Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 238 [238] Make up a story

Chapter 238 [238] Make up a story

Zeng Minghai never expected such a thing to happen, but he soon revealed a look of surprise.

"This is a good thing, I wish for it!" Although the Zeng Family Boxing Gym is well-known in the world of boxers, no matter how famous it is, it cannot compare to the reputation of the official family.

"Should I talk to the owner Zeng?" The one in front of him was still the young owner after all, so Bai Xingkuang was a little worried.

"No, my father basically doesn't care about things now, I can make decisions about the boxing gym." His father started to let go a few years ago, and since Bai Xingkui won the titles of Boxing Champion and Martial Arts King on behalf of the Zeng Family Boxing Gym, he has also treated him. Even more relieved.

"That's fine, I'll give you two days to choose someone, and I will bring someone into the palace the day after tomorrow. As long as the person is not bad, this matter will be settled." Bai Xingkui was also very decisive, although he hadn't told Zhao Fengji about this matter yet, But it's just a matter of sparring, it doesn't matter whether Zhao Fengji knows it or not.

"Ah, you want to enter the palace?" Hearing about entering the palace, Zeng Minghai paused, he had never thought about this.

"Yeah, I plan to train the guards in the palace first. They are too weak to protect Yang Jue. If anything happens, it would be good if Yang Jue didn't protect them." Bai Xingkuan Said very disgustingly.

She used to think that the imperial palace was more powerful than the palace, but in fact the palace was only a little bigger than the palace. The combination of the two guards could barely defeat the guards of the palace, which really disappointed her.

Zeng Minghai especially wanted to warn Bai Xingxuan that Zhao Fengji was no longer the previous regent, but the current emperor!

But after thinking about it, the regent seems to be a big official. What happened before may not necessarily keep the same in the future.

"Okay, I will bring people into the palace in the future." Zeng Minghai gritted his teeth and agreed, "You have to make an agreement with the guards in advance, so don't stop us from entering."

Bai Xingkuan thought for a while, and seemed to take out a small card from his sleeve, "You take this into the palace, just say I let you go."

Zeng Minghai took it, and there was an unusually sharp halberd character engraved on it, which was obviously Zhao Fengji's token.

"Can I use such a token?" Zeng Minghai asked uncertainly.

"Of course." This is what Zhao Fengji gave her as a spare when she left the palace. It can not only enter and leave the palace, but also mobilize part of the army.

It's just that she can't use it all the time, she can just go in and out of the palace to brush her face.

After coming out of Zeng's Boxing Gym, Bai Xingxuan took a look at the tissue shop in the XC area. The business was still good, but the shop assistant was replaced by someone she didn't know, so she didn't go in, just took a look and left .

Afterwards, Bai Xingkuan went to the pier. The pier was still so lively, and she was recognized very quickly. There was another discussion about whether she was a god or not.

"Hey!" A fairy is a fairy, and she should be satisfied without saying that she is a monster.

The Xinghai Guild is very lively at this time, some come to release various tasks, and some come to find tasks to accept.Although the original purpose of the guild was to serve coolies such as porters, after a period of development, it has become a task union serving all walks of life.

The guild hall is where tasks are sent and received. There are five windows similar to pawnshops. Whether it is to issue tasks or accept tasks, you can queue up in front of the windows.

In the center of the hall, there are more than a dozen blackboards. These blackboards are densely written with various tasks and related information.

Bai Xingkuang walked over, and when the people around saw that it was her, they immediately gave way.

"Happy madam!"

"See ma'am, ma'am, are you here for inspection at the guild?"

"Your Majesty, is there really Chang'e in the sky?"

Surrounded by all kinds of weird questions, Bai Xingkuang could only wave his hands and said, "Go, go, stand aside, and whoever makes up stories for me, I'll throw them into the river."

Bai Xingkuan's words were still very useful. The people present all silenced their voices, but they still looked at Bai Xingkuang with curious eyes.

I don't say it, but the whole world is interpreted in my eyes!
Bai Xingkuan was speechless, ignored everyone, and looked at the small blackboard.

Find the lost property task: Mrs. Li's bracelet in Calabash Lane in the south of the city was stolen by the maid, Xiao Qiao.The bracelet features are as follows...

Tracing task: Li Erma's family in Xiaozi Hutong in the west of the city lost a seven-year-old boy.Boys are characterized as follows...

Recruitment task: Chengxi Ruyi Tofu Shop needs two strong laborers, aged between [-] and [-], male, with a salary of [-] cash per month.

Recruitment task: Chengnan Furun Jewelry Building recruits two shop assistants, who are required to be eloquent and in good health...

Bai Xingkuan looked at the mission information and nodded in satisfaction. The guild's development is better than she imagined. Boss Zhou and Sister Sang are both caring and capable people, very good.

"President, you are here, hurry up and sit upstairs." Boss Zhou ran downstairs after hearing the news.

His thoughts at this moment are probably similar to those of Zeng Minghai. After seeing each other for a few days, the president of their family has changed his identity again, and he is already the queen!
"Let's go, go sit down." Bai Xingkuang also had the same intention.

The two entered a very simple living room. There was a table in the corner, which was where Boss Zhou worked, but in fact he didn't use it very much. Most of the time he received some important guests here. .

"Your place is still so crude." Naturally, Bai Xingkuang had been here before, but it's just that many days have passed, and nothing has been added here.

Boss Zhou smiled, "I don't need to buy anything for what I'm doing here, as long as there are people in place."

"Where's Sister Sang?" Bai Xingkuan asked with a smile.

"Sang Ying led someone to help the hired worker. When the man announced the task, he clearly said that he would pay one tael of silver a month, but in the end he paid five hundred coins. The worker had nowhere to ask for help, so he found another After leaving our guild, Sang Ying took people with her." Speaking of this, Boss Zhou was also a little angry, "Some shops are really wicked, and even such a hard-earned money will be deducted."

"Can Big Sister Sang solve it?" Bai Xingkuan didn't like such a person either.

Boss Zhou glanced at Bai Xingkuang, smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "You're here, no one knows that our guild is under your cover."

Bai Xingkuan also laughed, "It's fine to use my name, but the matter needs to be clarified, so it's not easy to cause any wrongdoing."

"I know, I know, if we can investigate clearly, we will do it ourselves. If it really doesn't work, or if the matter is relatively serious, we will report it to the authorities as soon as possible."


(End of this chapter)

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