Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 211 [211] Mid-Autumn Banquet

Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkuan never thought about this question, they looked at Xiao Qi, then at the other cubs, and fell silent together.

In the end, Bai Xingkuan said, "I don't think it's possible."

"Why?" The Empress Dowager asked with a straight face, but there was a narrow smile in her eyes.

"I thought it was impossible for my son to have such weak thoughts." Bai Xingkuan became more and more confident as he spoke, "Aniang, look at me, then look at Yang Jue, how could our child be so weak!"

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and added proudly, "Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't have a beast shape, as long as you are like his father!"

The Empress Dowager showed a smile behind her, and Zhao Fengji was a little embarrassed to be praised suddenly.

Then I heard Bai Xingkuan continue to say: "As long as Xiao Qi looks as good-looking as Yang Jue, it doesn't matter if he can transform into a beast. The sisters will definitely help him!"

The empress dowager burst out laughing, she finally understood how her son won the favor of his future wife.

On the other hand, Zhao Fengji's face changed again and again, he blushed aggrievedly, and asked in a sour tone: "I knew it, the only thing you like is this king's face!"

Bai Xing couldn't help laughing, and said on purpose: "Otherwise, it's because you are rigid and indifferent and you often don't let me eat meat, right?"

Zhao Fengji was a little taken aback, this was probably the first time he heard Bai Xingkuan say something that disliked him, and it made him unable to refute.

He explained nervously: "You are not allowed to eat meat, it is for your health."

"But I obviously ate so much because I was pregnant!" When it came to this question, Bai Xingkuang was also very wronged, "What about the seven cubs, if I don't eat more, they will all be hungry!"

After giving birth to the cubs, Bai Xingkuan's appetite gradually returned to normal, and she only realized belatedly that the reason she was able to eat so much was because she was pregnant.

"...Sorry." Zhao Fengji was almost overwhelmed by guilt.What the hell did he do? He refused to feed his pregnant wife meat, and felt that his wife had eaten too much food. He even made her eat a lot of medicinal food!

"No, you have eaten so much medicinal food, will there be any problem with your body, let the imperial doctor come to see you immediately!" Zhao Fengji stood up abruptly, his expression changed.

Bai Xingkuan was stunned for a moment, what is the situation, why does she need to see a doctor again, those quack doctors won't let her eat meat, right?

"No! I'm fine, I don't want to see a quack doctor!" Bai Xingkuo patted the table, "Do you still want to give me meat?"

Zhao Fengji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why, I'm afraid that those medicinal foods will be harmful to your body."

"That was all a long time ago, you only think about it now, isn't it too late!" If something really went wrong, it's probably all gone by now!
Zhao Fengji paused, it seemed that he really cared about it and got confused.

The Empress Dowager also interjected at the right time: "Okay, okay, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I will attend the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet later. When I go back, I just ask my eldest grandson to show her around."

"Tsk, that quack doctor isn't suitable for me, he just won't let me eat meat." Bai Xingkuan disliked the eldest grandson Yue very much, but for the sake of his treating Zhao Fengji, she still kept her word.

Zhao Fengji smiled, and softly comforted him: "Don't be angry with him, I won't let you eat meat in the future."

"Really?" Bai Xingkuang was pleasantly surprised, but also somewhat disbelieving.

"a man of his words!"

The Mid-Autumn Festival banquet was held at night, the full moon hung high, and the scenery in the imperial garden was also very pleasant.Most of the ministers arrived in advance, and they gathered together in twos and threes to chat, some about state affairs, some about family affairs, and some even talked about their children and marriage.

But among the many discussions, the ones about Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkuang were the most.

"I heard that the regent's health has recovered, but I don't know if it's true or not." There was an old minister beside Zuo Yin, so he raised the topic about Zhao Fengji.

Zuo Yin drank tea silently, seemingly not interested in talking about it, but another person beside him answered the conversation: "I hope the regent can recover soon. Although the battle in the southwest seems to be won, But the Three Kingdoms are just about to move, and they might start a war at some point."

"That's right, when the time comes, the King Regent will have to act, and the King Regent is our Great Zhao Army God!"

Hearing these words, Zuo Yin's eyes grew darker. They originally thought that they would wait for the little emperor to grow up before attacking Zhao Fengji.But now it seems that Zhao Fengji's power is getting stronger and stronger, if he is allowed to develop further, they may not have a chance to do it!

Zhao Fengji was killed in the dream on the day of the empress dowager's birthday, that is, on August [-], half a month later, and the reason why it was set on that day was precisely because of Zuo Yin's actions at this time. Calculating, he was too suspicious, and he couldn't tolerate Zhao Fengji, the powerful regent.

Zhao Fengji has no intention of taking the throne, he knows it himself, the empress dowager knows it.But others may not believe him, especially people from Zuo Sulan's faction, it can be said that they are more and more suspicious of Zhao Fengji, even the little emperor can't wait for him to grow up.

Moreover, Zuo Yin himself didn't want to wait until the little emperor grew up to kill Zhao Fengji, the regent, after all, who wouldn't want to experience the feeling of being in power!
Zuo Yin's eyes are full of greedy killing intent!Why can Zhao Fengji become the regent, but he can't?

"The Emperor is here! The Empress Dowager is here!" At this moment, the Empress Dowager Zuo Sulan arrived holding the little emperor in her best attire.

Zuo Sulan's appearance is actually extremely beautiful, and she also has a trace of weakness and dignity, otherwise she would not have been favored by the former prince, Zhao Fengji's brother.

But there is a word called femme fatale, which may refer to women like Zuo Sulan.The reason why Zhao Fengji has been unprepared for her is probably also related to her appearance.

Zuo Sulan, who deliberately keeps a low profile, looks really harmless.No one would have thought that she had such ambitions and dirty schemes hidden behind her back.

"See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live!"

"See the queen mother, the queen mother is thousands of years old!"

All the courtiers saluted together, no matter how young the little emperor was, he was still the emperor.

"My lords, let's get back together, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, my lords, don't be restrained." Zuo Sulan said softly, the play was very good.

"Yes, Empress Dowager Xie." All the courtiers sat back to their respective seats, and they all had a good impression of this inattentive Empress Dowager.

And at this time, the Empress Dowager brought a group of people to the Imperial Garden.

"The Empress Dowager is here! The Regent is here!"


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