Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 282 The boy wants to compete with his cousin!

Because Shangguan Lin misses his wife dearly, Su Chengyuan and the others are also extremely homesick, and they tacitly speed up on the way back.

Fortunately, the two children, Su Yangjing and Su Yangkui, are in good health. Although they are exhausted, they are still very lively and active.

This was the first time they left Kuizhou, and everything they saw along the way felt novel.

Su Chengyuan is also willing to pamper them, and will take them to the mountains to catch pheasants and hares to roast and eat during his journey, or buy them delicious things in the market.

Su Yangjing is six years old. When he thinks that his cousin is only seven years old and has already become the most honored person in the entire Yunsheng Dynasty, he asks his father very curiously: "Daddy, my son heard that my cousin is the emperor. Isn't the emperor very powerful?"

Su Chengyuan thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "The emperor is the most honorable person in the entire Yunsheng Dynasty, so he is naturally powerful."

Su Yangjing blinked, opened his small mouth wide, and asked in amazement: "Is it much better than a child?"

Su Chengyuan thought for a while, and thought of the little emperor's situation that his sister mentioned to him when he wrote to him, he nodded and said seriously: "It is indeed much more powerful."

As soon as Su Yangjing heard what his father said, he curled his small mouth, and then said with high spirits: "Then when I go to the capital city, I must compare myself with my cousin!"

He was the eldest son of the prefect in Kuizhou, and all the children of the officials in Kuizhou couldn't compare to him. Even the master who taught reading said that he was extremely intelligent, and he would definitely be the pillar of the country in the future.

Dad also tested his knowledge and kung fu in his spare time. Although he was not full of praise, he was satisfied, but now his father actually said that his cousin is better than him!
He wants to see how good his cousin is!

Su Chengyuan knew that although his elder son was young, he was very strong, so he raised his hand and gently rubbed his son's head, a smile flashed in his eyes, he nodded and said: "When I see your cousin, you can Ask him, if he is willing to compete with you, I have no objection as a father."

Su Yangjing snorted and said, "Cousin will definitely agree, unless he is no match for Hai'er."

Seeing his son's arrogance, Su Chengyuan's eyes twinkled slightly, his expression became more serious, and he said coldly: "Do you still remember that my father taught you not to be arrogant or act recklessly? Your cousin is the emperor, and you are His people, don't be rude to him, understand?"

Su Yangjing is still young, even if he knows what a monarch and minister are, he doesn't have a big concept, he only knows that his father taught him for his cousin, and he is very unhappy.

Seeing this, Luo Qiwen took a step forward and hugged her son into her arms, glared at Su Chengyuan complainingly, and said angrily: "Husband, the child is still young, and he can't understand what you tell him. He and The emperor is a child, and he is a cousin, so it will not be a big deal to play together, why are you so harsh?"

Su Chengyuan frowned, and said softly: "Even if he and the emperor are still children, the rules cannot be surpassed, and he cannot be disrespectful to the emperor."

Of course Luo Qiwen also knew this truth, but she really felt sorry for the child. Seeing her son's eyes were red, she couldn't help but whispered: "Although what your husband said is very true, it's too early to mention these things now. Let’s talk about it when we get back to Kyoto City!”

Su Chengyuan disagreed.

He felt that as long as he encountered a problem, he should clarify it in time and then solve it, but seeing his son nestled in his wife's arms aggrieved, he couldn't say anything to blame.

In the end, I could only sigh helplessly: "Okay, let's not take this as an example."

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