Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 224 [224] Dating Announcement

"What is there to take care of in the harem?" Bai Xingkuan was confused, she still didn't understand the meaning of the so-called harem.

Zhao Fengji paused, as if thinking of something, suddenly smiled, "My harem is easy to manage, because it's only you."

"So you're asking me if I need to manage myself?" What's the problem, out of my mind?

Zhao Fengji just laughed, he held Bai Xingkuan's hand, and pulled him into his arms. Sometimes this person is so stupid that he doesn't know anything, and sometimes he is so perceptive and terrifying.

"There are a lot of palace people, as well as me, all under your control." Zhao Fengji pointed to himself, "Besides, the unmarried princesses may have to take care of one or two, of course the most important thing is ours. Cub."

"There are a lot of people, so it must be troublesome to manage." Bai Xingkui instantly grimaced, "I have quite a bit of property now, so don't let me take care of things that are too troublesome, so as not to delay my earning money."

A smile flashed across Zhao Fengji's eyes, and he pretended to be curious and asked: "I heard that your Xingbao Building's business is very good?"

Bai Xing paused, and silently took out a dozen banknotes from his thatched hut, "Don't ask, I've prepared them for you!"

She is not the kind of female who doesn't give money after being with a male, she still has to share the money!

The corners of Zhao Fengji's mouth curled up, his smile could no longer be hidden, and he deliberately asked: "How much money is there, is it all for me? Why do I look at you as if you are not very willing?"

Bai Xingkuan shook his head hastily, "No, no, absolutely, I've prepared it for you a long time ago. The reason why I haven't given it to you is because I want to save more and give you a big surprise gift package!"

Zhao Fengji looked down at the bank note, the top one was the value of thousand taels, and the same was true for each of them, one after another, Zhao Fengji counted for a while, and finally counted out five. More than a hundred sheets!
"More than half a million taels of silver?" Even though Zhao Fengji knew that Bai Xingkuang had earned a lot of silver, he never expected that she would earn so much!
Bai Xingkuan secretly observed Zhao Fengji's expression, and after confirming whether he was pleasantly surprised or disgusted, he began to float up, "I'm amazing, right?"

"Awesome!" In fact, the so-called system is even more powerful, but without interstellar, there would be no system.

Bai Xingkuan was even more flattered, "I'll give you half, and I'll keep the other half. If you're short of money, just tell me."

Zhao Fengji raised his eyebrows, half of the rules of this person really haven't changed.

"Okay." Zhao Fengji didn't want to return the money, he always felt that what he accepted was not just the money, but Bai Xingkuan's wishes.

However, he did not spend it, but saved it all, and planned to hand them over to her for safekeeping after the two got married.

"Xingxuan, let's go out to the city tomorrow to play for a day?" The two of them went out on a handful of dates, and he was so busy recently that he couldn't see anyone. He obviously lived together, but he felt a little missing.

"Okay, do you want to take the cubs with you?" Bai Xingkuang's eyes lit up instantly. She has been busy taking care of the cubs recently, so she hasn't gone out to play for a long time.

"You can take it with you if you want, and don't take it if you don't want to." Zhao Fengji just wanted Bai Xingkuang to be happy, and as for the cubs, they all stood back.

"Then... where shall we go to play?" Bai Xingkuan changed the subject, whether or not he would take the kids with him depended on what they were going to play with.

"How about going wild in the mountains and forests?" Zhao Fengji also thought about it for a long time before he came up with this idea. Big cats will always like mountains and forests.

"Then take it with you. Except for Xiaoqi, who is a little more troublesome, the rest of the cubs should get used to life in the mountains and forests."

"Okay, then take them all with you." He couldn't bear to leave Xiao Qi alone, otherwise Xiao Qi would cry again.

Immediately, Zhao Fengji gave orders to let everyone start preparing for the field trip.Bai Xing was free, and suddenly thought of another question, "Your health has improved a lot recently, shouldn't it be time to think about revenge?"

Bai Xingkuang is a vengeful big cat, if she dares to hurt her male, she will never let it go!
"It's already being arranged." He is not someone who will swallow his anger when he is calculated. He started to arrange it as soon as he woke up.

He thought that in his dream, the reason why he had such a big stumble with Zuo Sulan might also be because he put all his energy in the southwest region and neglected to guard against Zuo Sulan and others.

Of course, the most important thing is probably because he didn't expect Zuo Sulan and the others to be so stupid. As the saying goes, killing a donkey, his donkey hasn't finished the task yet, and he wants to kill him. It's really stupid and poisonous .

"How did you arrange it, do you need my help?" Bai Xingkuang asked anxiously.She really didn't want to wait for such a thing as revenge!

Involuntarily, Zhao Fengji thought of what happened in the dream again. While he was asleep, someone destroyed the Three Kingdoms in the Southwest one after another!
"If you were the one to take revenge, what would you do?" Zhao Fengji asked in a heavy voice.

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, "Wars are all orders from the leaders. If I go to take revenge, I should go to those leaders. Oh, in your terms, it should be the royal family and ministers."

"Are you going alone?" Zhao Fengji didn't know what mood he was in, but he summed it up in one sentence, his daughter-in-law is too powerful, he doesn't use it, and he doesn't need it.

Bai Xingkuan hesitated for a moment, "Take you with me?" Anyway, she wouldn't delay if she brought someone along.

Zhao Fengji smiled, and thought of another question, "Under what circumstances would you take the little ones with you?"

Bai Xingkuan was a little surprised, but still thought about it seriously, "We are the baby's father and mother. If you can't take care of them, I will naturally take care of them."

I see!Because many plots in the dream are intermittent, when he thinks seriously, he will find many doubts.It's just that some can be answered, and some can't.

"I don't need you this time, it's time for the Great Zhao Kingdom to train its troops." The entire Great Zhao Kingdom couldn't be supported by Bai Xingkuang alone.

"Tsk, trouble." Although Bai Xingkuang was a little dissatisfied, he did not refuse such an arrangement, "It's fine if I don't go, but there is a prerequisite!"

"You said."

"Whenever you go to the battlefield in the future, you must take me with you!" Bai Xingkuang didn't want Zhao Fengji to suffer any harm in a place he couldn't see!

"...Okay!" Zhao Fengji reluctantly agreed after hesitating for a while.He thought that even if he didn't agree, Xingkui probably wouldn't be obedient, so he might as well agree.

"A gentleman says that four horses are hard to chase, and you said that!" Bai Xingkuan was also quick at picking up words, but after thinking about it, he felt that his words were wrong, "It's hard to chase four horses? Why is it four horses? Can a tiger do that?" Can you catch up?"


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