Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 216 [216] Going out for a stroll

Chapter 216 [216] Going out for a stroll

The more Zhao Fengji listened to these words, the more disgusting he felt. This so-called liking was more vicious than murder!
"Since you don't choose, then I will choose for you!"

Zhao Fengji left the private prison amid Zuo Sulan's unwilling roar.Not long afterward, the courtiers heard a very shocking news. Zuo Yin tried to seek power and usurp the throne, and poisoned the queen mother and the little emperor. After a night of rescue, the two finally died of poison.

Zuo Yin, the rebel Zhan Anhou and others have all been arrested by the regent and handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for questioning.

Although the Empress Dowager lost her grandson, the country cannot be without a master for a day, so she immediately summoned all the officials in the court, and everyone unanimously agreed to make the regent Zhao Fengji the king!
And after confirming the new monarch, the first thing is the funeral of the little emperor.

"Great Zhao first flattened Tu Yi, and then fought against the Three Kingdoms in the Southwest. Natural disasters occurred frequently in the country. At this time of internal and external troubles, everything should be kept simple!" Zhao Fengji's plain words decided the process of the funeral.

And when many people didn't know, Zhao Fengji had already visited the imperial ancestral temple once, and had a long secret conversation with the clan patriarch, not only crossed out the little emperor's name from the genealogy, but also removed Zuo Sulan along with it.

"Uncle Huang, this is also the meaning of the empress. Uncle Huang can rest assured that he will divorce his wife on behalf of the son." A woman like Zuo Sulan must never be left on the royal family tree!

"Hey, Zuo Sulan did such a thing, his heart can't be punished!" The emperor's uncle is also the oldest old man in the existing royal family. After hearing Zhao Fengji's narration, he was very angry. Trembling, he slapped the table viciously.

Zhao Fengji looked worried, and quickly comforted him: "The matter is over, don't be angry with the emperor."

After finishing the family tree, Zhao Fengji began to deal with the affairs of the government and his wedding. As for all the simple funerals, he was completely in charge of the Ministry of Rites.

And the day of his ascension to the throne had also been set, it was set on the day of his and Bai Xingkuan's wedding.When he becomes emperor, Bai Xingkuang will become his only queen!
Because Zhao Fengji was too busy the past few days, Bai Xingyu was released. Originally, she still needed to take care of the children, but these cubs were very well-behaved. They slept after eating, and ate after sleeping. There were more than ten nuns on weekdays Taking care of her with the maid, there is really nothing wrong with her.

Bai Xingkuan thought about going out for a stroll when she had nothing to do. By the way, she also inspected several of her properties. It seemed that she hadn't visited for a while, and she didn't know how the development was going.

It's just that as soon as she walked out of the palace, she found that the eyes of everyone looking at her became extremely strange, and some of them even knelt down on the spot in fright.

"See, see Princess!" Many people saluted and greeted her tremblingly.

It's not that no one saluted her before, it's just that there were so respectful and fearful, but there were really not many.

It's not that Bai Xingkuan didn't know the reason, and he clicked his tongue twice in his heart, the emperor of the Great Zhao Kingdom is really powerful, even with her, the unmarried queen-to-be, or the queen-to-be, she has also become an eminent figure for everyone. An existence of incomparable awe.

Bai Xingkuan ignored those who saluted her, let alone those who were afraid of her. Just like in the past, she strolled leisurely in the streets of the imperial city, doing whatever she wanted.

"Auntie, here are fifty meat buns to take away." Bai Xingkuan arrived at the bun shop at the first stop. The buns here are very popular with her, and she will come here to eat once every three or two days.

"Hey, okay, wait a moment, Your Highness, I'll pack it up for you right now." The aunt quickly packed the buns, and her attitude towards Bai Xingxuan became even more awe-inspiring, but there was still a trace of it. Familiar and cordial.

Bai Xingkuang paid the silver, and walked away while eating the buns, leaving countless shocked and astonished eyes behind him.

"Auntie, how dare you accept money from this person?" Someone said to the aunt selling buns with admiration and sourness.

The aunt rolled her eyes, and she was unwilling to talk to such a person, "Go, go, I'm in small business, and Her Royal Highness is also a good person. She never bullies us, so stop talking sourly here."

Another person said: "Why is the princess eating buns on the street? This, isn't this against the rules?"

"So what if it doesn't follow the rules? Do you want the regent to stop marrying the princess, or can you let the official arrest the princess?"

Bai Xingkuang was originally a topic of conversation in the imperial city, and now that Zhao Fengji has become His Majesty the Emperor who is about to ascend the throne, she, the future queen-to-be, is naturally a topic of conversation.

【Ding!There are [-] Dream brand infant strollers in the group, with [-] star coins per one.This stroller is suitable for children under the age of six. It is safe and non-polluting, made of pure natural materials, giving babies a safe and beautiful living space. Moms and dads must not miss it. 】

【Ding![-] dream umbrellas are in the group, and each is [-] star coins.There is rain to cover the rain, there is the sun to cover the sun, good-looking and cheap umbrellas, don’t miss them when you pass by. 】

When Bai Xingxuan heard the price of [-] star coins, he hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to order [-] baby carriages and [-] umbrellas.

In the blink of an eye, another [-] star coins were spent, and Bai Xingkuo happily took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, and he also walked outside the Zeng Family Boxing Gym.

"Look, is that Bai Wuwang?" Someone saw Bai Xingkui from a distance, and after a cry of surprise, everyone looked over.

Along the way, Bai Xingkuan has almost always been treated like this.However, many of the people here are familiar to her, so she greeted lazily, "Everyone come to watch boxing? A small gamble is fun, but a big gamble hurts the body. It's okay to have fun, but it's not good to go bankrupt." what."

After Bai Xing finished speaking, someone immediately explained with a smile: "No, no, we just have an eye addiction, and we won't play too much."

"Yes, yes, there is an upper limit in boxing gyms, we just want to have fun."

While chatting and laughing, Bai Xingkui had already entered the boxing gym, and saw the old Taoist priest in gray clothes at a glance.

The old Taoist also saw Bai Xingxuan at this time, his eyes were extremely bright, and he rushed over in an instant.

"Hey, the old Taoist said how the Lucky Star moved today. It turned out that he met a nobleman!" Hu Xianren smiled wretchedly, nodded and bowed very attentively.

Bai Xingkuan rolled his eyes, "Why are you still here?"

"The old Taoist figured out that this place is the blessed land of the old Taoist, so naturally we have to wait for the nobleman to come here!" Immortal Hu knew who the nobleman was without asking.

Bai Xingkuan frowned in disgust, but when he thought that this old man might be really capable, he became a little curious again.


 Look, the Queen is eating buns in the street!
(End of this chapter)

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