Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 284 Is there any reason for a husband not to give what the daughter-in-law wants to give?

When did Jing Jian come back? Why didn't she hear any news?
Shouldn't Jing Jian report to her first when he comes back, and come back after getting her permission?
But when she thought about it again, she felt that Jing Jian was Xiao Jianjin, and Xiao Jianjin didn't need her permission to do things.

But even so, she was a little unhappy.

Jing Jian raised his hand and rubbed her little head, then sighed softly and said, "I have something urgent to come back now, the situation in Dongjiang is stable, and I will leave someone to protect the old man and father for my husband, you don't have to worry!"

Su Chengxi frowned displeasedly: "But you didn't tell me anything!"

Even if her consent is not required, she should be informed.

As soon as the words were spoken, she suddenly felt that there might be some reason why Jing Jian couldn't tell her in advance, and she shouldn't be ignorant of the general situation.

Jing Jian raised his hand and rubbed Su Chengxi's head, and murmured in a low voice: "My husband came back quietly, no one knows, the enemy is in the open, and we are in the dark, so we can find out more news that is beneficial to us."

He pinched Su Chengxi's chin and lifted it up, and piously placed a soft kiss on her lips, his voice was so soft and hoarse, he asked in a low voice: "Xi'er, during the time when my husband is away, what do you want?" For husband?"

Su Chengxi's face turned a little red in an instant, she put her arms around Jing Jian's neck, nodded lightly and said, "I miss you, I miss you all the time."

"You said you missed me, why did your first reaction when you saw me just now be questioning instead of surprise?"

Jing Jian pinched Su Chengxi's nose, and said angrily, "You little liar, are you lying to me?"

Su Chengxi chuckled, blinked, and said in a low voice: "I didn't question you, I was just curious, and I was surprised when you appeared suddenly. I didn't have a good time without you, very I miss you, I can vaguely think of some past events, the miracle doctor you mentioned has not been in Beijing for so long, I still don’t know what is going on with me..."

She is not sick or disaster, but only modern memory exists in her head, but she is indeed the original Su Chengxi.

Sometimes she can't figure out why this happens.

Jing Jian raised his hand and touched Su Chengxi's small head, and said in a low voice: "That miracle doctor comes and goes without a trace, even if something happens to find him, as long as it's not a matter of life or death, he will wait for a year or so before coming to the door." It is also a common thing. Don't worry, you will remember everything one day."

Su Chengxi smiled, hugged Jing Jian tightly, rubbed his head against his chin, and said softly, "Don't rush this matter, just take your time. You've worked so hard, go get a good night's sleep!"

Jing Jian gave a low laugh, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and sighed softly, "You are the only one in the capital who knows about my husband's return. My husband can't appear in front of people for the time being, and I can only stay in Xi'er's bedroom from now on. I also ask Xi'er to take care of her."

Su Chengxi chuckled, her eyes flickered, and she leaned into Jing Jian's ear and whispered a word.

Jing Jian's eyes darkened, and his breathing became disordered in an instant. He swallowed, and confirmed in a low voice: "Xi'er, you said this, and you can't go back on your word."

Su Chengxi coquettishly said, "Why do you talk so much? Do you want it or not?"


Jing Jian resolutely said: "If the daughter-in-law wants to give it, there is no reason for the husband not to!"

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