Chapter 270 [270]

Zhao Fengji didn't plan to meet the other party right away, as for when to meet, he said it depends on his mood.

When Bai Xingkuan knew that the so-called envoys were most likely the murderers who wanted to assassinate her behind the scenes, he thought about meeting them.

But who knew that before she came to the door, those people made trouble for her!

Bai Xingxuan has several places to go in the imperial city, most of which belong to her property, especially the Xingbao Building, where she will go to sit when she has nothing to do on weekdays, and at the same time buy good things in the system , Take out the ones you don't care much about, and put them in the Xingbao Building for sale.

This day, she took the cubs to play in Xingbao building, and when she was playing, she heard the noise coming from the shop.

"Is this someone coming to my shop to make trouble?" Bai Xingkuang felt very fresh, and walked out in a hurry, ignoring the brats. She wanted to see who was so brave enough to offend her !
"I'm interested in it. If you don't sell it, you have to sell it. It's not like I won't give you money!" Hai Nala's sharp voice was still full of arrogance.

Shopkeeper Meng, as the shopkeeper of the empress's name, has seen the world, from His Majesty to the high officials and dignitaries, there are many people coming and going in his shop, I don't know how many distinguished people have come to buy things, But none of these people would dare to make trouble here!
Shopkeeper Meng also heard the news that the envoys of the Three Kingdoms had arrived in the imperial city, and he also knew that the Three Kingdoms were no fun, and the so-called princess, dressed in strange clothes, had a look he had never seen before. The serious princess of the Great Zhao Kingdom.

"If you give money, it also depends on whether our small shop wants to sell it. This forced buying business will not work in our Great Zhao Kingdom. It's a business of buying and selling." After knowing that he was not from the country, shopkeeper Meng's mouth was a little bit loose.

Moreover, shopkeeper Meng not only hated people, but also took precautionary measures. While gesturing for people to come over to protect him, he asked people to go out for help.

He continued to say: "We gentlemen use our mouths but not our hands. The goods sold in our Xingbao Building are all priceless and rare treasures. You must be careful when you walk around, otherwise if you break something, Pay one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand taels, don't say that the shop blackmails you, it's all a discount!"

Bai Xingkuan walked over listening to shopkeeper Meng's words all the way, with a very obvious smile on the corner of her mouth. She used to think that shopkeeper Meng was an honest person, but this obviously didn't give him a chance to show off.

"Let me take a look, who is causing trouble in my shop, don't you want to live?" Bai Xingkuan's voice was cold and domineering, and it was a bit ostentatious that the voice came first before the person arrived.

"Boss, this customer wants to forcefully buy our eight-piece suit, but the younger one disagrees, so she wants to do it. It's too domineering!" The shopkeeper Meng opened his mouth as a complaint. The feeling of a villain.

Henara was also looking at Bai Xingkuang at this time, with a slightly arrogant scrutinizing gaze, although she tried her best to restrain herself, she couldn't hide her surprise.

Bai Xingkuan's image was obviously beyond her expectations, but this did not prevent her from mocking Bai Xingkuan in a haughty tone, "So you are Bai Xingkuan, but that's all!"

Bai Xingkuan laughed when he heard this, it was nothing more than that, she could beat her to death with one finger, and I don't know where this woman has the courage.

"When you come to my shop, just follow the rules of my shop. If you buy, you get the money. If you don't buy, you get out. Where did all this nonsense come from?" Bai Xingkui found a seat and sat down, looking at the princess from head to toe. , is also a look of disdain.

Henara had never been looked at with such disdainful eyes, and she whipped the whip on the spot, "How dare you!"

The princess who was not good at words made a move again, but in front of Bai Xingkuang, her tricks were really not enough.

Bai Xingkuan threw a cup without any hassle, and the whole cup of tea poured over Henara's head!
"Ah!" Henara didn't care about swinging the whip anymore, and threw the whip to hug her head on the spot.

"Princess!" The maids at the side also surrounded her in shock, and hurriedly wiped it for Henara.

The guards brought by Henara also drew their swords one after another, and looked at Bai Xingkuan angrily.

"You dare to hurt the princess, damn it!" One of them swung his sword, and more than ten guards rushed towards Bai Xingkuang!
They were here to cause trouble, but now that the right master is in place, they don't bother to act anymore!
Bai Xingxuan snorted disdainfully, and walked among the guards like a shadow for a while, and then the guards fell to the ground one after another, and there was no more sound.

Seeing this scene, Henara widened her eyes in horror, "You, you are not human!"

Bai Xingkuan said in a cool tone: "Yes, I'm not human. Everyone says I'm a fairy lady. If you think so, I can't explain it."

Henara expressed the boiling meaning in her heart with her eyes, how thick is this person's skin, how dare to say such shameless words!
Bai Xingkuan ordered to shopkeeper Meng: "Go report to the officials, and take all these troublemakers to the prison, so as not to harm people outside and affect their business."

"Yes!" Shopkeeper Meng went triumphantly, and before leaving, he gave Henara a disdainful look, saying, "Princess, if you didn't persevere in one round, you really lost your name as a princess!"

"How dare you!" Hainara was so angry that she trembled all over. If her guards were imprisoned in the prison of the Great Zhao Kingdom, Nanxi Kingdom would lose face!
At this time, Henara naively thought that it was the guards who were going to be imprisoned, and she didn't think of herself at all.

"Dare you, you'll know in a while." Bai Xingkuan was not interested in bickering with a stupid person, and sat back on the chair lazily.

A few guys in the store immediately poured tea and snacks for her, and she also ate happily.

"If you dare to do this, Nanxi Kingdom will not let you go. When the two countries go to war, it will be your fault!" After a brief silence, Henara seemed to have finally organized her words, meaning He said threateningly.

Bai Xingkuang looked at Hainara in surprise, and just when Hainara thought she was finally scared, Bai Xingkuang said: "What are you talking about to lie to children? Zhao Qianfu hurt the emperor of my Great Zhao, do you think our Great Zhao will let your Nanxi Kingdom go?"

The war between Dazhao and the Southwest Three Kingdoms was originally one of Dazhao's future plans, and it could start after she and Zhao Fengji got married.

How funny that Henara now threatens her with war!

(End of this chapter)

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