The quarry is the source of income for twenty or so surrounding villages. Every day, many men come to pick stones. The entrance has become a small market, selling food, tools, bruises, trauma For hemostatic medicine, and for mending clothes...

Anyway, all business revolves around these stone quarry men.

Because the quarried stones are counted by people above and placed in a special place, there is also the simplest guard here, taking into account safety and at the same time, taking into account the household registration and other matters for the people in the [-] or so nearby villages. .

Under the leadership of the village chief, Qiao Chu and Chen Qingshan quickly completed the registration card and house deed.

On the other hand, the clerk who applied for the identity card smiled when he saw Qiao Chu's appearance and Chen Qingshan's physique: "I said, Lao Bai, you are near the sub-mine, where did you come here on purpose?"

"Where is there? He knew about it, and he came only after he agreed."

At this time, Bai Guili was very grateful that he had explained it to Chen Qingshan yesterday, otherwise he would have been exposed by this little official right now!
After the matter was finished, Bai Guili asked Chen Qingshan: "Qingshan, do you want to go to work today? Here, you are paid by the piece, basalt as big as ten yuan, and one silver bean. The smaller ones cost thirty yuan each." Silver beans..."

These basalts are chiseled into regular rectangles, presumably used to build city walls or defensive facilities...

Chen Qingshan can probably estimate that by pushing stones on the day of the earthquake to save people: the smaller basalt weighs more than two hundred catties each, and the larger ones weigh at least one thousand catties.

Only one silver bean can be obtained by excavating tens of thousands of jin of basalt rocks. Yesterday, Chen Qingshan borrowed ten silver beans from Bai Guili when he went to the market to purchase...

Chen Qingshan suddenly wanted to make money!

"I'm going to earn silver beans." Chen Qingshan said decisively.

Qiao Chu looked at the stone. In fact, he could do it himself, and he could use it to strengthen his muscles and bones as soon as possible, so that his strength could grow faster under pressure.

Just two kids...

Qiao Chu looked at the child in his arms and beside him.

Bai Guili is very good at winking: "The Qingshan family, if you want to do it, you can do it."

"You can put these two children in the nursery over there. They are all those who want to work but have no place to foster their children. They will be sent to work and picked up after work. Three silver beans a month."

Qiao Chu looked at Bai Shan who was following him: "Can you do it?"

Bai Shan nodded, and the young man said: "Okay!"

Qiao Chu decided to give it a try.

After handing over the two children to two kind-looking women, Qiao Chu told Bai Shan to take good care of the younger sister, and then he and Chen Qingshan followed Bai Guili to the mine in Feishi Village.

Along the way, he passed many mines in other villages, and Qiao Chu subconsciously began to use his spiritual power to check.

The underground situation can be sensed to be tens of feet. The mines in these villages are indeed relatively large rocks, and some rocks are much larger than the rocks that crushed Baishan's parents to death that day.

Before such a stone becomes a rectangular stone, it must be chiseled first, otherwise it cannot be processed at all.

This requires a lot of manual work.

"Our mine is over there, it's pretty good, it's ranked fifth." Bai Guili explained all the way, "There are stone cutters over there, and only those specifications can be handed over to the stone inspector for registration and counting..."

Chen Qingshan and Qiao Chu walked forward for a long time before arriving at the mine.

The men from the village arrived one step earlier and have already started to do things. Some do it alone, and some work together with a partner.

Chen Qingshan looked at the dirty mine, frowned and said: "Don't do it, go home and take care of your children. I'll just come here."

Qiao Chu was not hypocritical, and nodded: "Let me take a look first."

Bai Guili pointed to the front: "The stones over there are better than ours. They are of moderate size and can be easily made into stones."

Qiao Chu looked in the direction Bai Guili pointed out: "I'll go and have a look."

Look and see.

Bai Guili didn't care at all: as long as Chen Qingshan stays here, he doesn't care at all whether Qiao Chu does or doesn't.

Chen Qingshan knew that nothing would happen with Qiao Chu's ability, so he let her go.

As Qiao Chu walked and watched, he also understood: the rocks here are all piece by piece, and the thickness is about the same as that of the stone. You only need to take it out and cut it into rectangular pieces like cutting pancakes, and you can directly intersect.

No wonder Bai Guili wanted to be assigned to this kind of place...

While thinking about it, Qiao Chu probed inside.

When it was about ten feet deep, it suddenly sensed a group of obvious strong vitality.

This is……

Qiao Chu was taken aback, stood where she was and looked down seriously.

It looks like a stone, but it contains a lot of energy...

If he and Chen Qingshan can temper their bodies with such strong energy, then the speed of improving their realm must be extremely fast!

The sensing area is narrowed, and the sensing depth can be probed down five feet.

Qiao Chu suddenly discovered that, the further down he went, the stones full of Yuanli appeared dottedly, and there were more and more of them.

Here is... a mine vein?
Qiao Chu stood up expressionlessly, and began to search along the mine vein.

This walk lasted for an hour, from one end to the other end, and then back again. Qiao Chu found that the part of the ore vein with rich surface content was in the place where he first discovered it. Although there were other places, they were not. not much.

When Qiao Chu returned to the mine in Feishi Village, he saw a few stunned men standing in a circle around a large pile of freshly piled basalt rocks, as if talking about something.

When she walked over, she realized that Chen Qingshan was actually in the center of the encirclement.

Chen Qingshan's strength is really great, the thousand-jin basalt is like a toy in his hand, let him hold a chisel, ding ding dong dong quickly chisel it, and soon it is chiseled according to the required size ...

Bai Guili was also at the side, seeing Qiao Chu coming back, he laughed in shock and said, "You don't need to do things from the Qingshan family, your men are worth ten!"

It is true that one is worth ten.

It took only an hour for Qiao Chu to go back and forth, but Chen Qingshan had already hewn about forty large stones, which was four silver beans...

And the men over there only chiseled four yuan each.

It was this astonishing disparity that made the men lose their minds about working, and all gathered around to watch Chen Qingshan's perverted power.

It was at this time that the men really felt that the village chief's decision to leave Chen Qingshan behind despite everything was extremely correct!

If Chen Qingshan is allowed to participate in the mine division, there is a high probability that he will enter the top three!

Then the next year in Feishi Village will be easier...

Seeing Qiao Chu come back, Chen Qingshan chiseled the stones in front of him and put them aside, raised his head and smiled at Qiao Chu: "My lady, why don't you go back? There is too much dust here, it's not suitable for you to come here."

Qiao Chu smiled: "It's okay, I'll be with you."

Before seeing the mysterious stone under the ground, Qiao Chu thought about going back, but after seeing the mysterious stone, Qiao Chu was more determined than ever: must stay!And the mining rights for that place must be obtained!

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