Chapter 580
In the end, His Majesty the Emperor still chased after him, but instead of going into the backyard of Yushan Temple, he just waited in the warm pavilion in the front yard.

Qiao Chu and Qiao Xiaofu entered the backyard. When they saw the woman in front of them, they were still shocked!

The word "shape pin bones" sounds very thin, but when you really see it, you are really shocked.

Looking at the woman whose face was so pale that blood vessels could be seen, and whose cheeks were sunken, Qiao Chu was in a daze.

In her impression, Yao Cuiliu was still that charming and charming woman, and the person in front of her, apart from the five points of similarity in facial features, was not like a person at all!
"Mother..." Qiao Xiaofu covered his mouth and began to cry.

She really didn't expect her mother to become like this!
"Xiaofu, why are you here?" Yao Cuiliu looked at Qiao Xiaofu in shock.

Qiao Xiaofu couldn't hold back, and walked over to hold Yao Cuiliu's hand.

A pair of skinny hands are bitingly cold, but there is no warmth at all!

"Why don't you eat? Are you trying to use this method to force me to come over?"

"I told you a long time ago that I will never lose your food and clothing. You can just stay here. Why do you still do this?" Qiao Xiaofu complained while shedding tears.

Yao Cuiliu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Qiao Chu looked anxiously: "Xiaofu, don't worry, I'll check it out."

Only then did Qiao Xiaofu let go of his hand, and looked at Qiao Chu tearfully.

Qiao Chu stepped forward and took Yao Cuiliu's hand.

Spiritual power surged, and Qiao Chu's expression was shocked: Yao Cuiliu had no food in his stomach, and besides the esophagus in his throat, there was a bulge...

The bulge blocked the esophagus a lot, no wonder Yao Cuiliu couldn't eat.

Apparently, once she swallowed down, the bulge would get stuck there and she couldn't swallow at all.

This is the root cause of Yao Cuiliu's inability to eat.

As the spiritual power wandered away, Qiao Chu discovered that there was also a bulge in Yao Cuiliu's lower abdomen, and her uterus had a tumor...

Withdrawing her hand, Qiao Chu looked complicated.

Yao Cuiliu looked at Qiao Chu, the warm current flowed down her hands to her throat and traveled all over her body just now, she felt the warmth that she had not seen for a long time.

But as the warm current receded, her body felt the bone-chilling cold again.

"Am I hopeless?" Yao Cuiliu misunderstood Qiao Chu's meaning, and the hope in her eyes was gradually extinguished.

Qiao Xiaofu was also taken aback: Auntie, what kind of expression is this? !

Qiao Chu coughed, and after thinking for a while, she looked at Qiao Xiaofu: "Xiaofu, it's not that your mother doesn't want to eat, she just can't..."

Qiao Chu put his hand on the lower part of Yao Cuiliu's neck: "She has a tumor here, and that tumor is in the esophagus, blocking most of the esophagus, she can't eat anything."

Qiao Xiaofu's heart skipped a beat, and then a feeling of sourness welled up in his heart!

What did you just say?
Just now I blamed her for using such a hunger strike to attract my attention!
But who knew that it wasn't that she didn't want to take care of herself, she had something wrong with her body...

Yao Cuiliu thought she was going to die, and when she looked at Qiao Xiaofu, she felt a lot of reluctance: "Xiaofu, I'm going to die, I have a wish, can you help me?"

Qiao Xiaofu's heart hurts!
In the past, she only felt that her mother was not good, that she shouldn't, that she was sorry for herself.

But when she heard that her mother was ill, and it was a serious illness, her heart was suddenly overwhelmed by panic!
If she was really about to die, would he regret it in the future? !

"Who said you were going to die? My aunt is amazing! She can cure you!" Qiao Xiaofu yelled at Yao Cuiliu.

Yao Cuiliu was frightened and dared not speak for a while.

Both mother and daughter looked at Qiao Chu.

After pondering for a moment, Qiao Chu said, "She also has a tumor in her lower abdomen...the place where you were conceived..."

Qiao Xiaofu's eyes fell on Yao Cuiliu's abdomen.

That was the place where she lived for nine months, the place where she came to the world.

Qiao Xiaofu felt a pain in his heart, and asked hoarsely, "It can be cured, right?"

"Well... Even if it can be cured, there will be no more babies there." Qiao Chu explained.

"It's okay." Yao Cuiliu took the words, "I'm in the current situation, and I won't have a baby anymore. Besides, I've already drank the baby-killing medicine before, so it's impossible to have a baby."

These words made Qiao Xiaofu think of her past again.

Qiao Xiaofu lowered his eyes.

But Yao Cuiliu said again: "Even if the disease can't be cured, it doesn't matter. Xiaofu is capable and took care of my two younger brothers and sisters well. I can leave with peace of mind."

This is the intention to die.

Qiao Chu frowned: "If you give up your life yourself, even if I have the art of returning to heaven, it is impossible for me to cure you."

Yao Cuiliu smiled indifferently: "For a person like me, what difference does it make if he lives or dies? Parents don't love me, my brother doesn't love me, my sons and daughters live well, and my husband doesn't..."

Qiao Xiaofu became anxious when he heard it: "How can you think like this?"

Yao Cuiliu smiled tearfully at Qiao Xiaofu: "Xiaofu, I am your disgrace, if I really go, it will be a good thing for you. Don't worry..."

Qiao Xiaofu stomped his feet and looked at Qiao Chu: "Auntie..."

Qiao Chu sighed deeply: "Xiaofu, let's go out and talk first."

To solve this matter, the root cause still lies in Qiao Xiaofu.

Qiao Xiaofu still blames Yao Cuiliu in his heart, so he has always been unwilling to get close to her, and he is also unwilling to let the world know too much about Yao Cuiliu's existence.

Although the best silks and satins were sent over, as well as the best food, what Yao Cuiliu wanted was not these...

When she was young, she wanted the care of a man, and later she wanted to rely on it. Later, she finally had no worries about food and clothing, but there was no one around her.

The children were unwilling to forgive him, and the ex-husband already had a wife and children.

Yao Cuiliu's health is still broken due to loneliness and long-term depression.

When he got outside, Qiao Xiaofu was depressed, and looked at Qiao Chu with puckered mouth: "Auntie, my mother can still be saved, can't she?"

Qiao Chu nodded and sighed again: "If it's just about the two tumors on her body, I can find a way to cure them. But if she doesn't adjust her mentality, it will be useless after all. She already has the will to die."

Want to die?

These four words shocked Qiao Xiaofu, blinked his eyes, Qiao Xiaofu pursed his mouth: "It's because of me, isn't it?"

Qiao Chu didn't speak, just looked at Qiao Xiaofu.

"She didn't want to live because I didn't want to forgive her, didn't she?"

Qiao Chu sighed.

"But I really can't figure it out! If she did those things, can she pretend it never happened?" Qiao Xiaofu also felt very wronged.

I am magnanimous enough, but I can't think that nothing happened in the past.

What is she trying to do now that she is acting like this.

"I have already done my best!"

"But I can't get over this hurdle in my heart!"

"How could she force me like this!"

"She's so selfish!"

As Qiao Xiaofu spoke, tears rolled down his face!

(End of this chapter)

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