Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 259 [259] Ultra-tech camera

Chapter 259 [259] Ultra-tech camera

That night, the imperial decree to enshrine Geng Shouli as Marquis of Chenghua arrived at Duke Chenghua's mansion. Even the process of enshrining the prince was omitted, and the old duke was directly abdicated.

The entire Duke Chenghua's mansion was in mourning, Duke Chenghua passed out on the spot, and Mrs. Chenghua went back to her natal family crying, probably because she wanted her family to help her.

But the imperial edict has been issued, and it is not very easy to find someone who can persuade the emperor to withdraw the imperial edict.

After dinner, the big cat, who was full of food and drink, wanted to take a walk, so he took the seven cubs for a walk in the yard. Zhao Fengji had something to do, but he just couldn't bear to leave, so he followed along slowly Bai Xingkuan took a walk together.

The two chatted while walking, and then they talked about the matter of sparring.

"Oh, I have an appointment with Zeng Minghai today!" The day was almost over before Bai Xingkuang thought of Zeng Minghai.

Zhao Fengji suppressed a smile, and comforted him: "It's okay, I'll take care of you."

"That's good. I'm too busy, so I just forgot about him." Bai Xingkuan explained indifferently. Hearing it in Zhao Fengji's heart, the hint of unhappiness at the end disappeared. up.

Unimportant things and unimportant people will be forgotten.

"I also appointed him a small official, I think he is quite satisfied." Zhao Fengji was happy, so he didn't mind saying a few more words about that person.

"Huh? You gave him an official job? I heard that being an official is very difficult. What kind of imperial examinations do you have to take? Can he pass it?" It's not that Bai Xingkuang doesn't believe in Zeng Minghai's ability, but the problem is that this ability is also divided into categories. .

Thinking of Zeng Minghai who was a bit silly, Bai Xingkuang was really worried.

If Zeng Minghai knew that Bai Xingkuang's evaluation of him was a bit silly, he would probably be pissed off.

"Let him try, and if it doesn't work, we can change." The smile on Zhao Fengji's face became more and more obvious. It turned out that Zeng Minghai was just like that in Xingkui's eyes!

When Bai Xingkuan heard this, he was a little entangled, he had been done by the officials, but later he was not allowed to do it, how bad it is.

Zhao Fengji had a slightly smiling face, but when he saw Bai Xingkuan's tangled look, he couldn't help but think a little bit more, "Can't you?"

"It's okay. I don't know how to be an official. It's just that you should be more tactful. His boxing skills are still good. You can arrange some jobs suitable for him."

"Okay, I'll remember." Zhao Fengji held Bai Xingkuang's hand, paused slightly, and the mischievous Sibao hugged his leg, trying to climb up.

"Hoo hoo!" Not far away, there were a few cubs running over like they were having fun, circling around the two of them.

Seeing this warm picture, Zhao Fengji suddenly had an idea in his heart, "How about I find some painters and let them paint for us?"

"Ah, what do you mean?" Bai Xingkuan had never been exposed to such a high-level art as painting.

"The cubs are getting bigger and bigger. I want to keep more of their childhood paintings, so that when they grow up, they can still see their own appearance when they were young." Many years later, these paintings can also become part of their cherished memories.

"Can I still do this? That's really great!" Bai Xingkuang was very happy, wishing to see the effects of those paintings immediately.

【Ding![-] solar-powered ultra-tech cameras are in the group, one with [-] star coins.Want to keep the old days?Want to keep good memories?Want to know your most embarrassing smile?Get a super-tech camera. 】

【Ding![-] bags of double-flavored pasta are in the process of being opened, with [-] star coins per bag.The unique delicacy comes from the unique region. Different noodles have different tastes. Please taste them. 】

Bai Xingkuan paused, and immediately said: "I want fifty cameras, and ten thousand bags of noodles." It was too difficult to pronounce the big ones, and Bai Xingkui didn't remember them.

Zhao Fengji heard a little sound, and stopped accordingly. When Bai Xingkuang looked at him again, he asked aloud: "Is that system selling things again?"

"Well, camera and face, why do I feel that the introduction of the camera is a bit similar to what you just said." Bai Xingkuang was a little puzzled, but also a little curious.

Zhao Fengji was also very curious, but he knew that it would take a while for the items bought from the system to arrive, so he could only go to the Imperial Study Room first, and hurried back after finishing the rest of the memorial Qianming Palace.

At this time, Bai Xingxuan was already holding a digital camera, having a great time playing.

"You seven don't move, look at A Niang, if I joke, you all laugh together!"



Bai Xingkuan looked at the little boys sitting in rows, and said excitedly: "Laugh!"

The little tiger cub's smile was indescribable, but Qibao showed a big smile, and even a little bit of saliva flowed out of his face.

After Bai Xingkuang pressed the shutter, a lifelike photo spit out from the camera, Bai Xingkuang carefully pinched the corner, and commented happily: "Not bad, not bad, everyone has seen this one, it's not bad. "

Bai Xingkuan put the photos on the table beside him. There were already more than a dozen photos on the table. At first they were abstract blurred photos, but gradually they became extremely clear.

Bai Xingkuan read the instruction manual while taking pictures, and quickly mastered most of the functions. This camera has an extremely advanced integrated shooting and washing function, but it can only take pictures and has no video recording functions.

Bai Xingkuan didn't know what video recording was. The function of taking pictures alone was enough to make her excited to play for a long time.

"Is this a camera?" Zhao Fengji walked into the baby's room, and saw those photos that were comparable to masterpieces at a glance, "This painting is so amazing, it seems to be real!"

Bai Xingkuan picked up the camera and pointed at Zhao Fengji, "Look at me and smile."

Hearing this, Zhao Fengji narrowed his eyes, and Dang even showed a faint but gentle smile.

With a click, the shutter was pressed, and a photo slowly appeared in Bai Xingkuang's hands. Bai Xingkuang looked at it for a long time, then nodded cautiously: "It looks good!"

Zhao Fengji walked over, wrapped Bai Xingkuan with one hand, and took the photo with the other. In the photo was the self with a gentle smile, and also the self that made him feel a little strange.

"So I look like this?" Zhao Fengji said a little surprised.

Bai Xingkuang quickly snatched back the photo, "This is mine, return it to me after you have seen it."

As he spoke, Bai Xingku took out another camera, handed it to Zhao Fengji and said, "This is for you, the photos you take with it are yours."

"This is the instruction manual. You will only use this camera after you have read it." After Bai Xingkuo finished speaking, he added triumphantly, "But I have learned it all. If you don't understand something, you can ask me. .”

"it is good."


(End of this chapter)

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