Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 203 [203] Deep love

The dream came to an abrupt end again, and after Zhao Fengji passed out in the dream, it seemed that he really passed out.

In reality, after another day and night, the eldest grandson invited this genius doctor to concoct the antidote with difficulty, and together with various other decoctions, poured a lot of it into Zhao Fengji, and Zhao Fengji finally woke up.

This was the third time Zhao Fengji woke up after returning home, and what he saw was still Bai Xingkuan who was guarding his bedside.

"Xingxuan." Zhao Fengji's hoarse voice was full of nostalgia.

The dream became more and more real. The scene of Bai Xingxuan breaking through the wall flashed through Zhao Fengji's mind countless times. It was a ray of light in the darkness, a drop of water in the desert, and it was when life was about to die. the only hope to arrive.

"How do you feel? You're so dizzy and awake, you're going to scare me to death!" Bai Xingkuan held Zhao Fengji's hand, his face was full of worry.

The male suffered a big loss this time, which made her feel bad!

"It's okay, it will be fine soon." He was fine in the dream, and he is even better now.

"Then you have to keep your word. Don't faint again suddenly. Although I am very courageous, I am very sad to have been scared by you so many times." Bai Xingkui was really sad, and at the same time there was a A sense of helplessness.

She even asked the system if there was any way to heal Zhao Fengji, but the system was too weak, and the group buying goods were all food, not caring at all!
"Sorry, I'm fine. Even if I faint, it's just resting. Don't worry." Zhao Fengji gently comforted Bai Xingkuan. He woke up this time and felt much better.

Bai Xingkuan blinked, and suddenly said: "Why do I feel that you are a little different?"

As for the difference, she couldn't tell, but she felt that the male seemed to have become better, and the eyes looking at her were more gentle, like the warm water that wrapped her whole body, making her People feel warm and very comfortable.

Zhao Fengji smiled softly, with a handsome face, coupled with a weak temperament, the image of a gentle and sickly beauty made Bai Xingkuang's little heart beating wildly.

Male, it's really good-looking!

Bai Xingxuan couldn't hold back, quickly bent down, and lightly touched Zhao Fengji, "Yang Jue, you need to get well soon."

Zhao Fengji held Bai Xingkuang's hand, nodded lightly, and said weakly: "Well, I'll be fine soon, I'm a little tired, sleep for a while, and you can rest with me too, okay?"

"Okay." Bai Xingkuang took off his shoes, lay down beside Zhao Fengji, and fell asleep with them.

And this sleep, Zhao Fengji entered the vivid dream again.And the place where he was was unexpectedly also in the palace!

For a moment, Zhao Fengji even wondered if he was still in reality, or was he always in a dream and never woke up?
But Zhao Fengji quickly determined that this was still a dream, because he could actually see himself lying on the bed and sleeping.

"Call the eldest grandson over here, call all the doctors in the city!" Bai Xingkui stood beside the bed with an angry and worried expression on his face.

Weijing was still guarding the palace, and he was the one who sent someone to look for Bai Xingkuan outside the city, and after hearing the order, he immediately sent someone to find the doctor.

The eldest grandson will be here soon, he felt Zhao Fengji's pulse, his brows became more and more wrinkled, until Bai Xingkuan smashed the table next to him with a slap!

"What do you do with frowning, just say what you have, if you are still alive, treat him well!" Bai Xingkuan went out to destroy the royal family of the Three Kingdoms, originally he came back happily, and planned to let the male praise him.Unexpectedly, the male turned out to be worse than when he left!
While Bai Xingkuang was extremely angry, she also felt a trace of remorse, she shouldn't have left Xiongxiong!
"Yes!" The eldest grandson Yue still had a solemn expression on his face. The prince's physical condition is really not very good.

Seeing that his elder grandson still looked ugly, Bai Xing asked anxiously, "What's wrong with him? When I saw him, he was sober."

And she didn't see any wounds on Zhao Fengji's body, but why is he so weak!
"My lord has been poisoned, and he also took a lot of excessive drugs, so the situation is not good." The eldest grandson Yue took out a row of silver needles while talking, "Now I need acupuncture to force the poison for my lord, and my lord's life is short. No problem."

"What do you mean short-term harmless?" Bai Xingkuan felt that this sentence was not quite right no matter how he heard it.

The eldest grandson hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "Those medicines have done a lot of damage to the lord, plus the new injury not long ago, in the future, I'm afraid it will hurt my age in the future."

In fact, I'm afraid I don't need to use the two words. The regent's physical condition is really bad. Even if he tries his best to take care of him, it is difficult to guarantee anything.

Bai Xingkuan was a little confused, but then broke out, "I'll kill them!"

She doesn't know who to kill, but what she wants to do most now is to kill, kill everyone who hurt Zhao Fengji!
Wei Jing and the Empress Dowager stopped Bai Xingxuan together, revenge is very important, but what is more important now is Zhao Fengji's comfort.

Although the Empress Dowager was pale, she still stood up and presided over the overall situation: "We need to leave here immediately, Zuo Sulan and others will not let us go."

When Bai Xingkuang heard this, he became angry, "No need, I'm right here, I'll see who dares to come!"

The Empress Dowager frowned and looked at Bai Xingkuan, "You are powerful, but you are no match for four with two fists. How can you beat an army by yourself?"

"Why not? You can ask Jiang Biyan and the others, all of them together are not my opponent!" Bai Xingkui looked at Jiang Biyan, then thought of something, glared at him angrily, and asked, "How do you protect me?" Yang Jue, are you dead?"

When Jiang Biyan heard this, he knelt on the ground without saying a word, without a word of explanation, and directly pleaded guilty, "The subordinate is guilty, and the princess alone will deal with it!"

Ying Yang hurriedly came out to explain, "It's not Commander Jiang's fault, Commander Jiang didn't follow the prince at the palace banquet that day!"

"Then what about you? Why didn't you follow him?" Bai Xingkui glared at Ying Yang again. These people were all alive and well, only her Yang Jue was seriously injured!

Ying Yang was also full of self-reproach, "The servant returned to the mansion to invite Dr. Changsun, but I can't go out after I return to the palace."

After Zhao Fengji was imprisoned in the palace, the palace naturally became the focus of care. If there were no masters in the palace, perhaps these slaves would have been killed long ago.

But these people didn't do nothing, they have been secretly looking for Zhao Fengji, but Zuo Sulan's secret room is too secret, they have been unable to determine the location.

In fact, these people in the palace did many things, some sneaked out of the city to find rescuers, some secretly contacted the Empress Dowager, and some inside and outside the palace were looking for Zhao Fengji.

But it's a pity that their number is too small, and the incident happened too suddenly. The military administration and the harem all fell into the hands of Zuo Sulan's family. They worked secretly for a long time, but they could barely protect themselves.


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