Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 242 [242] Beautiful Days

Chapter 242 [242] Beautiful Days

"Go, go, go out and play." The Empress Dowager couldn't hold back, and drove Bai Xingkui away in disgust. This poor daughter-in-law didn't know how to save some face for her old man!
Bai Xingkuan left a little bit aggrieved, this morning he went back and forth several times, but he didn't even give him any food, bad review!

On the surface, Bai Xingkuang was aggrieved, but he was cursing in his heart, before he left Ning'an Palace, he was stopped by another little bun.

"Chengjun sees the empress!" The little bun was plump, and even the gesture of saluting was cute and cute.

Bai Xingkuan thought it was a little funny, "Fat baby, are you waiting for me?"

Li Chengjun opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Bai Xingxuan in disbelief, how could this person call him that!
"I, I'm not fat!" The fat baby tried his best to close his belly, he, he was at most a little fatter!

"Hahaha..." The hearty laughter resounded through the small half of Ning'an Palace, Bai Xingxuan took a step forward, and directly hugged Li Chengjun, "I didn't even eat breakfast because of you this morning, let's go, take you go for meal."

The Empress Dowager soon got the news that Bai Xingxuan had taken Li Chengjun away, and she was happy to see him become enlightened: "Let them go."

Although Bai Xingkuan looked unreliable, it was no problem to take care of a little doll.

Bai Xingkuang carried Xiao Baozi all the way back to Qianming Palace. Xiao Baozi struggled a few times at first, but soon obediently let Bai Xingkuang hold him.

Amidst the voices saying hello all the way, Bai Xingkuan walked into the baby room with the little buns in his arms. The seven cubs were all awake, and they were drinking milk from the bottles.

"Maomao!" Seeing this scene, before Bai Xingkuan said anything, Xiao Baozi shouted excitedly, and even stretched out his little hand to the dark Sambo, as if wanting to go over.

Bai Xingkuang put him on the ground, and the little bun immediately ran over, almost stepping on the unusually lively Four Treasures.

Six of the seven cubs are tiger cubs, but in Xiao Baozi's eyes, it seems that there is only the dark one!
Bai Xingkuan watched it very interestingly, and murmured secretly: "It is said that carrots and cabbages have their own preferences, it seems that this little bun just likes Heitantou."

Sanbaowo was drinking milk in the corner, and vaguely heard the first three characters of Heitan. Her black eyes looked over with resentment, and Bai Xingkuan felt a little guilty, and exaggerated: "Sanbao, come and see, there is a little Brother came to play with you!"

Sanbao didn't move, and didn't show any curiosity about the little brother.

Bai Xingkuan sighed in his heart, Sanbao was getting more and more withdrawn, and she didn't know what to do.

At this time, Li Chengjun's little bun had already run up to Three Treasures, squatted down his chubby body, and said in a very friendly way, "Hello cat, let's play together?"

Sanbao glanced at Li Chengjun's little bun with disgust, turned around with the bottle in his mouth, and didn't intend to play at all.

Xiao Baozi was a little disappointed, but he quickly pulled himself together, and followed suit for half a circle, and continued, "I brought delicious cakes for cats to eat."

While talking, Li Chengjun took out a piece of pastry from his small pocket, but the pastry was broken into pieces, Sanbao only took one look, then turned around half a circle in distaste.

"Maomao doesn't eat cakes?" Li Chengjun was rejected again, and couldn't help but pucker his mouth. Maomao is so cold, so he just ignored him!

"Cats eat it." Although a little sad, Li Chengjun has a good spirit of perseverance since he was a child, so he went around half a circle in a daze.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xingkuan felt a little sad. If it wasn't her own three treasures, she wished she could grab him and stuff them into Xiao Baozi's arms!
"Little Baozi, do you want to play with Dabao and the others?" Although she felt a little sad, she didn't like her, and she wouldn't force her.

"I want to play with Maomao." Li Chengjun looked at Sanbao, showing no intention of leaving.

"Tsk." Bai Xingkuan didn't know what to say, so he could only say, "Okay, as long as you're happy."

Sibao was the first to drink the milk, she threw away the bottle after drinking the milk, and then ran outside yelling.

Bai Xingkuang lifted Sibao by the back of his neck, and asked helplessly, "Didn't you run enough yesterday?"

Each of these cubs really has a personality, but fortunately she is not alone in the care, otherwise she thinks she might be crazy.

"Roar!" Sibao's calf was thumping, as if she could still run, let her go quickly.

"All right, all right, I'll let you run for as long as you want." Bai Xingkui not only carried the Four Treasures, but also greeted the rest of the people, "Do you want to go out and play? Auntie will take you there."




The little boy responded positively. They all liked to go out and play. Even Sanbao, who was a little withdrawn, lazily followed the big team out of the house. After a light jump, he lay on the fence and basked in the sun happily.

"Wow, Mao Mao is so powerful!" Li Chengjun saw this scene, his little hands were red.

When Bai Xingkuan saw this scene, he squinted his eyes and smiled, and then she leisurely basked in the sun.

This day is so beautiful!

Bai Xingkuan was content and happy, and felt that this day was really good, but he didn't know that outside the palace, a new round of rumors about her had started again.

"She really thinks she's so great. A vulgar woman who came out of nowhere dares to block my good deeds. I won't let her go!" Chu Xiangyi just left the palace, her aggrieved expression was full Become sinister and vicious.

"What do you want Ma'am to do?" Li Ye also had a gloomy expression on his face. The couple obviously hated Bai Xingkuan.

"She's not a queen yet. Those pariahs are all stupid, and they still say that she is some kind of fairy who came down to earth. It's ridiculous!" Chu Xiangyi's tone was full of jealousy and viciousness!
Li Ye didn't speak, he didn't care whether it was ridiculous or not, but he was very dissatisfied when Bai Xingkuan blocked their way.

"She doesn't give me face like this, and I definitely can't make her comfortable." Chu Xiangyi's mind was spinning quickly, "She has a good reputation, let's ruin her reputation!"

Chu Xiangyi grew up in all kinds of house fights since she was a child. Although she was not scheming, she learned a lot of dirty tricks. At this time, she moved her mind and soon had a plan in her mind.

"Xiao Cui, Xiao Ping, you two come here, I have something to tell you."


"Go find a few people, just say..." After Chu Xiangyi explained, she sent the two maids away.

The two maids looked indifferent, and it didn't look like they were doing this kind of thing for the first time, so they left in a hurry with the money.


(End of this chapter)

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