On the county government side, Chen Qingshan explained the matter plainly.

When the county magistrate learned that Chen Qingshan had single-handedly taken down the entire Qipanshan bandits, beheaded [-] bandits, and rescued [-] trapped women, he was dumbfounded!
He was at a loss and looked at the master and master beside him.

The master and master were also dumbfounded.

Master was shocked.

The master book is scared.

The director and Yao Yuanwai have a close relationship, and Yao Yuanwai once said about it...

Who did Yao Yuanwai offend? !
How can one take down a chessboard mountain with one's own strength?

"This Mr. Yao Gang avenged his personal revenge. He even instigated the bandits from Qipanshan to come and rob my Qiao's Village. He also asked your lord to be the master for the villagers of my Qiao's Village."

As Chen Qingshan said, he glanced at the master book, who was so frightened that he almost knelt down: I just listened to it, I didn't participate in it!
The magistrate of the county knew very well that Chen Qingshan was still willing to speak like this, mainly because he had already killed the bandits in Qipanshan, and half of the anger in his heart had been removed.

Otherwise, the man standing in front of him at this moment doesn't know what kind of aura he is.

"Qian Xunjian, you immediately take someone to arrest that Yao Gang!" The county magistrate immediately gave an order!

"Yes!" The patrol inspector who answered was the one who had followed Chen Qingshan's house before, looked at Chen Qingshan in shock, and agreed to go to find someone.

Chen Qingshan asked those women to come up, knelt down and asked them to tell the magistrate what happened next, and then he and Qiao Chu went back to Yiqian Street and Back Lane.

Chen Qingshan and his wife left, the women shrank and dared not speak.

The county magistrate didn't dare to show off, and asked them kindly what their thoughts and requests were.

That Qiaoqiao didn't know what she said to these women in private, anyway, the women felt that they would definitely not be able to go back home.

The women who had lost their innocence and could no longer support them would have no way to survive when they went back, so they all asked to follow Chen Qingshan and Qiao Chu as slaves and maidservants.

The magistrate of the county misunderstood gorgeously: Could it be that General Chen brought such a large group of people here for the sake of getting a group of servant girls?
So the county magistrate very neatly asked the people below to issue a deed of sale, and sent them to Chen Qingshan's home with the deed!

Chen Qingshan went to the horse market to sell horses and carts, and Qiao Chu went back to the back alley of Yiqian Street. There is also a burden in it.

"Master, I have embroidered some things these days. See if they can catch your eyes. If you like them, you can keep them for yourself. If you don't like them, can you sell them at Sister Yuehong's place?"

Qiao Chu opened the door and entered the house, then took it over and opened it for a look, and sat down on the reclining chair familiarly after entering the yard.

I have to say that Yueyue is a careful girl. Not only are there exquisitely embroidered silk handkerchiefs in this package, but also the children's clothes, which are all made of fine cotton, with fine stitches, and the style looks very suitable.

Qiao Chu likes the clothes, but Qiao Chu doesn't like to use this kind of silk handkerchief: it looks good, but it doesn't absorb water, and it's not easy to wipe sweat, it's just a look.

Yueyue pointed under the bundle: "I also made two muslin handkerchiefs, see if you can use them."

Qiao Chu looked at it, it was really good!

This girl is really careful!
"That's good. I also keep this set of clothes. You give the rest to Yuehong and let her sell it in Tianxiangfang."

Qiao Chu took out the clothes and cotton handkerchief from the bundle, and handed over the rest to Yueyue.

Yueyue was very happy to get Qiao Chu's approval. She was about to go out when there was a knock on the door and a man's voice: "Is Boss Chen at home?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Qingshan's voice came from outside, it should be that Chen Qingshan just came back after selling the horse.

"Ah! Boss Chen is behind..." The man was surprised.

Not knowing what to say, Chen Qingshan was furious: "Who told you to bring this person here? How did you come here and why did you take him away!"

Why are you arguing? !
what happened?

Qiao Chu was stunned, exchanged a glance with Yueyue, got up and walked towards the door.

Outside the door, eighteen girls who had just gone to the county government office by scooter stood crowded together behind a government servant, looking at Chen Qingshan in fear.

The deed of sale was signed, but the master didn't want him...

The girls were very scared: If the master doesn't want it, will they be betrayed? !
Qiao Chu went out, and after hearing the yamen servant's explanation, he quickly understood: the county magistrate must have made a mistake.

But... Qiao Chu took a look at Qiao Qiao who was standing in the crowd, who happened to be observing Qiao Chu too, seeing Qiao Chu's gaze, she immediately lowered her head guiltyly in fright.

Qiao Chu stopped the dispute: "Okay, let's stay, you go back and tell the magistrate, I will take it."

"Yes." The yamen servant heaved a sigh of relief, bowed his hands, and left.

The eighteen maidservants who came to the door didn't want it? !

There is something wrong with this brain!

"Thank you, master!" The girls thought that Chen Qingshan didn't want them, but who knew that they would turn around, Qiao Chu was willing to accept them, and immediately thanked them.

"What do you need so many people for?" Chen Qingshan was in a bad mood: he got a headache looking at these chattering girls!

Qiao Chu patted Chen Qingshan's arm, and said softly, "Listen to me."

This kind of gentle tone is very rare, it made Chen Qingshan feel less irritable all of a sudden, his whole person became much calmer, and obediently agreed: "Okay. Tell me."

Qiao Chu turned to look for Yueyue: "Are you willing to teach them embroidery? Take them to do embroidery together in the future?"

"I am willing." Yueyue agreed without saying a word.

"Well, from now on, you will do needlework and embroidery together with Yueyue. If the things you make are approved by Yueyue, you can take them to Tianxiangfang for consignment. After you get the money..."

Without saying a word, Qiao Chu handed over the eating, drinking, and follow-up training of these eighteen women to Yueyue.

And Yueyue, who was suddenly promoted to a small manager, also successfully obtained the qualifications to get a monthly allowance: food and lodging is provided every month, and there are two or two monthly allowances, plus all the girls' profits after selling their embroidery are also [-]% Return to Yueyue.

Yueyue is a talented person, and in front of Qiao Chu, she quickly formulated management measures for the girls.

How much embroidery do the girls have to make every month? After all the embroidery is done, remove everyone’s daily expenses, as well as the cost of embroidery thread and fabric, and everyone will pay according to the net profit of the embroidery they make. [-]% of the money...

As the owner, Qiao Chu didn't even need to worry about it, and he was happy to raise [-]% of the net profit every month.

So, did I unintentionally become the "capitalist" mentioned in a small world? !
"Then where do they live?" Chen Qingshan subconsciously didn't want to live in the same yard as these people.

Qiao Chu pointed to the next door: "Isn't there still an empty yard?"

The courtyard that Xu Jingye bought for the princes and grandchildren happened to be empty. When Xu Jingye left, he transferred the ownership to Qiao Chu's family in a big way, and just let them live there.

"That's fine." Chen Qingshan agreed, took Qiao Chu's hand and walked into the house, "Don't worry about this kind of thing in the future, it's not like we don't have money..."

Qiaoqiao raised her head, with some despair in her heart: From the beginning to the end, Chen Qingshan didn't even look at herself.

How could such an indomitable hero be so obedient to a woman? !

Why isn't this lucky woman herself? !

"Why did you keep them? You know that there is something wrong with Qiaoqiao!" Chen Qingshan asked unhappily as soon as he entered the yard.

"You can see it too?" Qiao Chu was very surprised by Chen Qingshan's sensitivity, so he explained...

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