Chapter 569 Curium Bowl
Lin'er's cultivation no longer needs to be supervised or reminded.

Every day after dinner, Lin'er took the initiative to follow Qiao Chu and Chen Qingshan into the Immortal Mansion's space to practice after sending the eldest girl back home.

Of course, this is something.

On the second day, Lin'er, who has basically mastered the skills of sweeping, mopping, and washing clothes, began to learn to wash dishes.

Da Ya tried to wash the dishes for Lin'er, but Lin'er refused.

"My mother said that boys should learn to do these things." Lin'er's firm voice made Da Ya dare not refute, so she had to demonstrate it once, and let Lin'er wash it one by one.

There were eight dishes in total, Da Ya demonstrated one, and Lin'er washed seven of them, breaking one of them with too much strength, and then broke another one because he dared not hold the bowl too hard.

Well, six survived.

Da Ya looked at the obviously expensive set of dishes, and her face turned pale again.

But Lin'er didn't care: "Don't be afraid, if it breaks, it will break. My mother wouldn't scold me, let alone you."

Da Ya: "...Your mother is so kind."

Seeing the big girl reluctantly looking at the broken bowl, Lin'er asked curiously, "What's the matter? Don't you throw away this scum? Are you afraid of cutting it off? How about I throw it away?"

Da Ya grabbed Lin'er's hand quickly, "Don't..."

"Huh?" Lin'er looked at her puzzled.

Da Ya swallowed her saliva: "If you don't want this rotten bowl, can you give it to me?"

Lin'er: "Of course, but what are you using it for? It's split in two! It can't be used anymore!"

Da Ya carefully picked up the two halves of the large bowl with exquisite patterns, put it on the table aside, and explained: "Although this bowl is cracked, it can be cured like a cured bowl, and it can still be used."

Lin'er: "???"

He had never heard the word before: "Curium bowl? How did you get that?"

Da Ya picked up the broken bowls on both sides and gestured: "Just make holes on both sides of this seam, and use copper nails to close the curium."

Lin'er was covered in clouds and mist, and couldn't imagine such a picture in his mind.

Da Ya simply patted Lin'er's arm: "Wait a minute, I'll show you a cured bowl when I get home, and you'll understand."

Da Ya went home first with the big bowl that had been split in two, and after a while she brought over her cured bowl with a gap in it.

Lin'er watched the broken pieces on both sides re-fixed into a bowl with copper nails, and fell silent again.

This appearance made Da Ya look uneasy: "Lin'er?"

Lin'er came back to his senses, and looked at Da Ya seriously: "Sister Da Ya, how much money does it cost to buy such a new bowl? How much money does it cost to buy such a bowl?"

This question is not difficult for Da Ya. Da Ya thought about it carefully: "My mother said before that it costs two yuan to buy a new bowl like this. Ten such nails are also about two yuan."

"So if a broken bowl can be fixed with three or five curiums, it's a good deal. If a bowl needs ten or so nails, it's better to buy a new one."

Lin'er thought for a while, nodded, looked at the rough ceramic bowl in Da Ya's hand, and then at the exquisitely patterned porcelain bowl that she had just broken into four pieces: "If you buy a new bowl, how many copper plates will it cost?" ?”

For Da Ya, this question is beyond the outline.

She hesitated for a moment: "I have never bought such an exquisite porcelain bowl, I don't know how much it costs."

Lin'er carefully picked up the four fragments: "Big girl, let's go find a curium bowl later? Let's mend this bowl and see how much money it will cost?"

Da Ya thought for a while: "It's fine, but we have to go to a nearby town to get cured, and we can't go to the town by ourselves."

"You wait." Lin'er said and ran away, and after a while, he made an agreement with Qiao Chu and found Zhuangtou.

Zhuangtou couldn't understand Xiaodong's brain circuit, but it didn't prevent him from obeying.

So Zhuangtou drove the carriage and sent two little beans to the curium bowl.

Two broken bowls, and a special carriage to go to the town for curium, the round trip for the animals to chew is more cost-effective than buying two new ones, right?

Zhuangtou slandered, and sent the two children to the place.

Lin'er jumped out of the car and turned to help Da Ya.

The two children looked childish, but the brocade that Lin'er was wearing looked like it belonged to a wealthy family.

"Boss, we need to make up the bowl." Lin'er deliberately pretended to be old-fashioned, so as not to let others see that he was a young child.

Zhuangtou followed the two children helplessly, staring at the old man with the curly bowl with lightning eyes.

The old man was stared at by the head of the village, and knew that he was someone he couldn't afford to mess with, so he immediately stopped thinking about ripping off, and took two broken bowls from the big girl.

One was a large bowl split in two, requiring seven copper nails.

The other one was broken into four pieces by Lin'er when he failed to catch it. This one was more expensive, requiring ten copper nails.

Is it worth buying a new one?
Or is curium worthwhile?
This time Lin'er gained experience, so he asked the old man first: "Boss, if I want to buy new ones for these two bowls, how much money do I need?"

The old man looked at the same exquisite pattern and delicate white porcelain body, and made a judgment in his heart: "This is something from the top kiln, and one piece costs thirty taels of silver! This big one costs at least a hundred taels of silver." !"

In fact, these two are a set, and it is far more than this price.

When Lin'er heard this, he quickly pulled his fingers.

A curium bowl is a bargain!

"Then give me curium." Lin'er said and was about to take out the money.

Just before going out, mother gave money.

But the old man stopped him first: "Wait a minute, young master, this bowl of yours is so precious, I want to ask you first, do you want to use copper curiums or silver curries?"

Brass nails?

Or silver nails?

Lin'er looked at Da Ya blankly: What kind of nails did you use?

Da Ya was also stunned, she had never heard of using silver nails for curium bowls.

The old man had no choice but to explain patiently: "The curium bowl with silver nails makes it look more expensive, and the curium bowl is naturally more expensive, but the effect is the same."

The effect is the same...

Lin'er immediately understood: "Since the effect is the same, let's use copper nails and curium."

The old man was stunned for a moment, and agreed dumbfoundedly: "You two wait a moment, I will prepare right now."

Under Lin'er's wide-eyed gaze, the old man took out his stuff, made holes bit by bit, cured bowl, and soon, a complete big bowl was repaired!

The old man reached out and asked for fifty copper coins.

Lin'er was a little unhappy: "Obviously ten copper nails only cost two cents...don't bully me for not being able to count!"

The old man didn't expect this young master to be able to read numbers, so he could only look at Zhuangtou dumbfounded: "Zhuangtou, can you explain?"

Zhuangtou had no choice but to explain: "Young master, this curium bowl, the pottery bowl and the porcelain bowl are not the same price, and the effort is also different, the porcelain bowl is more expensive..."

Lin'er didn't care about the money, what he cared about was whether he was "scammed". When he heard that it was the price, he immediately agreed, and took out a gold ingot: "Here, give me some change."

Old man: "..."

"Young master, he can't make up for your gold ingot...I'll pay for it for you!" Zhuangtou couldn't laugh or cry, and took out fifty copper coins to help pay the bill.

Lin'er didn't care, she only focused on the two cured bowls, took them back carefully, and handed them to the big girl, but told Zhuangtou: "When I get home, I will ask my mother to take it back. I will give you the money in the curium bowl..."

Before the words were finished, the big girl who was holding the bowl turned around and bumped into a person. The two bowls that had just been cured fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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