Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 206 [206] Hanging on the beam of the house

Zhao Fengji really wanted to name Qi Xiaozhi very hard, but he was out of energy, and soon after drinking a bottle of milk, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

However, he had no dreams all night, had a rare good sleep, woke up the next morning, and was very energetic.

With Bai Xingkuang's happy support, Zhao Fengji got out of bed to wash his hands, took care of himself very well, and after a simple breakfast, he asked his eldest grandson to check his pulse.

"My lord's injuries are recovering. Although the residual poison in the body is not cleared, there is no serious problem." The eldest grandson Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "But it will take a while to recuperate. Don't work too hard, and don't worry too much. Don't be frightened by the cold, drink more warm water on weekdays, it will also help detoxification."

Then the eldest grandson prescribed another prescription and said a lot of precautions, and then he left in peace.

At this time, the Empress Dowager who received the news also sent someone to check the situation.Zhao Fengji said a few words to him, and the old mother returned to the palace with a happy face, and conveyed the good news that the regent had woken up.

So far, the people in the imperial city have more or less known the situation, and many people are happy that the regent can wake up.Only a small number of people showed disappointment or complicated expressions.

"Since he is awake, let's act according to the original plan!" Zuo Sulan said with a gloomy face in the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

"it is good!"

At this time, Zhao Fengji finally had energy and began to think about the problems of Zuo Sulan and others.No matter whether what happened in the dream was true or not, he couldn't treat it as false.

"Jiang Biyan, let someone go..."


In just a quarter of an hour, Zhao Fengji dispatched five groups of people to launch a series of investigations on Zuo Sulan and the Zuo family, Qiu Xuyun and the Qiu family, and the life experience of the little emperor.

He is the unintentional emperor, but he will never allow an unknown person to sit on the throne!
"You just woke up and your body hasn't fully recovered yet, so don't work so hard." Bai Xingkuan walked in with a bowl of medicinal soup, "Hurry up and drink the medicine, the smell of this medicinal material is really bitter. They're all going to faint."

Zhao Fengji took it by himself, tested the temperature, and drank it in one gulp, but before he could speak, another piece of sugar was stuffed into his mouth, it tasted very sweet.

"Eat candy quickly, it won't be bitter after eating candy." After filling Zhao Fengji with candy, Bai Xingkuan also stuffed a piece for himself, "Hehe, this kind of candy is very sweet, I bought it from a shop on South Street , two hundred Wen a catty, so expensive, just for you to eat."

Zhao Fengji also felt that it was very sweet, and it was so sweet to his heart.

"Xingxuan..." He called softly, with endless tenderness.

Bai Xingkuan blushed suddenly, and looked at Zhao Fengji uncomfortably, "Don't talk like that, it's like chanting a spell, I'm abnormal!"

Zhao Fengji just laughed, his handsome smiling face was dancing wildly on Bai Xingkuan's liking.Bai Xingkuang couldn't hold it back, and just went up and yelled.

"Hee hee, you must get better soon." Xiong Xiong smiled beautifully, but she couldn't get enough of it!

"Yes." Zhao Fengji promised earnestly, "Where are the babies? I want to visit them."

Ever since Zhao Fengji woke up, he seemed to seldom call himself the king in front of Bai Xingkuang.

Bai Xingkuan didn't pay much attention to these little things, and when Zhao Fengji asked about the baby, he said with a little disgust: "They are playing together, barking and screaming, it's very noisy, don't go and see them."

"It's okay, I don't think it's noisy." How could he feel noisy about his and Xingkuo's child.

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, then reluctantly said: "Okay then, let's take a look, if you find it noisy, we'll come back right away."

"it is good."

Bai Xingkuang helped Zhao Fengji to the baby room next door, and before entering the door, he heard the howling of the cubs, as if they were chatting or arguing.

Zhao Fengji walked in, lowered his voice and asked very curiously: "Can you understand their words?"

"Can't!" The animal form of the orcs can't talk, but they will have some superficial exchanges based on their habits and understanding of each other.

Of course, this may not be the case with the communication of the cubs. They may be able to understand them when they whine and roar.

"Five and six, why are you lying on top of the eldest sister again? The eldest sister is still young and will be out of breath!" Bai Xingkui walked over, picked up the fifth and sixth children who were on top of the eldest sister, and the two cubs roared Hooting and screaming, his limbs were dancing in the air, as if he was protesting something.

Bai Xingkuan deliberately shook it, and the cries of the two cubs instantly became sharper, and their tails stood upright.

"If you don't obey me again, I'll hang you on the beams to see if you're afraid!" The tiger mother's way of educating her cubs is really different.

Zhao Fengji hurried over, took the two cubs and put them back on the bed, gently rubbed their belly, comforted the two cubs, and said to Bai Xingkuan: "Old five, old six They will be very good, don't scare them."

Zhao Fengji was also very strict in the education of the little emperor before, so he never thought that he would one day become a loving father!
But Yan's mother was standing in front of him. If he was still a strict father, the cubs in their family might be devastated.

"No scaring, if they don't behave well, I'll really hang up." Bai Xingkuan doesn't scare people, she usually does what she says.

Hearing this, Zhao Fengji thought, he must pay attention in the future, if any kid is really hanged, he can also send a cushion just in case.

"Roar!" There was a ferocious roar, Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkui looked together, and saw that the fourth brother was trampled on the boss's body, and the boss screamed from being trampled on, but There is no counterattack action, just crawling forward pitifully.

Bai Xingkuan walked over to pick up the little fourth, met the weak and innocent eyes of the little fourth, and immediately changed his tone when he wanted to reprimand, "You are so weak and you bully big sister, do you want to get beaten? "

"Hmm!" Not only is the fourth child small, but his voice is also weak. It looks really pitiful.

Zhao Fengji's heart also softened, and he quickly hugged Xiaosi and Lao Si, touched Xiao's head and said, "Why is Xiao Si so small?"

"I don't know, maybe it's too weak, and I can't compete with my elder sister and younger sisters." Bai Xingkuang was also worried.

Xiaosi continued to scream innocently, looking really weak, now even Zhao Fengji was a little worried.

"Hooo!" The neglected boss yelled aggrievedly, she was the one who was bullied, why didn't her father and mother comfort her, it's not fair!


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