Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 256 [256] I'm going to starve to death

Chapter 256 [256] I'm going to starve to death

Mrs. Chenghua's complexion changed slightly for the worse. Although she tried her best to control it, she still showed a little bit of uneasiness because of her guilty conscience.

"It's not very good. After all, the dowry matter is related to the deceased wife, so it's not good to be such a joke." Mrs. Chenghua did not agree, and even found a good reason.

Bai Xingkuan smiled, but what he said was extremely domineering, "It's okay to disagree, then I'll just open the storeroom of Duke Chenghua's mansion and let your eldest son choose by himself. He must know about his mother's dowry." Bar."

It doesn't matter even if you don't understand, you can take whatever you choose, who let Chenghua and his wife do this carelessly, even their dead mother's dowry was deducted.

Mrs. Chenghua was silent for a moment, and she looked at Bai Xingkuang with a slightly cloudy look, "Miss Bai, every family has scriptures that are hard to recite. The Duke really did his best, and Shouli also knew he was wrong, so he just Don't bother you. You and His Majesty are about to get married, and there must be a lot of things to worry about. If you need help from your wife, you can just tell me."

This is probably just pretending to be pitiful and adding temptation.

Bai Xingxuan shook his head, "No, no, no, I don't work hard at all, those things are done by others, I just have free time, so the Empress Dowager arranged these things."

Bai Xingkuan's words were very irritating. Mrs. Chenghua squeezed the silk handkerchief in her hand, she really wanted to turn her face, but she didn't dare.

"You are joking, you must be busy with such a big matter, how dare you worry about such a small matter at home." Mrs. Cheng Hua still refused to let go, "And don't worry, our father-in-law is a loving father, She loves her children the most, and she will never treat Shouli badly."

Bai Xingkuan didn't want to listen to these nonsense anymore, "Where's Geng Shouli? Call him out, he's the plaintiff, I think we should listen to his opinion."

Mrs. Chenghua paused for a moment, showing a regretful smile, "Oh, actually, Shouli is a good kid. He also knew that he was wrong, so he went to another courtyard outside the city to reflect on himself. If you want to see He may have to wait for a while."

Bai Xingkuan laughed after hearing this, some people really don't know how to play tricks in front of her.

Bai Xingkuan stretched out a finger, "I need to see someone within a quarter of an hour, otherwise I will tear down your Chenghua Duke's Mansion."

"Miss Bai, this is a difficult situation for you. Shouli is not in the imperial city..."

With a loud bang, Bai Xingkuan smashed the table with his fist, and successfully made Mrs. Chenghua swallow the remaining lies.

"Stop talking nonsense here, I'm not one of those people who babble with you for a long time but get nothing done, understand?" Bai Xingkuo sat lazily on the chair, exuding a shocking expression. "If you still want the Chenghua Mansion to exist, send someone to find Geng Shouli immediately."

Mrs. Chenghua was trembling all over, half from fright, half from anger, no one had ever dared to speak to her like this!
"You, even if you become the empress, you can't bully others too much!" Mrs. Chenghua said in a trembling voice.

Bai Xingxuan sneered, she came out to be a hero, and she never relied on the empress's name.

Bai Xingkuo stomped his feet, and a frightening crack appeared in the hall of Duke Chenghua's mansion.

"Ah!" Mrs. Chenghua and the servants screamed in fright, and ran out one after another.

Princess Seven and Nanny Zhao were also a little frightened. The way they looked at Bai Xingkui seemed to be looking at a monster.

"Sister-in-law, are you a real fairy?" Seventh Princess asked in shock and admiration.

"It's hard to say, maybe it's a fake fairy." Who knows what a fairy looks like, anyway, she has never seen it before.

Princess Seven was amused, "Sister-in-law is real, otherwise how could she be so powerful!"

Mrs. Cheng Hua had already run outside the door, yelling in horror, "Come on, come on!"

The guards in the Duke's Mansion came very quickly, but the problem is that even if they come, they can't do anything.

Leaving aside the dragon guards who followed Bai Xingkuang, even Bai Xingkuang and the Seventh Princess herself were not something they could offend.

"Ma'am, what, what should I do?" The housekeeper asked tremblingly, "Really, do you really want to invite the eldest son?"

Mrs. Chenghua managed to calm herself down. The scene of the ground cracking just now shocked her too much, and finally made her feel afraid.

"Please, please go and invite him in person and tell him, don't say what you shouldn't say, or don't blame me for being cruel in the future!" Mrs. Chenghua lowered her voice and said viciously.

Others naturally couldn't hear Mrs. Chenghua's words, but Bai Xingkui, who had sharp ears and eyes, heard them very clearly.

She raised her eyebrows, and sat quietly noncommittally. How to deal with it next depends on these people's own thoughts.

"You'd better get Chenghua Gong here too, so as not to waste my time." Bai Xingkuan reminded, although this woman is ruthless, but the master of the palace is probably Cheng Huagong.

"Go and invite!" Mrs. Chenghua, what can she say, she can only invite someone honestly, and she really doesn't dare to face Bai Xingkuan again, this woman is really terrifying.

When Geng Shouli was brought in, Bai Xingkuan could tell something was wrong with him at a glance, his pale face and weak body seemed like a gust of wind could blow him away.

"Are you terminally ill, or are you starving to death?" Bai Xingkuo asked uncertainly, this man didn't look very good.

Geng Shouli saluted Bai Xingxuan, his waist straightly completed [-] degrees, "Thank you, Miss Bai, for saving Shouli's life. If you don't come, Shouli may really starve to death!"

"Shouli, what nonsense are you talking about!" Mrs. Chenghua shouted angrily, looking at Geng Shouli as if she wanted to eat him.

Geng Shouli sneered, "every word I, Geng Shouli, said is the truth, but if there is even one word of nonsense, may the sky be struck by lightning!"

"You!" Mrs. Chenghua was so angry that her whole body trembled, and at the same time, there was a chill in her heart. Geng Shouli is crazy!

Bai Xingkuan pointed to the pastries and tea at the side, and said, "Eat something first, if you have anything to say, we can talk about it when your father comes."

"Yes!" Geng Shouli really shut up, sat aside and began to eat and drink. Although he was extremely hungry, his movements were unhurried, and he still looked very elegant.

Bai Xingxuan couldn't help but think of Zhao Fengji, the well-behaved man also looked like this, but the two had a half or two similarities.


(End of this chapter)

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