Chapter 27 You're not worthy of her

As soon as these words came out, there was a complete silence in the box.

After a while, Wang Xue sighed quietly, "Ziyi, you are too hasty."

"I'm serious, princess, if I, Zhao Ziyi, make a false statement, I will be punished by lightning!"

"Eh? Why? It's not impossible." Wang Xue waved her hand quickly, and then took another sip of tea, this time she didn't sip it, she just drank it in one gulp, and then said carefully: "Ziyi, I hope you Understand one thing, given your current status, you can find any kind of woman, there is no need to give up your good life for me, an unmarried child with a child."

"In addition, I live with my son now, which is actually very good. I don't want outsiders to disturb my life, and I don't want my son to be unhappy. My son also told me before that he said he didn't want I am looking for a stepfather, and I respect my son's choice, so Ziyi, I hope you can understand what I said."

Xiao Tuanzi on the side was drinking tea from a teacup, rolled his eyes wildly, and used me as a shield, but I didn't say anything.

"But." Zhao Ziyi was anxious, and he hurriedly said: "But Princess, I am sincere, and I never think that women outside can compare to you. In Zhao Ziyi's heart, you are the most Okay, and Princess please trust me, I can be Yuxuan's father, and I will take all the responsibilities that I should have, so."

"So what? You want to be his father, do you think you are qualified?"

This is not what Wang Xue said, let alone Wang Yuxuan.

And the voice didn't seem to come from this room.

"It's next door!" Qing'er immediately realized, and hurriedly turned her head to look behind her.

Because there is a door between each box in this teahouse, the sound insulation effect is actually not very good.

But their voices were not too loud. It stands to reason that even if the people in the next room could hear them, they shouldn't be able to hear them clearly. But why did they seem to hear his words clearly?

"Who? Eavesdropping on other people's conversation, acting like a villain!" Zhao Ziyi blushed at first, then immediately reacted, stood up from the chair, faced the door, and yelled angrily.

"Eavesdropping? You speak so loudly, it's hard for others to listen to you." Following the loud voice, the closed door was slowly pushed open.

at once.

A slender and tall figure appeared in front of several people.

The stature close to 1.9 meters gives people a very oppressive feeling, and when several people see the face of the man clearly, they will be shocked.

Such a handsome face, but it is obviously a very handsome face, but there is an unusually eye-catching scar at the corner of the left eye extending to the left ear.

It seemed that the scar would go an inch further and the person would lose his left eye.

bang~ bang~
Wang Xue's eyes widened, her breathing became short of breath, and her heart beat uncontrollably.

For some reason, the moment she saw him, her heart beat very fast, as if it was about to jump out of her mouth at any moment.

The moment she saw the other person's face, a feeling of both familiarity and strangeness came to her heart.

An extremely strong sense of suffocation made her almost breathless.

Xi'er, who soon discovered that Wang Xue was abnormal, immediately walked to Wang Xue, poured her a cup of tea, carefully handed it to her, and said in a low voice, "Princess, please take a sip of tea."

Only then did Wang Xue come to her senses, took a deep breath, and took the tea cup handed over by Xi'er, only at this moment was she surprised to find that her hands were shaking.

She forced herself to suppress the throbbing, brought the tea to her mouth, and took a big gulp, only then did she feel a little calmed down.

Then, Zhao Ziyi said in a cold voice: "Okay, even if you can hear us, don't you understand the basic etiquette? You shouldn't interrupt when strangers talk."

The man glanced at Zhao Ziyi lightly, but didn't speak to him, but those piercing black eyes fell on Wang Xue.

"Are you the daughter of Duke Cheng?"

"I am, who are you?"

The man didn't speak, but set his eyes on the face of the little guy who was looking at him blankly.

Somehow, it was obvious that there was no expression on his face.

But Wang Xue felt that when he was looking at the little guy, there was a little more warmth on his face.

Even the bright eyes in his eyes have softened a lot.

Is it your own delusion?
Just as he was thinking about whether to ask another question, the man spoke again.

I just heard him say lightly: "I don't intend to offend, but there is something I have to say."

"Then tell me." Zhao Ziyi suppressed his anger and tried to make himself appear more rational.

The man nodded and said slowly, "You are not good enough for her."

After finishing speaking, the man stretched out his slender hands, grabbed the side of the door, and was about to close the door, but just as the door was about to close, the man's deep voice sounded again, echoing in Wang Xue's ears.

"In a month's time, I will personally visit King Cheng. I hope you and your son will be there by then."


As the man's voice fell, the door closed again.

Everything returned to calm, as if nothing happened, but it really happened again.

"Why is he so rude!" Zhao Zi was so angry that he almost cursed.

But the good habits he has developed in the past few years have kept him from scolding.

But Wang Xue had already lost the intention to stay any longer.

She fixed her eyes on the closed door. If Zhao Ziyi wasn't standing here, she would have rushed to open the door and ask who that man was.

Strong curiosity swept away her good mood.

"Princess, we"

"Ziyi." Wang Xue stood up, interrupted Zhao Ziyi's words, and said, "I'm not feeling well, or we can talk another day, and we'll go back first."

"But. Well, I'll take you back." Zhao Ziyi opened his mouth, but finally had no choice but to agree.

As the few people left the box, on the other side of the door, the tall and handsome man drank the tea from the cup in his hand, and a pair of dark eyes flashed sharply.

"General, why didn't you just do it?" The man sitting opposite the man had a strong figure and bronzed skin. Although his appearance was ordinary, he was very attractive.

"Xiaosi, you shouldn't say that. Don't you know why we quietly returned to Beijing this time? It's not something worth mentioning on the stage. It shouldn't be known by too many people." A little tired.

"Hey." Xiao Si curled her lips and shook her head helplessly.

But looking at the mother and child downstairs, Xiao Si still couldn't help but smile and said, "Not to mention, General, your eyes are really... ouch!"

Before Xiaosi could finish speaking, he was hit hard on the head.

Then Xiaosi looked at his general dissatisfied, but was surprised to find that his eyes had already fallen on the downstairs, the mother and son, and refused to leave for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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