Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 253 [253] Monk as a monk

Chapter 253 [253] Monk as a monk

Cai Zuyuan's face turned ugly, but he didn't dare to confront Bai Xingkuang, so he could only say with a straight face: "Marriage has been decided by parents since ancient times, and the husband I chose for her is also a good-looking man. , she is too young to know the seriousness of it, if I don't force it, it will be her whole life to suffer!"

Bai Xingkuang probably understood everything, so he asked back, "If you choose this, and let her suffer, what can you do?"

"I will choose carefully and consider many aspects before choosing a husband-in-law for her. How can I make her suffer!" Cai Zuyuan said convincingly.

Bai Xingkuan shook his head, and emphasized: "Don't evade the question, I'll ask you, if she suffers, what can you do?"

"I will make the decision for her and let her husband-in-law treat her well!" Cai Zuyuan frowned slightly, but still chose to answer this question directly. After all, this is not a difficult question to answer.

"Oh, so you can't guarantee that she won't suffer if she gets married according to your arrangement." Bai Xingkuan said in a tone of sudden realization.

Of course, Cai Zuyuan did not agree with this conclusion, but Bai Xingkuan took it out of context!

Cai Zuyuan was a little annoyed, and his words became more pointed, "Yes, I can't guarantee it, but all the parents in the world can't guarantee it. Is it possible that everyone should not get married? Or let them decide for themselves , then the world is in chaos!"

"It's messed up? Then tell me, why did it get messed up?" Bai Xingkuan didn't expect this, but after hearing what Cai Zuyuan said, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

This is a major event in one's life. If you don't make the decision yourself, let others make the decision?
"This, this is obviously not in line with etiquette!" Cai Zuyuan was stunned. He could tell the truth, but he couldn't get into the details.

Bai Xingkuang just laughed, but she didn't insist on asking, but said in a flat tone: "Who your girl will marry is all your family's business, and I don't care about your thoughts."

"The reason why I came here is mostly because of the Empress Dowager. She insisted on letting me deal with these problems, and your family's problems happened to the Empress Dowager."

Bai Xingkuang still remembered the opinions he wrote down at that time, no one can guarantee another person's future, I can't make decisions for that girl.

So in fact, her attitude was not to support the girl, but to ignore the matter at all.

"As for myself, who does she marry, whether it's good or bad, whether she will suffer in the rest of her life, and what does it have to do with me?" Bai Xingkuo paused after finishing speaking, but still couldn't hold back the last sentence, " After all, you parents and relatives don’t care that much.”

In fact, it’s not that these parents don’t care, but the direction of their concern is not the same. They will consider many issues, and some of them really want their children to be happy, but in these considerations, they forget to consider their own children. really needed.

"Tell your girl that others can't help her, and she's not qualified to help her. For the rest of her life, she can only work hard on her own." After Bai Xingkui finished speaking, looking at Master Cai whose expression changed again and again, he emphasized again, " The empress dowager asked me to handle this matter, and this is my opinion on how to deal with it, so please tell Miss Cai exactly what I said."

After Bai Xingkuan finished speaking, he got into the carriage and continued on to the next house.And the seventh princess, who also heard these words, asked in a tangled whisper: "Sister-in-law, what do you think about my marriage?"

"You're only twelve years old, isn't it too early to think about this?" In Bai Xingkuan's eyes, the seventh princess is just a little girl, and it's not her turn to worry about marriage matters.

Seventh Princess was also a little bit shy, but she still insisted: "I'm just a little worried."

I was worried that I would be like that Miss Cai, who was promised by the elders to someone I didn't like, but I didn't know what to do.

Bai Xing paused, "I just thought, I should get in touch more and choose one that I like, preferably the one that my elders like."

Bai Xingkuang is not a relationship consultant either, after much deliberation, this is probably the best result.

"Then what if the elders don't like it?" Princess Seven asked worriedly, as if she had already faced such a problem.

"Then you have to ask why you don't like it. If this person is not good, I think it's necessary to refer to the opinions of the elders." Bai Xingkui had a headache, "Sister, I'll ask you these questions. Mother, don't torture me, I have never encountered these problems."

The Seventh Princess was a little worried a moment ago, but she was amused by Bai Xingkuang's distressed look at this moment, "Yes, the emperor's sister-in-law doesn't need to think about such issues, the emperor's brother is the best man, and my mother's queen is also the best mother." .”

"Yang Jue is really good." As for A Niang, hehe, she is also a very interesting elder.

In the afternoon, the second family went to the residence of the Superintendent of the Imperial Academy. The Chief Superintendent of the Imperial Academy named Shi Shan was a great contemporary Confucianist who was full of peaches and plums.But I don't know what went wrong, the only son of his family insisted on becoming a monk, which made Director Shi very distressed, and finally had the idea of ​​resigning from office and going back to seclusion.

Zhao Fengji didn't want to let this great Confucian go, so he asked the Empress Dowager to handle the matter, who knew that the Empress Dowager handed it over to Bai Xingkui, this was the only thing that the Empress Dowager wrote about in the first five pages , They all hope that Supervisor Shi can stay.

There are not many officials in the imperial court that can be used. Zhao Fengji is really reluctant to let go of someone with excellent character and ability like Superintendent Shi.

Bai Xingxuan expressed her understanding of this, so her advice was to teach Supervisor Shi's son well.

After the door knocked, someone came to open the door. Bai Xingkuan revealed his identity and was immediately welcomed in.

Superintendent Shi has asked for a rest for many days because of his son's affairs, and he happened to be in the mansion at this time, but he was frowning, as if he was more than ten years old.

"Miss Bai, Seventh Princess, please take your seat." Superintendent Shi gave up his position, sighed, and said proactively, "I'm going to trouble the two of you about the matter in Wei Chen's family."

This person obviously knew the purpose of Bai Xingkuang and his party's coming here, "The dog was locked in the house by the minister, please wait a moment, the minister will send someone to bring the dog here."

Bai Xingxuan nodded, she had some information about Superintendent Shi's son, and it was said that he was a good young man with excellent knowledge and good character.In the imperial city, he is also a well-known gentle man, and many girls like him very much.

It's just that such a person, why would he want to become a monk?

(End of this chapter)

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