Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 266 [266] The matter of Mingzhou

Chapter 266 [266] The matter of Mingzhou

After Feng Huizhi, the Minister of the Household Department, was dismissed, Zhao Fengji directly appointed Zhang Yanshu, the former minister of the Household Department, as the temporary Minister of the Household Department, and immediately recruited people into the palace, talking about the emptiness of the Household Department.

Zhang Yanshu was obviously more thoughtful than Feng Huizhi, even in a hasty response, he expressed many feasible ideas.

However, although these ideas are good, they cannot solve the problem of emptiness in the household department in a short period of time.

Zhang Yanshu looked at Zhao Fengji's slightly cold face, saw that there was no one else around, and whispered: "Your Majesty, why don't you ask the future queen?"

"Ask her what?" Zhao Fengji looked at Zhang Yanshu, with suspicion and scrutiny in his eyes.

Zhang Yanshu quickly replied: "The future empress is a genius in business. I think that with the empress' talent in business, maybe she can come up with a good idea?"

The corners of Zhao Fengji's mouth twitched. If his business talent was transferred to the Ministry of Households, the Great Zhao Kingdom would probably die of poverty.

However, even though Bai Xingkuan was not good, these words made Zhao Fengji think of an idea, "Here is a blueprint that the queen gave me, and it has been sent to the Ministry of Industry for research. After the finished product is researched, it will be made by the household The Ministry opened a shop, and the money earned was also owned by the Ministry of Households.”

It's not easy for him to be the emperor, and he has to subsidize the treasury with what the queen gave him.

"However, this Fang Zizhen is not given for nothing, [-]% of the net income must go to the queen, this is the prescription she gave." Zhao Fengji emphasized.

"I dare to ask, what is this prescription?" Zhang Yanshu was a little curious, what kind of prescription would the emperor value so much?
"It's a recipe for making a car, which is very interesting and can save animal power." Zhao Fengji paused after speaking, "This kind of car may be more suitable for wealthy people to buy, and it can only relieve the pressure on the national treasury, but it cannot completely solve it. The problem of empty treasury.”

Zhang Yanshu was more disappointed than curious, and couldn't help saying bluntly: "If the empress is willing to tell a little about the source of the Xingbaolou's goods, the treasury will not have to worry about running out of money."

I have to say that Zhang Yanshu has thought about the words that came out of his mouth countless times.Moreover, there are countless people who have the same idea as Zhang Yanshu.

It's just that what Zhang Yanshu thinks is for the country, the people and the Ministry of Household Affairs, while most of the others think about money.

Zhao Fengji looked at Zhang Yanshu with sharp eyes in an instant, and Zhang Yanshu knelt on the ground in fright, but he was devoted to the people, so he was not afraid, insisted: "Your Majesty, I have no selfish intentions!"

The brief silence made Zhang Yanshu break out in a cold sweat, until Zhao Fengji asked him to stand up, and he breathed out quietly.

"Her supply of goods is not stable, nor can it be supplied in large quantities, so it is not suitable for the household department." What the household department needs is not a one-time income, but a steady stream of water that can support the economic lifeline of the entire Dazhao country.

Zhang Yan wrote with a look of distress, this is not going to work, that is not going to work, there is nothing he can do.

"I have some rare seeds here. The planting requirements are low, but the yield is very high. The effect of use is also very good. I can hand them over to your household department for sale."

The promotion of seeds is also a problem that Zhao Fengji focuses on, but one is that the number of seeds is scarce, and there is no way to spread them on a large scale at the same time, and the other is that the people are very cautious and will not easily plant unfamiliar crops.

So after careful consideration, Zhao Fengji decided that in the early stage of seed promotion, he could follow the strategy of making rare things more valuable, first to search for a lot of money from those who have money, and then spread it to the homes of ordinary people on a large scale.With the drive of the rich, the common people will be more likely to accept these fresh crops.

On September [-]th, when the people in the imperial city were discussing the envoys of the Three Kingdoms, the people Zhao Fengji sent to Mingzhou to investigate came back, and brought news that made Zhao Fengji extremely angry.

Zhang Mengsheng, the magistrate of Mingzhou, not only killed Liu Congxiu's family, but also killed many people who had interests in him, even those who offended him in a small way!
In Mingzhou, Zhang Mengsheng is not only as simple as the Tu Emperor, but also the Living Hades that everyone fears. No one dares to fight with him, because those who fight with him will disappear in various ways.

Sometimes, Zhang Mengsheng even deliberately revealed his cruel and vicious side, in order to frighten the people of Mingzhou, it was extremely rampant!

"Damn it, really damn it!" Looking at the bloody records one after another, Zhao Fengji wished he could tear it into pieces.

"Jiang..." Zhao Fengji wanted to call Jiang Biyan, but Jiang Biyan had already been sent away by him. After thinking about it, he recruited Marshal Li's eldest son Li Weijiang into the palace.

Li Weijiang is a general of the third rank, and he is in charge of the safety of the imperial city on weekdays. Zhao Fengji is quite at ease about him, but this person has never been on the battlefield. Although he has ability, he lacks experience.

"See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!" Li Weijiang was wearing a light armor, and he still had the aura of a general.

Zhao Fengji couldn't help sighing softly in his heart, at the beginning his father was quite scruples about the marshals in the court, and he was also wary of their children, and he didn't want them to lead the army on the battlefield, which also caused the veteran Old, but the successor is very weak.

"The magistrate of Mingzhou is heinous. He is corrupt, corrupts the law, and has no regard for human life. He is suspected of treason. I want to send you to capture him and bring him back to Beijing. Are you willing?" Zhao Fengji asked.

"I will follow His Majesty's arrangement!" Li Weijiang was a little excited, but then said hesitantly, "It's just an important place in the capital, if I leave, I'm afraid someone will take the opportunity to make trouble!"

"Your second brother has been working with you, let him take over for a while, it's not good for you two brothers to work together all the time." Zhao Fengji said pointedly.

"Yes, I must let my second brother guard the imperial city, please rest assured!" Li Weijiang was stunned, but soon understood the meaning of the emperor, this is to reuse them!

"Go, set off as soon as possible, don't waste time." After Zhao Fengji finished speaking, he added, "I will arrange a few people to go with you, pay attention to safety on the way."

"Yes, I obey!" Li Wei Jiang Xing left in a hurry, Zhao Fengji recruited Liu Congxiu and Yushi Jiang Ji, told about the Mingzhou affairs, and ordered them to go to Mingzhou with Li Weijiang.

Liu Congxiu said with red eyes: "The grass people thank the emperor for his kindness!"

The Liu family's vengeance for destroying the family can finally be avenged!
Zhao Fengji sighed, "After you have dealt with the family affairs, I hope you can continue the scientific research and become a good official who is in charge of the people."

"Yes, Cao Min obeys the order!" Liu Congxiu kowtowed three times in a row, unable to speak out the grief and excitement in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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