Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 273 [273] Are you afraid of me?

Chapter 273 [273] Are you afraid of me?
Shi Xin was thrown into the street with a dazed expression, and Bai Xingkui clapped his hands and went back to Xingbao Building. The kids were probably tired from playing, and they were drinking milk with their bottles.

"Hoo hoo!" Dabao was the most obedient, and when he saw A Niang who had disappeared, he immediately greeted her happily.

Bai Xingkuang picked up Dabao, picked up the bottle, and put it in her mouth, "Drink."

The rest of the kids also gathered around, Bai Xing saw that the kids were drinking happily, so he took a bottle himself, and drank happily.

Shi Xin was sent back to the fan hall, but at this time the fan hall was also in chaos, because the news that Hai Nala was imprisoned in the Beijing Yamen had already been sent back to the fan hall.

And Shi Xin's return probably added another touch of chaos to the chaos, which weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, and they all had a bad feeling.

Especially after Shi Xin told what Bai Xingkuang did and what he said at the end, everyone's expressions changed one after another.

"She is so arrogant, she just doesn't take us seriously!" Naduluo, the grumpy commander, smashed the wooden table on the spot, his face was flushed with anger, and he wished he could rush out to meet Bai Xing immediately. Let's play the last game.

"She dares!" Wen Di, the general of Jiashu Kingdom, also spoke with a murderous tone.

Most of the rest of the people also reacted in the same way, but they were restrained and didn't show it so obviously.

Shi Xin showed a wry smile, and said soberly: "Hainara was locked up on her front foot, but she dared to snatch me away on her back foot, and she made it like this, what else is she afraid of?"

Things have already happened, but it's still interesting to talk about whether people dare or not!

"Little Marquis has been at ease for a long time, and he can be taken away even when he sleeps. If it is passed back to Jiashu Kingdom, I don't know what the people of your Jiashu Kingdom will think!" Xu Zhao, the uncle of Kerrus Kingdom, was very angry. Ironically, the main content is to complain that Shi Xin is too useless and has no vigilance at all.

Shi Xin glared at Xu Zhao, wanting to say something, but finally waved his hands weakly, "I'm useless, you're all amazing, I've suffered such a serious injury, so I won't delay your lord's business here. "

It is true that Shi Xin is timid and spineless, but he is also smart. After this incident, he does not want to stay in the Great Zhao Imperial City.

When everyone heard what he said, they thought he was going back to rest, but after a while, someone rushed to report that Shi Xin and his men were leaving Fanguan and returning to Jiashu Kingdom.

Leaving aside the thoughts of the other two countries, it is impossible for the other two envoys of Jiashu Kingdom to let Shi Xin just leave.

Jiatai, the national teacher of Jiashu Kingdom, rushed to stop him, "Young Lord, if you go back like this, aren't you afraid that the emperor will punish you?"

Shi Xin had been bandaged at this time, but still looked weak, and said weakly: "I know that I am soft-spoken, and it is useless to say anything to you. I can't stop what you want to do, so I can only go. .”

At that time, no matter how these people toss, it has nothing to do with him anyway. He is really afraid.And Shi Xin didn't just escape without thinking about anything, he felt that it was necessary to report some things here to the emperor as soon as possible!

"You are a dignified young master of a country, will it be too embarrassing to do this?" Wen Di, the general of the Jiashu Kingdom, also asked very dissatisfied.

When choosing candidates, he was not very satisfied with this young master. He didn't expect that this young master would become a deserter just one day after he arrived in the Great Zhao Kingdom. It's really shameful!
Shi Xin sighed, "Hey, everyone, one last piece of advice to you, do what you should do and don't do what you shouldn't. The water in Da Zhao is very deep, and we are weak and weak, so we can't afford to provoke you."

After Shi Xin finished speaking, he left. Twenty people were taken away by the guards, and the rest were left for the Three Kingdoms envoys. This was the only thing he could do.

This series of changes in Fanguan, it is naturally impossible to escape Zhao Fengji's surveillance, he knew the whole story and the reason almost immediately.

"Xingxuan..." The man did another big thing without making a sound.

The common people were also very busy this day. In the morning, they were still discussing the matter of Princess Henara being imprisoned by the Empress Empress. In the afternoon, she became the Empress Empress and scared away the envoys.This made the people in the imperial city who had a bad impression of the envoys of the Three Kingdoms suddenly look down on these envoys even more.

Even if their empress is a bit stronger, with a bit higher force value, and a bit scary, but it won't scare people away, how timid she is!
That night, after dinner for the family of nine, Zhao Fengji pulled Bai Xingkuang to talk about the envoys.

"When I came back, I only cared about eating and didn't tell me, what did you do today?" Zhao Fengji asked jokingly.

Bai Xingkuan just laughed, "You know all about it and asked me, when I went to the fan hall, I saw a lot of your people."

"I probably know the matter, but I don't know what you think or why you do it." Zhao Fengji just wanted to chat with Bai Xingkuang, thinking about what was going on in this person's little head. What, why always do those unexpected things.

"That's true." Bai Xingkui recognized Zhao Fengji's reason, and then thought of the things he had asked during the day, and immediately smiled wickedly, "Hey, you don't know, I really just asked Come out with something interesting."

"What?" Zhao Fengji asked pretending to be curious, and was very cooperative.

"They came to our Great Zhao to investigate the news of Tiger God. Hahaha, Tiger God is just talking about me? Hahaha, do you think they are funny or not?" Bai Xingkuang laughed while talking, how could she not Unexpectedly, these people came because of her.

Zhao Fengji narrowed his eyes. It's not like he hasn't guessed this possibility before. Although it sounds a little ridiculous, but for all the unknown Southwest Three Kingdoms, if the Tiger God really exists in their Great Zhao, the Southwest Three Kingdoms may have to reunite. Consider the attitude towards Da Zhao.

"It's because you are so powerful that they were alerted." Zhao Fengji praised Bai Xingkuan indiscriminately, but what he said was also true. The battle that Da Zhao destroyed Tu Yi was fought earth-shatteringly. And quietly.

"I'm pretty good, but I just don't know what the results of their investigation will be in the end." Bai Xingkuan was a little curious as he spoke, "Do you think they will recognize the existence of the Tiger God?"

"I don't know." Even Zhao Fengji didn't know this.

"Then do I need to turn into a beast shape and go out for a couple of laps?" Bai Xingkuan suggested a little mischievously, "Just go to Fanguan for a couple of laps and see if they're afraid of me!"


(End of this chapter)

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