Wangye's honeypot is lost again

Chapter 277 【277】Total Zhao

After the parade, it is the imperial mausoleum to worship the ancestors.The soldiers of the Dragon Guards and the Jizi Battalion had already been stationed inside and outside the imperial mausoleum, protecting the imperial mausoleum tightly to ensure that there was no danger.

On this day, the monitoring of the envoys of the Three Kingdoms has also reached the extreme. Not only are they not allowed to leave the fan hall, they are even guarded by layers of guards. No one is allowed to enter, for fear that these people will do something they shouldn't do , affecting the festive atmosphere of the emperor's wedding.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it all!" Henara was about to go mad with anger, she smashed all the objects that could be smashed, and yelled in the fan hall like a madman.

The maidservants trembled, while protecting themselves, they had to try their best to stop the runaway Henara. Even if the other envoys heard the movement here, they seemed to be unable to hear it at all, and ignored Henara at all. pull life and death.

Although Hai Nala, the chess piece of the marriage, has not met Zhao Fengji, His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhao Kingdom, but it seems to have lost its effect and has become a useless chess.

This was Bai Xingkuan's first visit to Zhao's Imperial Mausoleum, and the imperial mausoleum gave her a very solemn feeling. She touched the crumbs of the wedding cake at the corner of her mouth, and followed Zhao Fengji out of the car with a serious face.Behind them, there were seven cubs who were taken care of by Bai Qing and Nanny Sun, and they were all obediently waiting in place.

Zhao Fengji held her hand and comforted her: "Don't be nervous."

Bai Xingkui gave Zhao Fengji a weird look, why was she nervous, she just felt that a serious expression was worthy of the solemn atmosphere here.

"See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live!"

"See the queen, the queen is a thousand years old!"

All the courtiers and guards knelt down to salute, and there seemed to be infinite echoes in the empty imperial tomb.

Just like this, Zhao Fengji took Bai Xingkuang's hand, walked step by step along the long bluestone road, and led Bai Xingkuang up to the altar under the eyes of everyone.And Bai Xingkuan also became the first empress to ascend the altar of the imperial mausoleum, and even the first empress to get married on the altar.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: I inherit the national destiny of the Great Zhao, and enjoy the honor of all peoples. I would like to declare to heaven and earth, that is, the emperor's throne. From then on, I will be close to the virtuous and far away from the sycophant, diligent in government and love the people, and reform the old and reform..."

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: I heard that those who are holy kings must stand up, and honor the people by inheriting the ancestral temple. There is now a strange woman named Bai, who is immortal and beautiful, with good character... Grant the queen's seal, mother Yitianxia!"

When Weijing recited the imperial edict forcefully, Zhao Fengji turned his head to look at Bai Xingkuan, who tilted his head slightly, as if he was asking him with some doubts, what is she doing?

Zhao Fengji showed a smile, opened his mouth, and said softly: "From now on, you will be my queen!"

"You are my male now!" The famous one.

At the moment when the edict ended, dozens of fireworks were in full bloom. Although it was daytime, they were still dazzling and attracted everyone's attention.

At the same time, countless colorful balloons rose slowly, becoming the most beautiful decoration in the sky.

"Go, I'll take you back." Bai Xingkuan took out the hot air balloon. Amidst countless exclamations, the hot air balloon grew bigger and bigger until finally, it was enough to accommodate the two of them.

Amid the flying balloons and escorted by bright fireworks, Bai Xingkuan and Zhao Fengji rode in a hot air balloon, ending the ritual of worshiping heaven in a romantic and novel way.

"Wow, it's so exciting, this is so fun." On the hot air balloon, Bai Xingkuang's eyes were shining, and his face was still flushed.

Zhao Fengji looked at her, and couldn't help lowering his head...

Accompany you to the end of the world,
Accompany you to the Cape,
Accompany you to do all the things you want to do.


The ends of the earth are not romantic.

Accompany you is.

The penultimate step of the process is the political hall, where all the officials pay homage.

Before this, Bai Xingkuan and Zhao Fengji not only had a very sumptuous lunch, but also rested for a while because of their high speed.

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"See Queen, Queen..."

When Zhao Fengji took Bai Xingkuang's hand and walked past the minister's kneeling once again, Bai Xingkuang suddenly had a feeling.

What she and Zhao Fengji are going towards is not only marriage, but also the power that countless people are madly envious of!
Oh, how could her luck be so good!
Not to mention coming to this more prosperous world from the orc world, she also got a particularly powerful system mall, and the luckiest thing is that she even married Yang Jue!
Yang Jue, so good-looking, so powerful, and very, very kind to her.I will give her any delicious food first, and I will also prepare beautiful clothes and interesting objects for her, and I will accompany her to many interesting places.

Bai Xingkuan felt that she might be the luckiest female in the beastman world, and also the happiest female!
"Yang Jue, you are alright." Bai Xingkuan couldn't help but said to Zhao Fengji enthusiastically.

Zhao Fengji's steps were steady, his brows and eyes were full of joy, the throne not far away could not stir up any waves in him, at this moment in his heart, he only had her in his hand.

"You're fine too." Zhao Fengji responded, but felt that it wasn't enough, and added, "It's the best."

His star crest is naturally the best, he will save him in danger, he will fight side by side with him, he will save a lot of delicious food for him, and he will confess his love to him sweetly and foolishly.

She is like a gift from God to him, unique and precious.

She was like the marriage he had spent two lifetimes seeking, happy and sweet.

She is also like a scorching sun, warming his world; like a star in the night sky, illuminating his night; like a breeze, bringing joyful laughter; like drizzle, nourishing his barren life.

"From now on, you only need to be yourself, and no one can wrong you!" When Zhao Fengji took Bai Xingkuan's hand and they sat on the dragon chair together, Zhao Fengji solemnly promised.

If he became his empress and still needed to do things that wronged him, that would be his incompetence as an emperor!

Zhao Fengji was gentle and introverted, with an outward imposing manner, and said loudly to all the officials: "From now on, the Empress and I will be in charge of the Great Zhao. Anyone who dares to offend the Empress' dignity will be killed without mercy!"

His queen is his Ni Lin, and he exposed this fact to the whole world without fear. He wants to tell everyone that before offending his queen, he must consider the result!
Bai Xingkuan looked at the domineering Zhao Fengji at this time, his eyes were full of sparkling little stars.

"From today onwards, Yang Jue is my husband, don't make him unhappy, or I will make you disappear from this world completely!"

She has learned such a domineering way of confessing!

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