questions that I want to discuss with you, and I ask you to answer them earnestly!"

Although the palace examination has been canceled for many years.

But every time the scientific examination is over, the emperor will still announce the top three in the palace, ask some questions, and then determine what positions to assign to the three of them.

In this regard, the three have no objection.

They took a few steps forward together, and stopped eight steps away from the upper seat, and they all clasped their hands together and said: "Please give me your advice, Your Majesty!"

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