Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 296 Once you settle down, have more children!

Su Yangjing smelled the aroma of honey osmanthus cake and wanted to eat it for a long time, but he was too embarrassed to reach out.

Now the mother handed it to him, and he happily reached out to take it.

Immediately attracted by the sweet smell of honey osmanthus cake, he opened his mouth to take a bite, when he heard Xiao Yuhuan's voice like presenting a treasure.

He frowned instantly, feeling that the soft and delicious honey osmanthus cake had become hideous.

"good to eat."

A soft voice came from his ear, and he looked sideways, and saw his younger brother eating pastry in small bites, with some sticking to his mouth, his cheeks bulging, very cute like a little hamster.

His eyes were bright, and he had a smile on his face. It could be seen that he really liked the cakes that Xiao Yuhuan asked the imperial dining room to make for his grandmother.

"Give you."

Su Yangjing handed the cakes in his hand to his younger brother, and said forcefully: "My younger brother likes to eat, so I will give you all."

"Brother, it's delicious, and my brother eats it too."

Su Yangkui shook his head, and said seriously: "Kui'er has it, it belongs to my brother, and my brother eats it."

"Here, you just eat, so much nonsense." Su Yangjing stuffed the pastry into his younger brother's mouth impatiently, and said coldly, "I don't like pastries."

"Brother, didn't you say that you like to eat the most..."

"To shut up!"


Su Yangkui lowered his head and said softly, "Oh."

Although he doesn't know that his brother is going to lie when he likes to eat cakes very much, but his brother told him to shut up, so he should shut up!
Otherwise, my brother will be angry.

"Yuan'er, you haven't been back for many years, and so is Wenwen. After you rest for two days, prepare a gift and take Wenwen and the child back to your mother's house to have a look."


Su Chengyuan nodded: "My grandson has exactly that intention."

Shi Jinxiu looked at the two great-grandchildren who looked like dolls in New Year's paintings, and he liked them very much. He waved to the two children, and Su Yangjing pulled his younger brother and moved towards them.

Shi Jinxiu hugged each other, and said with a smile: "When you young couple left, there were only two people, and now you brought back two big fat boys, okay! Our Su family can be regarded as successors."

She raised her eyes to look at Su Chengyuan and Luo Qiwen, and said with a smile: "Kui'er is already over four years old, you husband and wife are still young, if you have a few more children, the more lively people are, the more popular you will be at home."

When Luo Qiwen heard Shi Jinxiu's words, her face flushed instantly, and she looked at Su Chengyuan shyly.

Su Chengyuan's expression was very calm, and he sighed softly when he heard the words, "You can't rush things about the child, it all depends on fate."

"Look at fate, what fate do you look at? In Kuizhou, you and your wife had a difficult life. Now that you're back, it's good to settle down."

The more Shi Jinxiu sees the children, the more he likes them, and the more he likes them, the more he feels that there are more and more lively children in the family: "There are too few people in our Su family now, and your uncle is out of tune. He thought you married him a wife. Be quieter, but who knows that he is still in the dark, and secretly followed your grandfather to Eastern Xinjiang."

Speaking of this, she felt a headache: "Mr. Liu is also pregnant, and it's been more than seven months now. My old lady can't do much. Now that Wenwen is back, I will take care of my old lady."

"Grandmother, don't worry, granddaughter-in-law will visit my aunt more often." Luo Qiwen nodded obediently.

"You have to work harder, our Su family is too small, we can have as many children as we can, it's lively."

Shi Jinxiu said sadly: "I think at the beginning, our Su family was also lively and lively. When the whole family gathered together, it was like going to a market. Now... hey..."

Not to mention.

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