Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 245 [245] Self-determination

Holding the small notebook in his arms, Bai Xingkuan ran back to Qianming Palace like flying, and started to read it immediately.

On the first page, it was written: Mrs. Changping Hou wanted to marry Changping Hou, but Changping Hou disagreed, so she decided to leave.

Reasons for Mrs. Changping Hou's divorce: Changping Hou likes women, hangs around flower houses all day long, spoils concubines and kills wives, is not a good match.

The reason for Marquis Changping's disapproval of the separation: It is a man's nature to be greedy for flowers and lust, and his wife is jealous, so he doesn't mind, and he does not agree to the separation!

Empress Dowager Opinion: No opinion, make up your own mind.

Bai Xingkuan read it from the beginning to the end, and then read it again. On the last line of the Empress Dowager's opinion, he read it several times!

"This is obviously trying to trick me!" I have no objection, isn't it just that I don't want to care about it!

Bai Xingkuan was a little annoyed, but she didn't struggle for too long, and soon made a decision, because she found that these things were not too much trouble for her.

Bai Xingkuan just added two sentences at the end of that page.

Bai Xingkuan's opinion: agree to the separation.

Bai Xingyu's reason: Regardless of whether Marquis Changping has any problems, as long as one of the couple is not satisfied, the two don't need to be together.

Bai Xingkuan quickly wrote the note and opened the second page.

Ling Lanbo has a concubine son and a concubine's eldest son, the concubine's son is stubborn by nature, he is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but he is not good at writing.The eldest son of his concubine is well-educated and reasonable, with a stable temperament. He is currently a doctor in the Ministry of Industry.

Ling Lanbo wanted to pass on the title to the eldest son, but according to the laws of Dazhao, it is not allowed to pass it on to the concubine if there is a son in law, otherwise he needs to be demoted.

Empress Dowager Opinion: No opinion, make up your own mind.

Bai Xingkuan was speechless, why did everything happen.

Bai Xingkuan's opinion: When there are rules, act according to them.

Bai Xingyu's reason: Although I don't think the rules are necessarily correct, since they are set, that Ling Lanbo has to abide by them, otherwise why do we need to follow the rules?Unless he has the ability to break this rule!

Bai Xing said extraneous words: No matter how miserable the concubine is, he is still your son. You tell others that he is not good, just to pass the title to the concubine, I don't think you are very good!

Let me add the last sentence: If it belongs to my parents, they should give it to whoever they want. There is something wrong with the rules. A son is a son, so isn't a bastard?But having said that, if good things are given to one son but not to the other, it is normal for the other to feel unwilling, so it is fair to be a father and mother.

Bai Xingkuan naturally has no prejudice against the so-called concubines, and she doesn't think that all laws are right, she has her own set of principles for dealing with people, and she doesn't say that she must be right, but if it is made She handles it, and she'll do it!
Next, Bai Xingkuan read through the next twenty or so pages again, each page was about a problem, whether it was about the royal relatives or relatives, or about the dignitaries, and almost all of them were conflicts within the family.

Bai Xingkuan's head was dizzy from seeing it, and even his writing hands were a little cramped!
"I haven't written so many words in a year!" Bai Xingkuan complained, but still felt that it wasn't enough, "No, I have never written so many words in my whole life!"

And looking at so many problems, Bai Xingkuan felt that her bright world had become a lot darker, and her heart was heavy, full of not-so-good memories.

Bai Xingkuan, who was depressed, decided to find someone to comfort him.

Zhao Fengji's expression was very serious when he read the memorial, probably because there were not many good things, and there were so many bad things, it really didn't make people happy.

"Hey." Bai Xingkuan chatted and came in from the window, but no one came in.

Zhao Fengji looked over, and his expression softened instantly, "Why don't you come in?"

Bai Xingkuan flew in through the window, "You always frown like this, you will grow old very quickly."

Zhao Fengji rubbed his brows, and explained: "Floods have occurred in the south, and officials in many places have asked the imperial court for disaster relief."

"Then let's go." Bai Xingkuan realized after finishing speaking, "Is there any problem?"

"The emptiness of the national treasury is just one of the problems. The main problem is the selection of people for disaster relief." Zhao Fengji went on to explain, "There have always been some problems in the officialdom in the south, and I have asked someone to investigate secretly."

Did Bai Xingkui understand, "What's the relationship between these two?"

"If you send someone with mediocre character, they will probably be wooed and corrupted, and the money for disaster relief will become the money of those officials, not the life-saving money of the people."

Zhao Fengji's tone was serious, "But if it's just a person with enough character but average ability, he may not be able to play against those people. It's hard to say the results of the disaster relief, maybe they won't come back."

Otherwise, he has been talking about Da Zhao's domestic and foreign troubles, and he took over such a country full of loopholes.

Bai Xingkuan tilted his head, and asked suspiciously: "You are the boss, how dare they not listen to you?"

"Yang Feng Yin violates understanding?"

"Barely understand." She had discovered a long time ago that people here especially like to say four words and four words, so educated, she is ashamed of herself.

Zhao Fengji was amused by Bai Xingkuan's disgusted expression, "Hehehe, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, do you want a cup of tea, the tea made by Weijing himself is delicious."

Bai Xingxuan shook his head, and took out the small notebook that she almost crushed, "Look at this, A Niang gave it to me. I wrote it for a long time, and my hands are sore."

"What?" Zhao Fengji took it and understood what it was after reading only one page.And he naturally saw Bai Xingkuan's last comment, and after looking at it, he smiled.

These comments are really full of Bai Xingkuan's style, and even this word has a sense of free and easy innocence. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it looks good, but the cuteness and rebellion are still very comfortable to look at .

"Thank you for your hard work. Although I said that if you don't want to do these things, you don't have to do them." Zhao Fengji paused, and there was a turning point, "But I think you are quite suitable for doing these things."

Those comments are the same as Bai Xingkuan's words. Although they look a little naive, they are cute and rebellious, and they are all the most straightforward truths!
Bai Xingkuang was suddenly praised. Apart from embarrassment, he also felt a little proud, "Really, is there no problem with what I wrote?"

She only said two words yesterday, which caused such a storm, and now she has to deal with so many things... Tsk, it feels like a huge wave is sweeping towards her!

"No problem, just do as you say." Zhao Fengji fully supported Bai Xingkuang, even if there were one or two who were extreme or did not conform to the rules of etiquette, so what!
Bai Xingkuang is the Queen of Great Zhao Kingdom, she can do whatever she wants!

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