Speaking of this, Mo Rufeng's old pupils glistened with tears, and he choked up and said: "The old man waited for a whole day but couldn't wait for anyone to come. He was worried that something would happen to them, so he followed the path where they escaped, but found nothing. I didn’t find it. Later, the old man asked many times and heard that someone saw your grandmother at the foot of Wangyang Mountain. The old man rushed there, and saw that your grandmother was tortured badly, but your father was nowhere to be found. Your grandmother insisted that your father had died No, no matter how tortured the other party is, they still haven't revealed your father's whereabouts, but this old man knows your grandmother and knows that your grandmother will protect your father no matter what..."

Speaking of the past decades ago, Mo Rufeng's eyes were so red that his eyeballs were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes. His tears flowed down unconsciously. He took a deep breath, choked with grief and anger and said, "Those beasts Tortured your grandmother to death in front of this old man, and then tortured this old man until he was left with only one breath, or...someone arrived in time, which saved this old man's life."

"The old man firmly believes that your father is not dead. He has been looking for him for many years, and he has traveled all over the Yunsheng Dynasty, but he has not been found again. Until... until ten years ago, the old man returned to his hometown to rest, but he did not expect... But I didn't expect..."

Mo Rufeng covered his face with his hands, and cried out in grief: "I didn't expect to see each other for the last time."

Seeing that Mo Rufeng was crying, Xiao Yuhuan hurriedly stood up, walked to his side, patted his shoulder clumsily, took out the handkerchief from his bosom and handed it to him, whispering comfortingly: "Teacher, don't Sad, but fortunately you still have relatives alive, which is already an excellent thing."

In fact, so many years have passed.

If his son was still alive, he would be sixty-five this year.

He had long since hoped that his son was still alive.

I have already been mentally prepared.

But at the moment when I heard that my son died of illness, I still felt very heartbroken.

He shook his head, wiped his face, turned his head to Xiao Yuhuan with red eyes and said: "The emperor laughed."

"I didn't laugh."

Xiao Yuhuan said very seriously: "You are my teacher and my elder. How can I laugh when you hurt me? I have also lost important people. Although my mother always said that my father would come back, but I After waiting for a long time, my father didn't come back, so I can understand your pain of losing someone important to you."

Hearing this, Mo Rufeng's heart sank, with a slight stabbing pain, he stretched out his old hand tremblingly and patted Xiao Yuhuan's shoulder, looking at his serious eyes, he couldn't bear to tell him that if his father died, he would die. Also won't be coming back.

Mo Rufeng's throat tightened, he opened his mouth, and after a while he said feebly: "Old minister, I thank the emperor for his comfort."

Xiao Yuhuan shook his head, and said with a serious face: "So, Lu Zhuangyuan is the grandson of the Grand Tutor, and I congratulate the Grand Tutor for getting a relative!"

After Xiao Yuhuan's reminder, Mo Rufeng came to his senses, turned his eyes to look at Lu Ran hastily, and saw that Lu Ran was frowning tightly, as if he hadn't recovered from what he said about the past, he said with some guilt: "Lu Ran, what happened back then was the old man's fault, which made your father's life difficult. Can you tell me what happened to your father back then?"

Although the son is gone.

But he still wondered if his son was doing well after fleeing.

Even if you know it in your heart, it may not be a good life.

But he just wanted to know.

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