Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 213 [213] Remember to miss me

Zuo Sulan's complexion changed slightly, and her smile was a little stiff, even though she tried her best to control it, everyone still saw the clue.

"I don't mean that, Fifth Brother misunderstood." Damn Zhao Fengji, talking to her like this!

Even though Zhao Fengji was a little indifferent on weekdays, he was quite polite when dealing with Zuo Sulan, the emperor's wife, so this was the first time that Zhao Fengji did not give Zuo Sulan any face.

Zhao Fengji didn't speak anymore, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a good festival, and this is the first time Xingxuan participated in a palace banquet, he didn't want any unpleasant things to happen.

Because Zhao Fengji's aura was too strong, and even the queen mother was pissed off, those who originally wanted to ask something also tightly shut their mouths.

The prince has an illegitimate child or something, it's not a big deal when you think about it carefully.Didn't you even care about the future princess who didn't look at her!
No one doubted that this was Bai Xingkuan's child, because Bai Xingkuan had won the first place in the martial arts competition not long ago.And this small child was obviously born not long ago, at most it was just full moon, so how could it be Bai Xingkuan's child!
Bai Xingkuan didn't care about those complicated eyes, and started the eating and drinking mode, and when he encountered something delicious, he would even share Zhao Fengji's mouthfuls.The two sweetly abused the dog, making the ministers feel a little full before eating or drinking.

The Empress Dowager was also considerate, after knowing that Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingkuang were going to bring the seven cubs to the palace banquet, she asked people to prepare milk, egg custard and other food suitable for the cubs.

Seeing this, Bai Xingkuan didn't take out the feeding bottle to feed, but asked the maids to help, one person was responsible for feeding the two, so that the cubs could also eat well.

The cubs who were well fed and drinking were very clingy to their parents, they climbed onto the laps of Zhao Fengji and Bai Xingxuan one after another. Zhao Fengji held Xiao Laoqi in one hand, and gently stroked the heads of the cubs with the other hand, The cub's fur is so soft that he can't put it down.

If someone looks carefully, they will find that Zhao Fengji's eyes are extremely bright at this time. For a plush lover, he feels as if he owns the whole world at this moment!

Uh, it would be even better if the big cat could transform into a pet for him!
Zhao Fengji looked at Bai Xingxuan with deep eyes, so many things happened recently, he didn't think of such an important thing.

"Xingxuan..." Zhao Fengji called softly.

Bai Xingkuang rubbed his ears, looked at Zhao Fengji suspiciously, and suddenly had the illusion that he was going to be calculated!
"What's the matter with you? Just tell me!" Don't use beauty tricks, she can't resist!

Zhao Fengji picked up the strongest boss, shook it and said: "She is very similar to you."

Bai Xingkui knew what Zhao Fengji was talking about as soon as he heard it, and nodded in satisfaction: "It's very similar, the one that resembles me the most among the seven little ones."

Zhao Fengji continued to ask: "Aren't the other ones quite similar?"

Bai Xingkuan looked around, and found that the rest of them either faded or changed color, or had a few more bags, which were really different from her animal shape.

"It's a bit different, but there are some similarities." Bai Xingkuang said honestly.

The smile in Zhao Fengji's eyes deepened, and he suggested: "How about we compare when we go back?"

"How do you compare?" Although Bai Xingkuan was smart, sometimes it was difficult to react.

"You have also become a beast, just compare it." Zhao Fengji imagined himself being surrounded by big cats and kittens, and was extremely excited!
"Okay, this method is good." Bai Xingkuang also wanted to know where these little brats were more like him, and where they were not.

The smile in Zhao Fengji's eyes was even stronger, and it made many people's hearts itch to see it. If it wasn't for the concern that Bai Xingkuang was on the side, they would have come up to talk to him.

As far as Bai Xingkuang's current reputation is concerned, she really earned it by herself with one punch and one kick. Her super high force value is one of them, and the most important thing is her unscrupulous temperament.

Bai Xingkui was really the first person who dared to personally go to Lin's Mansion and General Wuwei's Mansion to collect debts!
Moreover, among the many rumors about Bai Xingxuan, there are also some mysterious rumors. It is said that this is a blessed star with extraordinary abilities. Some people say that she can fetch things from space, and some people say that she can move mountains and seas. The more it is passed on, the more mysterious it becomes.

The banquet gradually entered the second half. The Empress Dowager found an excuse to leave early. The Empress Dowager followed closely behind and also left with the little emperor in her arms. Many ministers were left behind, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed in an instant.

Zhao Fengji noticed with sharp eyes that after Zuo Sulan left, the deputy commander Qiu Xuyun also disappeared!
"Hmph!" Zhao Fengji clenched his fists, seeing this scene, he didn't want to wait any longer.

"What's wrong?" Bai Xingkuang was very sensitive to discover Zhao Fengji's emotional changes, and asked concerned.

"I forgot to tell my queen about something." He only talked about the child, but forgot about Zuo Sulan.

"Then let's talk about it first." Bai Xingkuan said indifferently.

Zhao Fengji thought for a while, "Okay, then you wait for me here, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

"Go, let's go." There are food, drink, and singing and dancing to enjoy here, without a male to accompany, it's not a big problem.

Seeing this, Zhao Fengji suddenly became a little dissatisfied. Is he so unimportant?

Zhao Fengji squeezed Bai Xingkuan's hand, "Remember to miss me!"

"Ah?" What the hell?To say something, she had to think, what's wrong!
"Okay, I'll definitely miss you!" Bai Xingkuan, who came to his senses, agreed with a smile.

Only then was Zhao Fengji satisfied and left, chasing after the Empress Dowager, leaving Bai Xingkuan behind him, sticking out his tongue mischievously.

Males need to be coaxed, tsk!

Zhao Fengji originally planned to talk to the Empress Dowager about Zuo Sulan and that little nephew whose background was unknown.But halfway through the road, thinking that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the matter of the little cubs had already shocked the Empress Dowager enough, so he hesitated and stopped.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Zhao Fengji didn't go to the Empress Dowager in the end, but he was unhappy, and he couldn't let the adulterer and adulterer have a good time!

"Jiang Biyan!" Zhao Fengji said coldly.

"My lord, my subordinates are here!"

"Go and summon the people from the Jizi camp immediately, and control the dragon guards as soon as you enter the palace..." Zhao Fengji's voice paused, "Forget it, you don't need to control the dragon guards, just go directly to the Queen Mother's bedroom, who has the right to do so?" If you change, you will kill whoever!"

Although Qiu Xuyun was the one who controlled some of the dragon guards, those people might not have the intention of rebellion.After thinking about it, Zhao Fengji decided to give those people a chance to reflect!

But if those people don't know what is good or bad, and dare to disobey his order, he will kill Wushe!

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